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Federal authorities charge white ‘knockout’ suspect with hate crime


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From the article:


"The plan is to see if I were to hit a black person, would this be nationally televised?" Mr. Barrett says in the video, according to the authorities.


Federal authorities charge white ‘knockout’ suspect with hate crime


By Stephen Dinan


The Washington Times



Federal authorities said Thursday they have arrested and charged a Texas man in connection with the "knockout game," accusing him of a hate crime for targeting a black man for a vicious street attack.


Most knockout victims that have appeared in news reports have been white, but the Justice Department said in this instance the victim was a 79-year-old black man, and stepped in with federal charges.


"Suspected crimes of this nature will simply not be tolerated," said Kenneth Magidson, the U.S. attorney for the southern district of Texas. "Evidence of hate crimes will be vigorously investigated and prosecuted with the assistance of all our partners to the fullest extent of the law."


The Justice Department said it filed a criminal complaint against 27-year-old Conrad Alvin Barrett on Tuesday and arrested him on Thursday.


According to Justice officials, Mr. Barrett recorded himself on his cellphone attacking the 79-year-old man, laughing and saying "Knockout" as he runs away.


The 79-year-old man had his jaw broken in the Nov. 24 attack.


"The plan is to see if I were to hit a black person, would this be nationally televised?" Mr. Barrett says in the video, according to the authorities.


Knockout, in which someone decides to attack a random victim and tries to knock him or her out with one punch, has been in the news after a spate of assaults in recent weeks.


The "game" has spawned a fierce debate since many of the reported victims have been white and their assailants have been black, but hate crimes charges have been all but non-existent.

Last month New York authorities did charge one person with a hate crime, saying the assailant targeted a Jewish man.



Edited by QuietDan
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If they still had all the original history books I was taught out of the Black people could learn the real truth about their black history. They would learn that it was their own race in Africa that captured and sold their own people in slavery. They would learn that it was their own people here that controlled the auctions where their ancestors where sold into slavery. It is only because they have not been taught the truth. They have only taught what the Liberals want them to know which are mostly all lies and that is why we have the problems we have with the real race issues. They have been taught to hate from birth and they will be taught to hate as long as the Liberia's are educating the children...........jmho  I have never been a racist and I have many Black friends that also are not racists. They hate Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and others like them and no they did not vote for Obama just because he is black and most of them didn't vote for him at all. One of them even told me after the election that the people made a great mistake in electing him. He was right and he knew it. We talk often and he will avoid any discussions that involve politics because it makes him mad because of how stupid he said the people were for ever electing him. He is about my age so he also remembers the original history books and knows the truth.

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If they still had all the original history books I was taught out of the Black people could learn the real truth about their black history. They would learn that it was their own race in Africa that captured and sold their own people in slavery. They would learn that it was their own people here that controlled the auctions where their ancestors where sold into slavery. It is only because they have not been taught the truth. They have only taught what the Liberals want them to know which are mostly all lies and that is why we have the problems we have with the real race issues. They have been taught to hate from birth and they will be taught to hate as long as the Liberia's are educating the children...........jmho  I have never been a racist and I have many Black friends that also are not racists. They hate Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and others like them and no they did not vote for Obama just because he is black and most of them didn't vote for him at all. One of them even told me after the election that the people made a great mistake in electing him. He was right and he knew it. We talk often and he will avoid any discussions that involve politics because it makes him mad because of how stupid he said the people were for ever electing him. He is about my age so he also remembers the original history books and knows the truth.

Which has what exactly to do with


From the article:
"The plan is to see if I were to hit a black person, would this be nationally televised?" Mr. Barrett says in the video, according to the authorities.
Federal authorities charge white ‘knockout’ suspect with hate crime
By Stephen Dinan
The Washington Times
Federal authorities said Thursday they have arrested and charged a Texas man in connection with the "knockout game," accusing him of a hate crime for targeting a black man for a vicious street attack.
Most knockout victims that have appeared in news reports have been white, but the Justice Department said in this instance the victim was a 79-year-old black man, and stepped in with federal charges.
"Suspected crimes of this nature will simply not be tolerated," said Kenneth Magidson, the U.S. attorney for the southern district of Texas. "Evidence of hate crimes will be vigorously investigated and prosecuted with the assistance of all our partners to the fullest extent of the law."
The Justice Department said it filed a criminal complaint against 27-year-old Conrad Alvin Barrett on Tuesday and arrested him on Thursday.
According to Justice officials, Mr. Barrett recorded himself on his cellphone attacking the 79-year-old man, laughing and saying "Knockout" as he runs away.
The 79-year-old man had his jaw broken in the Nov. 24 attack.
"The plan is to see if I were to hit a black person, would this be nationally televised?" Mr. Barrett says in the video, according to the authorities.
Knockout, in which someone decides to attack a random victim and tries to knock him or her out with one punch, has been in the news after a spate of assaults in recent weeks.
The "game" has spawned a fierce debate since many of the reported victims have been white and their assailants have been black, but hate crimes charges have been all but non-existent.
Last month New York authorities did charge one person with a hate crime, saying the assailant targeted a Jewish man.


I hope the old guy heals up alright and that the little bitch who attacked him gets his in general population.

I tend to disagree with the concept of "hate crimes" in general, having said that this sounds about as racially motivated as anything else.
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It's laughable to think that in the twenty first century someone can take the original post and make it an indictment on the black race. It's also laughable to think that anyone believes that a race of people is taught to hate from birth and that the member is one of the last of a dying breed of people who actually received an education in this country.

People of color don't need to dwell on slavery as long as there are people who make statements like this. People of color don't want or need jackasses like Jackson or Sharpton to manufacture trash against whites. All people of color haves to do is point to opinions like this to falsely continue blaming whites for their struggle. Laughable!

No sir, I'm not calling you a racist. I simply believe that you are sadly misinformed about a race of people.

Side note***If I obtain permission, I'm going to share a link with our members to show you all that Sharpton and Jackson have no pull with hard working blacks. Jackson and Sharpton obtain their power from the media and old guys who still believe that we are fighting the cold war. Edited by LINKS2K
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Guest Keal G Seo

Stopped reading at the 2nd paragraph. "If your going to commit a crime you better make sure the victims are white"... I bet I can find a black kid playing the knockout game with white people, where are those hate crime charges?

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Stopped reading at the 2nd paragraph. "If your going to commit a crime you better make sure the victims are white"... I bet I can find a black kid playing the knockout game with white people, where are those hate crime charges?

See post 2.



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