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Wal Mart!!!

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I was directed into the 15 item or less register by one of their csms the last time I went even though I had a bunch of stuff. And of course as soon as she started ringing me up 3 other people jumped in the line. I love walmart like a toothache. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
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Never forget you can checkout at sports, automotive or the jewelery counter too. Oh, and electronics.

That's how I operate. I park and enter near the automotive shop. I get what I need and check out in the auto department. No crowds and I'm done in a short amount of time.
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I knew you guys were good for another thread! 32 checkout lanes and only two open. What's up with that? :rofl:


We can get nearly anything known to man at the cheapest price, ten minutes from nearly anywhere, 27 hours a day, 7 days a week, and still b1tch about it.


I love this country! :usa:



Yea! The more you shop, the more you save, spend yourself to oblivion, it's all the same! That jingle your fancy?  :rofl:


But yes, you're absolutely correct, we have it made being able to go buy anything 24/7, and I'm very grateful for it. I've been to a number of countries that envy us and our supermarkets.


Now, let's work on people who can't read a big damn sign in the air that say's, "10 items or less". Who are the illiterate that can't read, who taking their pointed index finger going, one, two, three... Can't count to even ten, much less 100? Ever had anyone butt in line in front of you because they're moe impotent than you?


When I was in school, Dick, Jane, Sally and Spot did a fine job in daily living. Now... Foo sta, WIC, EBT and use owes me is the educational requirements for a successful shopping experience at Walmart.


Just saying...

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Never forget you can checkout at sports, automotive or the jewelery counter too. Oh, and electronics. 



That's how I operate. I park and enter near the automotive shop. I get what I need and check out in the auto department. No crowds and I'm done in a short amount of time.

Y'all need to quit giving out the secrets, man! Next thing you know we will all be stuck in a long ass line in automotive.

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I was once in there with my kids, and as we got in the speedy checkout lane, I had something like an oil filter and a bag of apples, my youngest son was insistent that we count the apples to make sure we weren't in violation of the 10 items or less.

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That's how I operate. I park and enter near the automotive shop. I get what I need and check out in the auto department. No crowds and I'm done in a short amount of time.


I forgot gardening :)


I tend not to do it but for just a few items... Then again, our Walmart now has the self-checkouts again.

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I was told by the goober at the ammo counter today that they don't carry Federal Bulk 22 anymore, they don't order it, can't get it, all apparently becuase they closed the 3 smelters that make the bullets and the minerals are running out. :shake:


It took every fiber of my being not to reach across the counter and slap some sense into him.


It manage however to get there just as they were putting out 20 100 round packs of Winchester Super Speed 22 lr this afternoon.  :)  The prices are getting ridiculous, even for WalMart.

Edited by Garufa
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Guest TankerHC

I got nothing! :ugh: It's just been a few days since we had a good ole Wal Mart trashing thread.


Happy New Year!!!! :up:


I went into Walmart tonight and they were out of Lays lightly salted chips. 

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Guest TankerHC

I for one am glad that I didn't go into a Target and use a credit card there from Black Friday through Christmas.  It ain't no fun trying to prove who you are to the credit people.


I did, but my card was through my Credit Union, it has been monitored since the announcement, costs me nothing and I get updated daily. Don't even have to change cards.

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Guest Cazador
I was looking at the rifles in sporting goods when the guy working there asked me if I would like to look at one. I asked him for the only
Savage in the cabinet. He said that Savage makes a fine gun to bad this model is a single shot. I figured he just didn't know there was such a thing as a blind magazine so I opened the bolt and explained how it worked. He thanked me for explaining it to him.
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I was looking at the rifles in sporting goods when the guy working there asked me if I would like to look at one. I asked him for the only
Savage in the cabinet. He said that Savage makes a fine gun to bad this model is a single shot. I figured he just didn't know there was such a thing as a blind magazine so I opened the bolt and explained how it worked. He thanked me for explaining it to him.

Our local WalMart is blessed with a sporting goods manager who is a gun guy, and his knowledge and willingness to help rivals any gun store owner. I hope they pay him well and realize what they have.

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I'm a reformed Walmart hater. I used to constantly bag on them about their business practices and was under the false impression that they increased poverty. I was then presented with a few facts and realized that Walmart has done far more to raise the standard of living of those at the lower end of the socioeconomic scale than any government welfare program ever thought about doing. By keeping prices as low as they do, they allow many folks to have goods and conveniences that would be otherwise be completely out of their reach. I generally prefer to shop at Target but I know that Walmart benefits me as well by forcing Target to stay competitive. So thank you Walmart for making my life better.

I would be interested in where you got this info. I would like to read it as well.

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.45 is generally loaded with large primers but a few years ago some Federal came through Walmart that had small primers. No big deal unless you reload, then you gotta keep the two separate It's easy to tell. If it's the same as 9mm it's small primer. Sent from my iPad using Voodoo magic


I'm guessing these are the large ones.



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Yeah those appear to be large. Notice the space, or lack thereof, between primer and lettering. Good deal, I'll have to look for some. I just hate buying off the shelf if I can't reuse the brass easily. [url=http://s680.photobucket.com/user/owensnj/media/0EEAF2C5-6A24-4A13-8FD1-F941C4AD8FDC_zps2ivlpbzp.jpg.html]0EEAF2C5-6A24-4A13-8FD1-F941C4AD8FDC_zps[/URL]

Edited by Lumber_Jack
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[quote name="R_Bert" post="1089804" timestamp="1388959899"]Other than keeping the brass separated, I don't find them harder to load. I think I probably prefer the ones using SRP (.454 Casull uses SRP too)[/quote] Oh yeah it's just an extra step I try to avoid. Getting one in the batch and trying to jam a large primer in there is annoying.
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Oh yeah it's just an extra step I try to avoid. Getting one in the batch and trying to jam a large primer in there is annoying.


Be aware, I edited my comment above (that you quoted before I edited it).  For general audience - Don't use SRP on .45ACP.


Those are SPP (and note the larger flash-hole to compensate)

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Oh yeah it's just an extra step I try to avoid. Getting one in the batch and trying to jam a large primer in there is annoying.


There's nothing more irritating than going to load ammo and screwing up a primer.


Tray of 100 primers.  Check.

100 cases ready,  Check


98 rounds loaded.  :wall:

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Well even Wal-Mart had realized that our economy will fail unless our manufacturing base recovers. I thought it was commonsense, but I guess some folks are a little slow.

They have made a commitment; let’s see how it goes. It’s a start anyway, recognizing there is a problem is half the battle.
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I would be interested in where you got this info. I would like to read it as well.

The amount of money saved by Americans on food and other goods that can be directly attributed to Walmart dwarfs the amount of money provided to the poor in the form of both Welfare and the EIC. Here are a couple of articles that speak to that data.




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[quote name="Chucktshoes" post="1089841" timestamp="1388962371"]The amount of money saved by Americans on food and other goods that can be directly attributed to Walmart dwarfs the amount of money provided to the poor in the form of both Welfare and the EIC. Here are a couple of articles that speak to that data. [url="http://www.the-dissident.com/Walmart.shtml"]http://www.the-dissident.com/Walmart.shtml[/url] [url="http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/dialogues/features/2006/is_walmart_good_for_the_american_working_class/the_low_prices_are_good_news.html"]http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/dialogues/features/2006/is_walmart_good_for_the_american_working_class/the_low_prices_are_good_news.html[/url][/quote] "Wal-Mart’s low prices increase poor families’ effective household income by 6.5 percent" That's a pretty impressive statistic from the first article.
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