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Gen 4 G19 custom

Guest BallisticArms

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Guest BallisticArms

Just finished up on my G19. Grip reduction (candle method), trigger guard undercut, and full re-texture. Let me know what you think.


Grip Reduction (removing the hump on the backstrap)



Undercut Triggerguard and Re-texture started



Finished up









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Guest BallisticArms

Nice well finished job!

Although mainly for appearance, have you given any thought to rounding the front of the trigger guard?


Since this is my EDC, I like having the edge for whatever defensive purpose it might provide. If it were range/competition gun i would round it off. Just my personal opinion.

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Guest BallisticArms

Can you provide more detail on the "candle method" grip reduction.  I'm interested in trying this on a G17.


The candle method involves using a source of heat (i prefer a candle) to heat up the polymer and then using a hard surface to reshape the backstrap. I will caution you though, you can easily ruin a frame if you are not very patient and take it slow. I have seen a lot of people get in a hurry and deform the polymer or even burn a whole through the frame. I cant give the full details of how i do it, as i plan on providing this as a service once i get my FFL, but this will get you on your way if you want to do it yourself.

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Guest BallisticArms

That looks fantastic. Professional is the first word that came to mind but others beat me to it. Please describe this "candle method" you used.


Also, any idea how much you shrunk the frame?

I will note that if you take the time you can do this without having to re-texture the backstrap, but you must not over heat the polymer or you will start displacing the plastic instead of reshaping it.


I don't have hard numbers on the size but i would guess 1/8-1/4 in. If anyone has a gen4 G19 and would like to measure from the middle finger hump back to the widest part of the backstrap we can see for sure.


How long does it take to do the grip mod?


Will it make me shoot like hickok45?

I believe it took me about 2 hrs between working on it and keeping my daughter out of the dog food bowl.


Maybe Hickup45

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The candle method involves using a source of heat (i prefer a candle) to heat up the polymer and then using a hard surface to reshape the backstrap. I will caution you though, you can easily ruin a frame if you are not very patient and take it slow. I have seen a lot of people get in a hurry and deform the polymer or even burn a whole through the frame. I cant give the full details of how i do it, as i plan on providing this as a service once i get my FFL, but this will get you on your way if you want to do it yourself.


Interesting.  I'm a DIY'er so I may give this a go.  I like the gen4 grip much better than the gen3 (which prompted me to finally buy a Glock) but I would like to take just a little more off the hump.  I'll update when/if I decide to do this.

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Guest BallisticArms

Interesting.  I'm a DIY'er so I may give this a go.  I like the gen4 grip much better than the gen3 (which prompted me to finally buy a Glock) but I would like to take just a little more off the hump.  I'll update when/if I decide to do this.


Yea, that is why i chose the gen4. Good luck!

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Very nice job.  If you find that you have jacked up a grip then get black Devcon 290.  You can fix or even custom mold a grip on a polymer gun with it.  What I find interesting is some folks' reluctance to make a gun fit to them when it is relatively simple and not particularly time consuming when dealing with polymer framed guns.  Skill set and tools are minimal.   Glocks are tools, like a favoirte hammer, it ain't collectible as they all look the same and there is about a zillion of them around the world. A heavy Royal Blue Colt Python is a collectible handgun, Glock ain't.  Which would I rather carry to a gunfight?  Glock. Get your Dremel, heat gun, candle, Devcon or whatever and make that Glock fit you better.

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Guest BallisticArms



Very nice job.  If you find that you have jacked up a grip then get black Devcon 290.  You can fix or even custom mold a grip on a polymer gun with it.  What I find interesting is some folks' reluctance to make a gun fit to them when it is relatively simple and not particularly time consuming when dealing with polymer framed guns.  Skill set and tools are minimal.   Glocks are tools, like a favoirte hammer, it ain't collectible as they all look the same and there is about a zillion of them around the world. A heavy Royal Blue Colt Python is a collectible handgun, Glock ain't.  Which would I rather carry to a gunfight?  Glock. Get your Dremel, heat gun, candle, Devcon or whatever and make that Glock fit you better.


Thank you! I try not to "jack up" my work, but i will keep that in mind. It may be what i'm looking for to create a beaver tail some people have shown interest in. I do believe you should be comfortable with your weapon, as it should be an extension of your body. I disagree about the skill set though, if your wanting something that has FORM and FUNCTION. Just take a look through google pics or forums and you will find a plethora of jobs gone bad or ones that look like a cave man did them. Don't get me wrong on a gun like this functionality should be the main priority, but I like my work to look as good as well. This is just my personal philosophy.  

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Just remember that if you take other people's guns into your home to do gun work for money the ATF could become interested in your business unless you have an FFL.  I still have my first "jacked" up grip job that I did just about everything to including some Devcon.  That pistol fits me like  a glove and looks like hell. I have done more than a couple of grip jobs, more as favors than anything else and taught several other fellas how to do it.  I quit doing them when I realized that what I was doing was essentially illegal without an FFL. 

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Guest BallisticArms

Just remember that if you take other people's guns into your home to do gun work for money the ATF could become interested in your business unless you have an FFL.  I still have my first "jacked" up grip job that I did just about everything to including some Devcon.  That pistol fits me like  a glove and looks like hell. I have done more than a couple of grip jobs, more as favors than anything else and taught several other fellas how to do it.  I quit doing them when I realized that what I was doing was essentially illegal without an FFL. 


Yep, I'm in the process of setting up my LLC and getting my FFL.

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