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The Presidential Race isn't on?

Guest TankerHC

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Guest TankerHC

I am pretty sure all of this has something to do with the 2016 Presidential Election. 


First, 6 or 8 months ago, you have Rubio who was considering a run or at least was THOUGHT to be a contender, state he wasn't running and his insiders claiming it had to do with the questions of his citizenship qualifications.


Then you have press reports begin popping up, first months ago when Cruz filed under the McCain Rule, then when he was later to be shown correct about the ACA, press reports again begin popping up pointing out that after January 1st he was still a Canadian Citizen, his father entered the Country illegally and didn't become a citizen until 2005 and his fathers long ago ties to Communists in Cuba.


Then you have Ryan and the Republicans talked into a deal that essentially screwed 32 million veterans and their families as well as those actively serving in favor of Welfare with Ryan putting the icing on the cake by calling Vet's "Waste" by throwing them in with cutting "Waste" while leaving increases for Welfare, benefits for Illegals and tons of pork thereby creating 32 million outraged Veterans, family members and active duty, not to mention all of the civilians who appreciate their veterans.  Leading to John Boehner apologizing last week, and claiming that "We are sorry, we did not read the Bill and did not know those cuts were in it" clearly lying, Ryan getting verbally body slammed on every Conservative Talk show he appears on now and the Democrats blocking any Bill that may remove those cuts.


Then you have this Chris Christie thing, clearly lying, and even if it wasn't lying it wouldn't matter because the left and MSM has taken the 91 (or 94, cant remember) year olds death and run with it. With even the Heritage Foundation and WSJ saying his prospects are over.


For the Democrats, it's a Republican Turkey Shoot.


Who's next? At this point I don't believe anyone is safe. Not West, Ben Carson, certainly not Bachmann, Perry or Santorum who are contemplating running again.


The "Right" might forget about these things in 12 months, the Left wont. They are only beginning. I would bet anyone here a dollar to a donut, within the next 30-60 days, another Republican prospect is going to take a major political hit. I'm sorry, but I cannot believe (Logically) the attempt (Mostly successful so far, with Boehners help) to take down 4 Potential Republican Presidential Candidates in 6 months is some kind of coincidence.  


I'm not THAT stupid. The Democrats are held to nothing when it comes to their failures, even when it involves American deaths. If someone doesn't come out of the shadows to do something pretty soon, the Dem's will insure Hillary not only wins, but runs away with the next Presidential election. 


Just a guess. 





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the race has been on for the left from day one. they are all most half way finish.  the right is not even in the car at this time.  the car is still on blocks.  the right will wake up an find out the race is over, again.  the old party ways will not work anymore.  the last two elections show us that.    

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Tanker, I think you're too quick to write some people off. The time measured on the political clock is much different than the

standard clock measures it. I know you're not stupid, but you could go re-read those sources you have and re-tune your

Barbara Streisand detector.


The way the timing of Chritsie's event is is most people will have forgotten it completely. I'm not going to weigh in on Cruz because

I'm not a constitutional expert. Maybe, maybe not. There could even be a split from the Republican Party and a new party formed.

With 24/7 news cycles, very few remember what happened yesterday, but the Tea Party is still around.


I'm not saying you're wrong, but I can't make those assertions, yet.

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The events mentioned bring home a sad fact: the Republican Party is self-destructing.

I was a Republican right up until Newt Gingich got in bed with Bill Clinton. Since then I have had nothing to do with either party.

The Democrats are too populist and Socialist for me ( I am a Free Market person). The Republicans are no longer GOP but Neoconservative. They are too plutocratic to be Free Market.


We are in the same mess Germany was in the 1920’s: you have a choice between Socialism and Fascism. Neither party has any desire to govern this country, they just want the power to rape the middle class.

Both parties have sold out to the super-wealthy.

The Democrats have too many faults to even start listing here. I have no intention of becoming a Democrat nor defending them. 


 The Republicans however, have acquired some glaring faults:

They claim to be moral and Christian, yet they marry three and four times. They cheat publicly on their wives. They have been caught lying and cheating to win elections. Their children are Lesbians and Homosexuals.

They claim to be Free Market Capitalists, yet they operate through crony capitalism (dangerously close to Fascism!) thereby discouraging true capitalism.

They scream about liberal bias in media, yet they also run blatantly obvious propaganda mills, full of lies and half-truths.

They are not the lesser of two evils, they are one of the two great evils, neither of which is fit to govern.


