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I'm tired of it, sick and tired

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"I support the second amendment but..." "I think we should have the right to carry but I don't think you should open carry, open carrying is asking for trouble" To these folks, I say screw you and the horse you rode in on. I'm tired of "2A supporters" who generalize everyone who open carries simply because it isn't your style. No, everyone who open carries isn't looking for attention anymore than a person that wears a wrist watch opposed to a pocket watch is looking for attention. Are there exceptions? Of course. Like with anything, there will be exceptions. But damn you if you can claim yourself to be a second amendment supporter then talk down about open carrying. I do it on occasion, simply because it's much more comfortable. If you don't like to open carry, don't. It's very simple how that works. I'm tired if those naysayers who are far too afraid of spooking the sheep to open carry, so they point fingers at those who do. I may not like the way you do things, but I'll support your right to do it , and I'll stand against anyone that tries to take that away. If you can't say the same then please, stop claiming to fight the same fight I'm sorry, but as a firearms community, we have to do better. I personally don't care if you wear your firearm on the side of your head with a custom pink leather holster, I'll support your right to do so. I may think you're a bit goofy, but I'm still beside you. This isn't a concealed vs. open carry argument. This is a standing up for OUR rights argument, there's no room for us to be divided, there's no room for "buts". I see it far too often from supposed "2A supporters", even on this board. If any of this made any sense, good. If not, then I apologize. I was in full rage mode after reading some comments about an open carrier being hassled by an idiot leo and yes, I feel better now Edited by KKing
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I see it far too often from supposed "2A supporters", even on this board.

I haven’t seen many on here that don’t support your right to do it. That’s not the same thing as those that think it’s a bad idea or a tactical disadvantage. My experience has shown me that it’s a tactical disadvantage; others experiences may show them something else. Also, do I think most people that open carry are seeking attention? Yes I do, but that’s just my opinion and has nothing to do with the law or rights.

I don’t really care if people open carry; although I don’t think that was the intent of not outlawing it. What gets me are the people that cry like babies when they get stopped open carrying. If you are open carrying and someone calls in on you; you will get stopped. Deal with it like an adult. Show your HCP be professional and courteous and be on your way. You live in a state where carrying a gun is a crime.
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I'm like Dave on this one... It is against the law in this state to "...go armed..." without a HCP... We can quibble about whether it infringes on your 2A constitutional rights (...i happen to think it does...) but that is the "settled law"... If you open carry in the wrong place (...the mall, the health club walking track, ect...) you can expect someone not to like it and to drop a dime on ya.... That is the nature of things in this society...


f you are out in the field or at the barnyard; no one is probably gonna care....


As the Apostle Paul said: "....everything may be permissible, but not everything is helpful....". This issue is one of them...


Discretion and wisdom always trumps "in your face" exercise of rights... Many see the open carry thing in crowded locations as an "in your face" thing.... It's one thing for your skirt to blow up in the wind every now and then... It's quite another not to wear a skirt at all...



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"I support the second amendment but..." "I think we should have the right to carry but I don't think you should open carry, open carrying is asking for trouble" To these folks, I say screw you and the horse you rode in on. I'm tired of "2A supporters" who generalize everyone who open carries simply because it isn't your style. No, everyone who open carries isn't looking for attention anymore than a person that wears a wrist watch opposed to a pocket watch is looking for attention. Are there exceptions? Of course. Like with anything, there will be exceptions. But damn you if you can claim yourself to be a second amendment supporter then talk down about open carrying. I do it on occasion, simply because it's much more comfortable. If you don't like to open carry, don't. It's very simple how that works. I'm tired if those naysayers who are far too afraid of spooking the sheep to open carry, so they point fingers at those who do. I may not like the way you do things, but I'll support your right to do it , and I'll stand against anyone that tries to take that away. If you can't say the same then please, stop claiming to fight the same fight I'm sorry, but as a firearms community, we have to do better. I personally don't care if you wear your firearm on the side of your head with a custom pink leather holster, I'll support your right to do so. I may think you're a bit goofy, but I'm still beside you. This isn't a concealed vs. open carry argument. This is a standing up for OUR rights argument, there's no room for us to be divided, there's no room for "buts". I see it far too often from supposed "2A supporters", even on this board. If any of this made any sense, good. If not, then I apologize. I was in full rage mode after reading some comments about an open carrier being hassled by an idiot leo and yes, I feel better now



