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Dan Wesson Revolver.......opinions?

Handsome Rob

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It looks like I'm going to take a look at a Dan Wesson .357 tomorrow. From what little I can see in the pics I think it's a 15-2 & I think it's a 1977 going by the serial number.
Is there anything particular with these that I should look out for?
Seems liked it's priced well ($350) Does this sound about right?
I know they're well known to be good shooters, but other than that, I know nothing about them.
It's primarily going to be a range/woods-bumming gun, but it may replace my .380 on the night stand.
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While a better nightstand gun, beware of firing magnum loads inside without hearing protection. I recently met a guy who had almost complete hearing loss from firing a snub nosed 357 in his basement. It has really got me thinking about a set of electronic ear muffs to sit on the nightstand.
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If you do get it....NEVER NEVER NEVER sell it!  I really regret selling mine but needs be..it was done. Excellent shooter, well balanced, changable barrel lengths, very tight lock up at the cylinder front. I have the Simply Rugged holster for it still...hoping to score another one. The DW is a tough cookie that needs no pampering and will serve you well in the field...mine did...took several Florida hogs with it, one shot (158gr bullets). The down side is finding parts and accessories for it. They are not as common as S&W but they can be had. The folks at Dan Wesson forum...http://www.danwessonforum.com/ are a great help....kinda like TGO except that is is single minded. Good luck!

Edited by ArmyBrat61
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Great pistols! I have a couple of friends one has a DW and the other has a Python, both with 6" barrels and the DW out shoots the Python for both of them! Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk Edited by Moped
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Well, I'm now it's proud & very happy owner! :) It's not perfect, there is a little putting on the cylinder in one spot, but the cylinder gap is perfect, lockup is solid & the trigger is unbelievable! I managed to talk him down $25 because of the pitting, but it really doesn't bother me in the least. I've run a few .38s through it & it shoots better than any other handgun I've shot (I'm not a pistol guy) & I'm probably as happy as I've ever been with a new toy! Sent outta my ass by flying monkeys.
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[URL=http://s4.photobucket.com/user/robtattoo/media/IMG_20140105_145710_467_zpsry38j6ps.jpg.html]IMG_20140105_145710_467_zpsry38j6ps.jpg[/URL] [URL=http://s4.photobucket.com/user/robtattoo/media/IMG_20140105_145649_104_zpswtfxxmlv.jpg.html]IMG_20140105_145649_104_zpswtfxxmlv.jpg[/URL] [URL=http://s4.photobucket.com/user/robtattoo/media/IMG_20140105_145657_994_zpsns6r0cvu.jpg.html]IMG_20140105_145657_994_zpsns6r0cvu.jpg[/URL] Sent outta my ass by flying monkeys.

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