Answer? I don’t have one. The two parties have seized the government and have too much power to unseat. We are going to have to live with the obvious, rule by the People is a myth.

Edited by wjh2657
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Hell, the Republicans are chopping the heads off of their own possibles and Obama has never quit his campaigning for the Democratic machine. He spend more time campaign on the campaign trail for the party more than he does doing what he was elected to do. Obama has never quit fund raising for his party and I don't expect him to stop any time soon. The thing that sticks in my craw the most is everyone has ghosts in their closet and the guy in the Oval Office right now has more than most and yet he was allowed to seal all of his entire past except for a few small ticket items that got out but no one bothered to challenge them. One being how is it that he is using the Social Security of a dead man in CT and it has not come out and been investigated as to how he got that number? That alone is federal felony fraud but nothing is done about it. If and I say if I was going to throw my hat in the ring on a conservative ticket I would first seal all of my records also.....................jmho  

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Huckabee will almost certainly be the nominee. His history, completely a matter of public knowledge, doesn't leave anything for the left to attack...he's conservative "enough" that the less informed conservative voters will go for him in the primaries to give him the win and he's moderate enough that the Republican elite establishment will be comfortable supporting him. All of which is unfortunate because while he is light years better than Obama or Hillery he is still, at the end of the day, just another middle of the road, moderate who claims to be conservative but really isn't.

Rand Paul is too radical/far right to get the nomination or the support of the establishment and even if he did, I won't vote for the man any more than I would vote for Huckabee. I don't see Issa with any significant chance although he is the one I know the least about so I don't know if I could vote for him or not.

My problem and I suspect the problem with most true conservatives with the 2016 election is that it's pretty likely that anyone I could truly support and vote for is probably either far "too" conservative to get the nomination (and the support of the establishment) OR is too unknown to the country to get real traction (or both). :shake: :cry:

Edited by RobertNashville
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I finally found a candidate worthy of support in 2016.




Well, that, or another Martin Luther, geared for the fight against the government instead of the Pope.

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yeah Huckabee won't make it for the sole reason of being so religious...  Too many soundbites from him exist over the past few years from TV and his radio show saying that everyone just needs to trust god and not question it.

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Most of my spring changes have been pleasant, such as a 3.5 pound spring for my Glock 19, a 20 pound replacement recoil spring for my 1911 Kimber, etc.


The spring replacement, taking off the spring of a new Victor "Rat" trap and installing it on one of my wife's wooden clothes pins every four years to stand at the voting booth with such pressure forcing my nostril's closed, is a painful and unpleasant experience. Then coming home and using a dozen of those nasal strips to open and undo the damage for a breath a fresh air.


But hey, at least I get out and vote for the lessor of two weevil's.

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Huckabee does have one thing going against him. Yes he was a governor but he was or is a minister and a man of faith which would work against him because many people fear religious figures and politics together.................jmho


yeah Huckabee won't make it for the sole reason of being so religious...  Too many soundbites from him exist over the past few years from TV and his radio show saying that everyone just needs to trust god and not question it.


I disagree...while I can't recall any that have been an ordained minister; it's quite the norm for the Republican candidate to express profound Christian beliefs which is not only accepted by most but I would say, expected by most. So, the fact that he was (or may still technically be) a minister I think will be a minor issue in him being the nominee. If it hurts him it will be in the general election which I think is about 99% lost already regardless of what candidate gets the R nomination.


Who knows...I may be completely wrong...I guess we'll know in about 18 months or so!  LOL

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I agree with you in some aspects Robert, nearly all conservatives running for office place a high regard for religious beliefs but I personally think Huckabee is a bit too much for the masses to swallow.


Especially as soon as they start the topic of him thinking a woman that was raped should be forced to have the baby.

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Guest TankerHC

Tanker, I think you're too quick to write some people off. The time measured on the political clock is much different than the

standard clock measures it. I know you're not stupid, but you could go re-read those sources you have and re-tune your

Barbara Streisand detector.


The way the timing of Chritsie's event is is most people will have forgotten it completely. I'm not going to weigh in on Cruz because

I'm not a constitutional expert. Maybe, maybe not. There could even be a split from the Republican Party and a new party formed.

With 24/7 news cycles, very few remember what happened yesterday, but the Tea Party is still around.


I'm not saying you're wrong, but I can't make those assertions, yet.



Because nothing in the OP actually happened?


