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Guest Honest AK

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Guest Honest AK

Picked up my first gun today, a Sig P6! :D It's got more holster wear than some I've seen posted on the net but I didn't get it to be an heirloom anyway.




A guy I work with has "several" Sigs and he said it doesn't look like it's been shot much. According to him, it just needs to be cleaned and it should be a good gun for me to get started with.

I'm getting some safety instruction from him tomorrow and then some tips on shooting so I'll let y'all know how it goes. It's my first time shooting a gun so I'm nervous. :D :D

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Guest Verbal Kint

You can always get you some Gun-Kote and refinish that puppy. It's pretty cheap and easy.

After that's done, take a buffer and some jewelers rouge to the entire barrel.

That sucker will be looking nearly brand new.


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Guest Honest AK

Didn't get to do any shooting today with the weather being so crappy but I did finally have time to clean it.

What are some good products for cleaning and maintenance? Are there better lubricants out there than the Remington oil I used?

I'm still anxious to do some shooting but it will have to wait until next weekend. :D

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Guest Honest AK

I finally got to shoot it today. Everything went great!

About 180 rounds of WWB and a couple mags of Wolf with no malfunctions at all. I'm going to have to get more mags though. After I got used to the recoil, I was going through the two I have in no time.

The DA pull on the trigger is quite heavy but the SA pull was comparable to some of the other pistols I shot today...

Ended up getting to shoot several mags through a P226, P220, and a P232. I also got to try an AR 15 and a 12ga shotgun, too! :usa:

I figured the .45 would kick pretty hard but I couldn't really tell any difference in it and the two 9mm pistols.

Edited by Honest AK
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sounds like you had a good time :cool:.

Looks like your turn to this addiction is complete!

BTW the 45's recoil gets worse the more rounds you fire.:) I can shoot my 9mm all day. my 45 i start to feel about 200 rounds in.

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