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I think in my semi drunken rage I should have clarified better. I'm by no means advocating carrying past postings, or giving law enforcement any flack if questioned. Laws are laws, and as much as I may not like some of them...I follow them and suggest everyone else do the same. I'm just tired of the judgement and bickering from those that can't see that by condemning someone who open carries lawfully, you're as bad as the idiot who tries to get into an altercation with LEO's for the camera. Both are detrimental to the cause, IMO. I'm also not talking about those who choose to open carry AR's in public. While I support those who can legally do so, regardless if it frightens the sheeples, I equate this to carrying a handgun around in your hand. I know it's not the same thing, but I know there's a higher level of fear that comes with it.
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To each is own, it never bothered me that someone would choose to OC, I am a semi-concealer, meaning that the method I conceal sometimes prints or shows part of my holster. Personally i'm not convinced that OC is a deterent for every thug, maybe some but I believe there are some who are pretty damn mean and bold and to me wearing a $500 to $1000+ handgun openly is a good payday for some thugs like carrying a big wad of 50's & 100's out in the open.

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I'm like Dave on this one... It is against the law in this state to "...go armed..." without a HCP... We can quibble about whether it infringes on your 2A constitutional rights (...i happen to think it does...) but that is the "settled law"... If you open carry in the wrong place (...the mall, the health club walking track, ect...) you can expect someone not to like it and to drop a dime on ya.... That is the nature of things in this society...


f you are out in the field or at the barnyard; no one is probably gonna care....


As the Apostle Paul said: "....everything may be permissible, but not everything is helpful....". This issue is one of them...


Discretion and wisdom always trumps "in your face" exercise of rights... Many see the open carry thing in crowded locations as an "in your face" thing.... It's one thing for your skirt to blow up in the wind every now and then... It's quite another not to wear a skirt at all...




So exercising a constitutionally protected right is akin to walking around naked?

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"I support the second amendment but..." "I think we should have the right to carry but I don't think you should open carry, open carrying is asking for trouble" To these folks, I say screw you and the horse you rode in on. I'm tired of "2A supporters" who generalize everyone who open carries simply because it isn't your style. No, everyone who open carries isn't looking for attention anymore than a person that wears a wrist watch opposed to a pocket watch is looking for attention. Are there exceptions? Of course. Like with anything, there will be exceptions. But damn you if you can claim yourself to be a second amendment supporter then talk down about open carrying. I do it on occasion, simply because it's much more comfortable. If you don't like to open carry, don't. It's very simple how that works. I'm tired if those naysayers who are far too afraid of spooking the sheep to open carry, so they point fingers at those who do. I may not like the way you do things, but I'll support your right to do it , and I'll stand against anyone that tries to take that away. If you can't say the same then please, stop claiming to fight the same fight I'm sorry, but as a firearms community, we have to do better. I personally don't care if you wear your firearm on the side of your head with a custom pink leather holster, I'll support your right to do so. I may think you're a bit goofy, but I'm still beside you. This isn't a concealed vs. open carry argument. This is a standing up for OUR rights argument, there's no room for us to be divided, there's no room for "buts". I see it far too often from supposed "2A supporters", even on this board. If any of this made any sense, good. If not, then I apologize. I was in full rage mode after reading some comments about an open carrier being hassled by an idiot leo and yes, I feel better now


Well...I'm sick and tired of idiots who open carry and DO cause problems or who do so for the PURPOSE of causing problems.


The problem with open carry is that is not open carry itself but the undo and often negative attention it can bring to the whole community of those who go armed for their own protection meaning it isn't all about you and your decision to OC or not OC..


I'm never going to tell someone they "can't" open carry if they are following the law but I'll damn sure speak about how I feel about the issue overall.