No, the the left is making sure these people have no chance. 


Start with Cruz. I wont repeat it, the list is already at the top. Those issues are already out. Why? Why isnt the press holding back until after the mid terms when the Presidential Campaigns really begin? You throw all of what Boehner said in the mix, the Speaker of the House of his own Party, which I am pretty sure the Left will have no problem getting the video from the news media and the news media will run over and over and..


Then compare that to West and you have people claiming West cannot win because of his single issue, which isnt an issue, and Cruz can. Including a couple of my Ultra Conservative family members, Those are the people who need to check their Barbara Streisand meters. 


Look at Christie, The left wanted him as our candidate, I said that months ago right here, it was clearly obvious. Every singe MSM outlet was Promoting Christie for President right after that storm up there and it really has not stopped. It is the same thing they did with McCain and Romney. Now you have most Conservative organizations saying that not only can he not win, you have at least two saying the left pulled the trigger too soon, they wanted him for our Candidate and now he has ZERO chance. They should have waited. Truth "If the Left supports a Candidate and that Candidate wins the nomination that Candidate will lose" With the Bridge issue throw in his Bernie Madoff lobbying and he really has no chance, anyone who still wants this guy to win the nomination in my opinion, and a lot of others, can be nothing other than a Liberal.


Rubio, no one seems to know what happened to this "rising star" but he did say he wasn't running, which I am well aware does not mean he cannot change his mind, but those issues have already been brought out. (Citizenship qualifications) I'm sure since he stated that and has basically gone quiet the Left sees him as no threat. In fact, if Rubio were to somehow miraculously win the nomination, with his lack of experience alone, forget any negatives, even though the Left will find or create some, Hillary will eat him alive. Oh, and throw John Boehner into that mix as well.


Paul Ryan? Forget it. When you have the Speaker of the House making public apologies because Congress didn't read a Bill, which they rarely ever do anyway, you have no chance. 


No, a lot of people need to listen to that person people keep calling an idiot. Sarah Palin, and wake up and begin paying attention. When I saw what she said yesterday, I could not hardly believe it. Based on what she said, Romney handed Obama the election. The outcome was a forgone conclusion even in their camp. It was over before it started.We are about to lose the election before the mid term elections are even held.


I notice that Rand Paul is coming more and more to the forefront not as a potential Candidate who can WIN by the Conservative media, but for the way he treated Hillary Clinton in front of the Committee on Benghazi, that and not Benghazi is becoming the focus. I don't know who it will be, but it will be someone, and Ill make a prediction. The Left and the MSM next target will be Rand Paul.  


People need to stop talking about BS and start paying attention. Historically, and this is something else that anyone can look up, mentioned this months ago, over 80% of incumbents in Congress are re-elected regardless of previous issues. People like their Congressman. During those Campaigns National Issues come off the table, and local issues go back on the table, and Congressional Incumbents win. The Polls are now showing 80% all but locked in. No surprise at all, none. With at least 80% of the current Congress, especially with Boehner, and a slim chance of taking the Senate, maybe by 1 Seat if at all and Hillary winning 24 months later, which will all but gurantee Congress remains the same or the Republicans eventually lose the House, were done.


Sorry, but that is enough to keep me AWAKE, call it "keeping my BS Meter up" if you want to, but I don't see it that way, I see it as a battle that has already started. I don't believe in temporary apathy. 


EDIT: BTW, this post isn't promoting West either, it was a comparison, from the way things are going he needs no issues at all for the Left to take him apart, Rand Paul standing up to Clinton, with no issues at all, will become a positive issue for the Left. 

Edited by TankerHC
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Rubio, no one seems to know what happened to this "rising star" 


There's no question on what happened to Rubio, He came up as a big Tea Party person then jumped on board with the establicrats trying to ram through that amnesty bill and it bit him in the ass.  He disappeared after that failed because he knew exactly what he did.  


This is also when he lost any support from me

Edited by Sam1
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"Sorry, but that is enough to keep me AWAKE, call it "keeping my BS Meter up" if you want to, but I don't see it that way, I see it as

a battle that has already started. I don't believe in temporary apathy."


Do you really think this hasn't been going on for decades? The media took a huge left turn in the sixties, actually, way before that.

Uncle Walter and Chet and David weren't exactly conservatives. or more fairly, honest reporters. That's what I meant by BS meter.

