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Just saw another news report on gun store hiest!!


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They were just talking about the heist at the N Range Gun Store. They said 43 guns were taken many of them semi auto hand guns and then they added that several AR15's were taken but they couldn't leave it with just AR15 they had to add the words AR15 Assault Rifles.Ok I gotta ask are all AR15's Assault Rifles or are AR15's converted into assault rifles after they are purchased and certain modifications are made to the making them assault rifles. I'm not really a black gun guy except while I was in Nam and had M14's to begin with and then received the M16's later after so many issues with a swamps, jungles and mud............ Just Curious to see replies. They also asked that anyne that may be buying a gun from a person to call the police in Metro or Hendersonville and let them run the Serial numbers for them to make sure you were not buying a stolen gun.........DUH!!   My guess is none of those guns were taken to re sell. My guess is a gang made the hit to update or increase the gangs firepower but I could be wrong............. :squint: :squint: :squint:

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Assault rifles are full automatic/burst and can not be converted to either post sale unless it was registered or uses a registered "lighting link" made and registered prior to 1986.


That being said "Assault rifle" is the new boogey term that has replaced "Glock" and "AK-47" as the generic fear term for guns used in media and by politicians.


They also said nearly 50 guns were taken at a loss of $15K. That averages out to around $330 per gun. I think it is yet another example of not fact checking their terms and info.

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Hmmm, assault rifle?????   Let me see.  The use of assault in this manner is a verb.  A verb is an action word.  So if I use my Daisy Red Rider in a attack on someone, does that make my bb gun a genuine assault weapon.  I guess by definition, yes.  So any weapon, knife, fists, tool, rolling pin, etc. that are used in attack on someone is considered an assault weapon.  But hey I am using logic and Webster.  The media and the left can use and twist what they want to fit their agenda!  The word gun used in a sentence is just naked and mundane, but when it is coupled with the word assault or the word deadly it gets attention, but I don't think the gun itself changed one bit.  Just drama for the uninformed and dumbed down Americans I suppose.



Edited by Runco
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An assault rifle is a selective fire (selective between semi-automatic, fully automatic and/or burst fire) rifle that uses an intermediate cartridge and a detachable magazine.[1] Assault rifles are the standard service rifles in most modern armies. Note the difference between the assault rifle and the battle rifle. Assault rifles use smaller cartridges and are used at closer ranges than battle rifles. The larger sized rifle cartridges used in battle rifles make fully automatic fire more difficult. Fully automatic fire refers to an ability for a rifle to fire continuously while the trigger is pressed and held; "burst-capable" fire refers to an ability of a rifle to fire a small yet fixed multiple number of rounds with but one press of the trigger; in contrast, semi-automatic refers to an ability to fire one round per press of a trigger regardless of how long the trigger is held. The presence of selective fire modes on assault rifles permits more efficient use of rounds to be fired for specific needs, versus having a single mode of operation, such as fully automatic, thereby conserving ammunition while maximizing on-target accuracy and effectiveness.



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Assault rifles are full automatic/burst and can not be converted to either post sale unless it was registered or uses a registered "lighting link" made and registered prior to 1986.


That being said "Assault rifle" is the new boogey term that has replaced "Glock" and "AK-47" as the generic fear term for guns used in media and by politicians.


They also said nearly 50 guns were taken at a loss of $15K. That averages out to around $330 per gun. I think it is yet another example of not fact checking their terms and info.


Wow, this place has really good prices on guns.  I need to check this store out, at least after they get some new inventory in...

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Wow, this place has really good prices on guns.  I need to check this store out, at least after they get some new inventory in...

That many guns at those prices.  I am starting to think they might have just had a tragic boating accident. 

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They were just talking about the heist at the N Range Gun Store. They said 43 guns were taken many of them semi auto hand guns and then they added that several AR15's were taken but they couldn't leave it with just AR15 they had to add the words AR15 Assault Rifles.Ok I gotta ask are all AR15's Assault Rifles or are AR15's converted into assault rifles after they are purchased and certain modifications are made to the making them assault rifles. I'm not really a black gun guy except while I was in Nam and had M14's to begin with and then received the M16's later after so many issues with a swamps, jungles and mud............ Just Curious to see replies. They also asked that anyne that may be buying a gun from a person to call the police in Metro or Hendersonville and let them run the Serial numbers for them to make sure you were not buying a stolen gun.........DUH!!   My guess is none of those guns were taken to re sell. My guess is a gang made the hit to update or increase the gangs firepower but I could be wrong............. :squint: :squint: :squint:


There are two ways to turn an AR-15 into an assault rifle.


You can add an M16 hammer, trigger/disconnector, and selector. You also need some type of auto sear and a full auto bolt carrier.




You can be an idiot and just call it the wrong thing.

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