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I fully agree, but ... :)


the anti-open carry folks are, by and large, gun people who would not actually support laws or enforcement against open carry.  I sure don't.  I think open carry is a bad idea, but that is simply my own opinion.  I would not support any laws against it.   For the record, though its been a few years, I have heard complaints about concealed carry too (no honest person would do that, they would wear it openly, people have said that).


The 'but' that worries me are the people in power who say "I support the 2nd but you do not NEED XYZ and those things are scary lookin"   --- the current theme being plastic rifles, but before that it was magazines, and at one time it was any pistol esp smaller ones, and so on.

Edited by Jonnin
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I'm like Dave on this one... It is against the law in this state to "...go armed..." without a HCP... We can quibble about whether it infringes on your 2A constitutional rights (...i happen to think it does...) but that is the "settled law"... If you open carry in the wrong place (...the mall, the health club walking track, ect...) you can expect someone not to like it and to drop a dime on ya.... That is the nature of things in this society...


f you are out in the field or at the barnyard; no one is probably gonna care....


As the Apostle Paul said: "....everything may be permissible, but not everything is helpful....". This issue is one of them...


Discretion and wisdom always trumps "in your face" exercise of rights... Many see the open carry thing in crowded locations as an "in your face" thing.... It's one thing for your skirt to blow up in the wind every now and then... It's quite another not to wear a skirt at all...







The above is copy right infringement stolen from my thoughts and there's got to be a law somewhere against that :rofl:

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[quote name="mikegideon" post="1095418" timestamp="1389799960"]I don't want open made illegal. If it ever is, it will be because of somebody doing it wrong.[/quote] I agree, and I believe those that are in the "but" crowd will only hurt the matter. There's a lot of things I don't "like" when it comes to rights. Freedom of religion...I guess you could say I don't like it because I believe the Muslim religion is dangerous to the core, but I support freedom of religion regardless. I wish more could see past their "feelings" and stand up for our rights before it truly is too late Edited by KKing
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[quote name="RobertNashville" post="1095428" timestamp="1389800613"]What exactly does someone have to do to "stand up for our (your) rights? If standing up for your rights mean that I have to hold the same opinion about open carry as you have then it isn't going to happen.[/quote] I don't think you have to carry the same opinion at all. Like I said, I just think the finger pointing and naysaying is more harmful to the greater good. I'm not saying you've done that personally, but those who do only create a divide.
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I don't think you have to carry the same opinion at all. Like I said, I just think the finger pointing and naysaying is more harmful to the greater good. I'm not saying you've done that personally, but those who do only create a divide.

Well, I'm very vocal (at least on forums) when I see someone open carrying and it causes a problem because those who do OC that results in a problem are, I believe, hurting all of us even if that wasn't their intention.


As was eloquently pointed out earlier that I'll paraphrase; all thins may be legal but not all things are appropriate.. ;)

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[quote name="RobertNashville" post="1095470" timestamp="1389803010"]Well, I'm very vocal (at least on forums) when I see someone open carrying and it causes a problem because those who do OC that results in a problem are, I believe, hurting all of us even if that wasn't their intention. As was eloquently pointed out earlier that I'll paraphrase; all thins may be legal but not all things are appropriate.. ;)[/quote] So what about those that don't cause a problem while OC'ing?
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So what about those that don't cause a problem while OC'ing?

I still think that openly carrying is ill advised tactically and socially in many if not most public places.


As I said in my original post above, I'm not going to tell someone they "can't" openly carry (so long as it's done legally) but that doesn't mean I think doing so is a good idea.

Edited by RobertNashville
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I still think that openly carrying is ill advised tactically and socially in many if not most public places.


As I said in my original post above, I'm not going to tell someone they "can't" openly carry (so long as it's done legally) but that doesn't mean I think doing so is a good.

I'll say again, there's a time and a place.

I am in situations on a regular basis wherein I open carry. It seems to keep things civil if I'm surprised by someone being somewhere they shouldn't be.

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So what about those that don't cause a problem while OC'ing?


It's not about them. It's about the idiots that wind up in the news. There's a big difference between carrying for the right reason, and going out to make a statement and stir up crap. In about 98% of the cases, if you wind up on TV because of your gun... you're an idiot. Those people hurt gun owners, which means they hurt me. 

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