That battle has been going on since before we were born, assuming you and I are similar in age. You mentioned Ryan, Boehner,

West, Cruz, maybe a few more, and more should listen to Sarah Palin. I agree about the last part.


I think we'll just have to see who actually announces their candidacy. Until then, it's just a bunch of speculation. If you wish to call

me apathetic, so be it, but go back for the last five or so years and look at some of my posts before you do. I just don't care to get

worked up about it until they get in the running.


As far as Romney giving up on his campaign, there were ads that could have made a difference that didn't get air time. Throw in a general

amount of disinterest and Romney lost. Lots of mistakes in the 2008 and 2012 campaigns. Hindsight's usually close to 20/20.


You say people need to quit talking about BS. BS is most of the reports in the news. I don't know how you characterize it, but it is mostly

untrue what is reported, unless you believe in fairies and unicorns. I don't really want to get a third person account of what or who did it,

any more. I just want to hear what the man or woman has to say, and use my BS detector a lot when it comes to the third party trash. I

don't know if that's a better way, but it is the way I chose.


If you know most of the news outlets are of a liberal bent, if you go into viewing it any other way, you will just get caught up in their game.


And if those among us are so worked up about Cruz's eligibility, you might consider all the rest of the Constitution that has already been

shredded that you keep silent about, first. I'm not saying two wrongs make a right, but I am saying pick your battles, that is, if there are

any left who choose to fight. Yeh, I'm apathetic.

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There's no question on what happened to Rubio, He came up as a big Tea Party person then jumped on board with the establicrats trying to ram through that amnesty bill and it bit him in the ass.  He disappeared after that failed because he knew exactly what he did.  


This is also when he lost any support from me

Exactly correct.


Rubio is dead to any true conservative as well he should be.

Edited by RobertNashville
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I doubt he's dead to any true conservative. If you go back and dig deep enough into conservatives, you can find mistakes all

day long. Elevating the requirement to infallibility won't get you anywhere, except more in the loser's column. when you end

up requiring sainthood, you end up where we are now: a pool of candidates that no one wants. Rubio's was a huge mistake

and if it didn't wake him up, he will flounder.


Anyone around here been a campaign manager for a politician? I haven't, either, but I imagine your outlook might change a bit

if you saw the game and how it's played from within the candidacy.


I wouldn't vote for Huckabee in a primary because of his support of Alexander in his primary. I'd vote for both in the general, though.

It certainly wouldn't be a killer if someone said "Praise God". If that is what kills a person's candidacy, the Republic is dead.

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I doubt he's dead to any true conservative. If you go back and dig deep enough into conservatives, you can find mistakes all

day long. Elevating the requirement to infallibility won't get you anywhere, except more in the loser's column. when you end

up requiring sainthood, you end up where we are now: a pool of candidates that no one wants. Rubio's was a huge mistake

and if it didn't wake him up, he will flounder.


Anyone around here been a campaign manager for a politician? I haven't, either, but I imagine your outlook might change a bit

if you saw the game and how it's played from within the candidacy.


I wouldn't vote for Huckabee in a primary because of his support of Alexander in his primary. I'd vote for both in the general, though.

It certainly wouldn't be a killer if someone said "Praise God". If that is what kills a person's candidacy, the Republic is dead.

I would suggest that any "conservative" that still would consider Rubio "conservative" has a very broad definition of conservatism!

I'm not looking for a perfect candidate but there are some issues that are simply too important to overlook and issues I will not overlook...wanting to give 20 million criminals amnesty is one of them.  However, amnesty for illegals in only one of his problems (or should be) for conservatives not the least of which is that he flat out lied about his real convictions to get the support of Tea Party folks and then showed his true colors quickly after getting elected. We have plenty of liars in politics already...we don't need any more.

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If your looking for non liars in politics Robert you are looking for a unicorn. Can you name one real politician that has not lied about something at one time or another either in their candidacy or after getting elected please share that person with us...........Politicians are all (no offense meant) are used car salesmen and saleswomen. And all of their cars are one owners that a little old school teacher drove..................jmho 

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Robert. All I'm saying is that at the end of the day, I will make my choice for the best candidate. If it is Rubio, okay. If it is

West or someone else, okay. I know who I want, but that's a snowball's chance in Hell, so what's the point?

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Guest Lester Weevils
West can't win because he is too much of a hard tail for enough people to vote for him. Not being especially critical of hard tails, but it would be like getting a majority vote for R. Lee Ermie. :)
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