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Obama and Rosie Both Want Guns Protecting Their Kids

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I guess celebrities and politicians need a little more protection for their kids than the rest of us.


Obama: Secret Service is handy when you have girls


Associated Press Writer

TERRE HAUTE, Ind. — Who knew Secret Service agents were so handy for parents of elementary school kids?

Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama, taking questions from an Indiana crowd Saturday, called on a 5th grade teacher. Noting that his 10-year-old daughter, Malia, is starting the 5th grade, he asked: "Any tips? What should I be waiting around for?"

Someone called out, "boys."

"What!" Obama exclaimed in mock horror, as the audience laughed. "Hold on a sec. Maybe that home-schooling is all right. One reason I have to win here is so that I've got Secret Service around my girls at all times. They carry guns."

Malia might not be getting any play dates soon.

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I have 1000 times more respect for someone who is simply afraid of firearms because of either a lack of education or a traumatic experience... but these folks who knowingly want to strip the general populace of any means of resistance just because they want the authority are, without a doubt, lower than scum.

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Feinstein and Boxer both have California licenses to carry handguns from counties that are tough to get them (SF Bay area). I believe it was Feinstein who was made some sort of us special deputy a while back to be able to carry wherever she wants.

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Guest Rugerman

People who want to take rights from us while wanting to reap the benefits of those same rights make me sick. I just don't understand how people can think that way.....and live with themselves.:P

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Feinstein and Boxer both have California licenses to carry handguns

I don't know about Boxer, but the facts on Feinstein: she only had permit for a while in the mid '70's due to some specific threats. She later turned both the permit and her gun into police and has had no permit since.

- OS

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well crap..I can't find it now.

BUT! I did find this!

her carrying a weapon is unproven..but when you have secret service members willing to do your bidding for you...you don't need one.


DENVER - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was briefly evacuated from her downtown Denver hotel on Saturday when a man carrying two hunting rifles and two pistols tried to check in to the hotel.




Secret Service spokesman Malcolm Wiley said 29-year-old Joseph Calanchini of Pinedale, Wyo., faces a charge of unlawful carrying of a weapon after police officers at the Grand Hyatt hotel noticed him carrying a rifle-type case while checking in. Calanchini did not have a concealed weapons permit, said Lance Clem, spokesman for the Colorado Department of Public Safety.

Wiley said authorities were not releasing information about whether the weapons were loaded because the case remained under investigation. Wiley said the charge is the same whether the weapons were loaded or unloaded.

Pelosi and other guests briefly evacuated the hotel but were never in danger, Pelosi spokesman Brendan Daly said.

Calanchini told KUSA-TV it was bad timing.

"I didn't even know the DNC was in town. I don't watch the news," Calanchini told the station from jail before he was released on $10,000 bond. "If I had known, I would have done things differently. It was a simple mistake."

Calanchini told KUSA he had the weapons because he was getting ready for a hunting trip Aug. 28.

Authorities were investigating a report that Calanchini was in town on business and had had the weapons worked upon to prepare for the trip.

"The speaker was never in any danger and she appreciates the quick and professional response of the police," said Daly.

To me, this is her flexing her political muscle and infringing on the rights of a citizen who was minding his own business...even the best of our government can be put to use as thugs.

it's also a prime example of the government interpreting the law any way they like. Notice that the secret service agent said that the charges would be the same no matter if the weapons were loaded or unloaded.

something we all might want to remember. we need to take back our government..they're supposed to work for us..not the other way around.

Edited by towerclimber37
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well crap..I can't find it now.

BUT! I did find this! ...

That's what I thought.

You can cite Secret Service protection as being hypocritical if you like, but do try to get facts correct about individual credentials. I'm no Pelosi fan either, but since she is 3rd in line to the presidency, it makes sense she has SS protection.

Would you rather that the top few folks at America's helm (for better or worse) have only a handgun in their pocket against all the crazies they might face, and no other protection?

If that were the case, it's likely that EVERY president would be assassinated.

- OS

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Guest unreconstructed1

Would you rather that the top few folks at America's helm (for better or worse) have only a handgun in their pocket against all the crazies they might face, and no other protection?

yes, yes I would prefer that. We are all free men protected by the constitution. Why should I pay for Pelosi, bush, or anyone else to have protection that I am barred from, or that I have to pay exorbitant taxes for?

If they are allowed to be guarded by the SS carrying full auto MP5 rifles, produced after the 86 ban, then why shouldn't I be allowed to carry the same for my own personal protection?

If that were the case, it's likely that EVERY president would be assassinated.

I disagree. I believe that after the first couple of presidents, the message would be recieved. they would probably begin to work closer to their constitutionally delegated roles rather than play "world police"

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I disagree. I believe that after the first couple of presidents, the message would be recieved....

Cool...so we only need to lose a couple.

Maybe a couple of vice-presidents, too, after they take over.

Maybe a couple of SpeakersOfTheHouse, after they take over...

Gotcha. I see that we don't need the Secret Service at all.

I'm gonna quit paying my taxes, by golly.

- OS

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Guest unreconstructed1
Cool...so we only need to lose a couple.

Maybe a couple of vice-presidents, too, after they take over.

Maybe a couple of SpeakersOfTheHouse, after they take over...

Gotcha. I see that we don't need the Secret Service at all.

I'm gonna quit paying my taxes, by golly.

- OS

well, if politicians didn't make a lifetime career around screwing the population, maybe they wouldn't have so much to worry about.

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well, if politicians didn't make a lifetime career around screwing the population, maybe they wouldn't have so much to worry about.

I think it is an impossibility for any politician to take a position on any issue and not rile the feathers of citizens who take a different position on the same issue. "The population" is the total inhabitants of the country and we as Americans come down on opposite sides of a host of issues. And you can be sure that no matter what the issue is, the group that has its position voted down or not passed (the screwees) will have some loonies in their midst that will be willing to take action against the politician(s) (the screwer) in order to make the man pay for what he's done.

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Impressive. No protection for the head of state. That's a new one to me.

You're missing unreconstruted's point.

These politicians, including the President, are elected by us, the People. These politicians work for US. Why should they be afforded privileges any different than the people they are employed by?

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You're missing unreconstruted's point.

These politicians, including the President, are elected by us, the People. These politicians work for US. Why should they be afforded privileges any different than the people they are employed by?

While you're at it, why should they be afforded any responsibilities not afforded to the average citizen? How come that schmuck gets to veto stuff and I don't? Why does he get to issues pardons and meet with foreign heads of state? I say, how come that a**hole gets to live in the White House for free while I struggle to make a mortgage?

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