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Milk and bread folks, milk and bread!!!!!!!

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Yankees are the ones I always find in ditches....

I never said all yankees can drive in snow and ice (although as a group they do seem to have a better understanding of what a red traffic light means than many of the drivers in TN seem to have!). :shrug:

Edited by RobertNashville
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I wont lie, i had to go out and buy egg's and bread tonight (bagels specifically), the wife was out of the fixins necessary for her breakfast sandwiches and i wanted to go get icecream. 


She's from northern Indiana and always gets a laugh out of the people that go crazy about stuff like this. 

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just hope the power stays on. self sufficient for about 2 weeks BUT old legs will be a pain trying to get my gen up and running. have trouble walking on dry ground much less ice and snow. ps only one in a square mi. that had power and hot meals in the 93 storm.

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Guest RebelCowboySnB

Got the jeep started. Took over 2 hours, a hair dryer battery charger an ether... Roads are all ice but I drover around the community for a while an only found one truck in the ditch on a big hill. No one was around it though, not that I could have helped. My locking hubs are frozen an wont turn. Jeep doors an hood had to be ripped open. Back hatch wont open. Camper is froze shut so I couldn't get my gloves. I did get the chicken coop open to feed them but it took some work.


My  brother is at home watching TV. He called in to work cause his car doors were frozen shut. His are plastic so he could not yank on them like I can mine.

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Car started first time. I have a zerostart heater to warm the engine on days just like this (Diesels are slow to warm). The front door was kinda frosty though and when I got to work, I went to get something from the back seat and could not open the back door.

Edited by tnguy
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I guess I am a good boyscout. I stay prepared. have a refrigerator in house and another in carport with padlocks on it Plus freezer in out building also with pad locks. Jeep is full of gas plus have 25 gallons stored. 3 Grill tanks and a Propane heater is power goes out. I have back up batteries for everything. I have propane lanterns with a dozen back up bottles for both of them plus extra mantles. I have Coleman cook stove for power outages and an old style coffee pot that perks on Coleman if need be. Have a great stock of food for SHTF conditions and have back up eggs and milk in carport refer. Did go out and walk Kasey around yard this morning. She did her business while I about froze and she wanted to stay out and I made her come back in.  So all in all I guess being a good boyscout works out ok..........................jmho 

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