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Note To Self, Roadrage, Motorcycles, and Following someone Home, is a No No


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So far no claims to self defense have been made. I'd say temporary insanity would be more defendable.

I can't see that as a defense since the guy had time to drive home after the accident, go into his house or garage or even get the guns out of his SUV and exit the garage to confront them on a public street when he was safe at home and could have just gone in his house out of any so called danger. I think the guy needs to spend a long time in the Gray Bar Motel with Big Bubba and learn some manners..................jmho

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Well to be fair. We don't know if any "gestures" were made or not. Or threatening words, or anything similar.

I still don't believe it's justified shooting but there is a lot of information that hasn't been released.

Oh I'm sure this won't turn out to be justified, but the actions of the other party are going to be a key factor on what this gets pleaded down. That and they still have a buncha holes in their back. Two hotheads. One happened to be armed. People need to chill out.
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I try to spend my whole day chilling TMF and for the most part it works as long as I don't leave the house. Once out in the world full of so many idiots chilling becomes much harder but I still make it out and back without shooting someone. I agree that people seem to not be as friendly as they once where. I remember the times when your driving down a country road and you waved at passing vehicles as a show of friendship even if you didn't know them just to let them know you saw them. Do that today and good chance you will receive a Bird for your troubles. I remember when every pickup truck sitting school parking lot had 12 gauge or rifle or both hanging up in rear window gun racks. For those of you to young to remember those days you can take my word for it. This use to be a great country and folks helped out other folks and every one was friendly. Well lets say everyone in the South and Southwest where friendly. Any of ya'll that didn't live in that time don't know what you missed but the ones that did do.............jmho

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I try to spend my whole day chilling TMF and for the most part it works as long as I don't leave the house. Once out in the world full of so many idiots chilling becomes much harder but I still make it out and back without shooting someone.

I hear ya. Just today I was out and tried to pass someone going 5 mph below the speed limit. They kept speeding up to prevent my pass and then would slow down once I was behind them again. It certainly gave me fantasies of pitting them, yanking them out of the car and giving them some free roadside dental work. But aholes just want to make the rest of the world as miserable as them. When you give in to their behavior you end up suffering the consequences.

In this case we'll probably never know who started it but we sure know who ended it. Whoever was the initially aggrieved party should have let it go. Now this guy will likely have a felony record and be financially ruined, and the other guy got an unwanted lead injection. If one of the two sides would have acted like a grown up then it would have been nothing more than a rant on the Internet about how crappy drivers are.
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I hear ya. Just today I was out and tried to pass someone going 5 mph below the speed limit. They kept speeding up to prevent my pass and then would slow down once I was behind them again. It certainly gave me fantasies of pitting them, yanking them out of the car and giving them some free roadside dental work. But aholes just want to make the rest of the world as miserable as them. When you give in to their behavior you end up suffering the consequences.

In this case we'll probably never know who started it but we sure know who ended it. Whoever was the initially aggrieved party should have let it go. Now this guy will likely have a felony record and be financially ruined, and the other guy got an unwanted lead injection. If one of the two sides would have acted like a grown up then it would have been nothing more than a rant on the Internet about how crappy drivers are.

Ok TMF, I can understand most of your post but part of it not? I can agree that the guy receiving the lead was evidently not the aggressor. According to what I read the guy in the SUV cut them bikers off while they were on or attempting to get on the exit ramp which puts the SUV in front which would make sense and he was on the ramp going the same direction as they were attempting to go when he cut them off so ultimately they would of course be following the SUV because that was the exit they had planned on getting off at anyway. That does not give the SUV driver any cause to stop at once which would also stop the motorcycles and then he actually had to put his SUV in reverse and deliberately back up to hit the motorcycle which had stopped short of hitting the SUV. I think the nut cases main problem was that once he realized they had followed him home that they were going to call the police and tell the police where he lived. He was to stupid to leave well enough a lone and deal with the police when they arrived on the hit and run he would be facing. Not going to prison for that but shooting someone over it I hope will earn him many years with Bubba in the Gray Bar Motel. Glad he didn't have a heavy caliper gun of the biker would surely be dead. He is also lucky the bikers didn't have an HCP or if they did they were not packing because a good chance he would not have lived to deal with Bubba.........jmho.   P.S. Now with that said I wonder if all this began while they were all on the interstate because there have been many times I have had guys riding crotch rockets pass me and come back in my lane doing 80+ 10 feet ahead of me riding very dangerously. There could have been an issue before the exit ramp............jmho

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Ok TMF, I can understand most of your post but part of it not? I can agree that the guy receiving the lead was evidently not the aggressor. According to what I read the guy in the SUV cut them bikers off while they were on or attempting to get on the exit ramp which puts the SUV in front which would make sense and he was on the ramp going the same direction as they were attempting to go when he cut them off so ultimately they would of course be following the SUV because that was the exit they had planned on getting off at anyway. That does not give the SUV driver any cause to stop at once which would also stop the motorcycles and then he actually had to put his SUV in reverse and deliberately back up to hit the motorcycle which had stopped short of hitting the SUV. I think the nut cases main problem was that once he realized they had followed him home that they were going to call the police and tell the police where he lived. He was to stupid to leave well enough a lone and deal with the police when they arrived on the hit and run he would be facing. Not going to prison for that but shooting someone over it I hope will earn him many years with Bubba in the Gray Bar Motel. Glad he didn't have a heavy caliper gun of the biker would surely be dead. He is also lucky the bikers didn't have an HCP or if they did they were not packing because a good chance he would not have lived to deal with Bubba.........jmho.   P.S. Now with that said I wonder if all this began while they were all on the interstate because there have been many times I have had guys riding crotch rockets pass me and come back in my lane doing 80+ 10 feet ahead of me riding very dangerously. There could have been an issue before the exit ramp............jmho

Well I'm making an assumption here that there was more to the story. It doesn't make sense that this lunatic just decided to attack some motorcyclists with his SUV. I mean, I guess it's possible, but not probable. There is more to it I think. Following the guy like they did suggests to me something, especially since they were close enough to his house to be hit multiple times with a firearm that is accurate for only 15 ft. Like mike said, if all they wanted was to see where he lived they coulda done that from a safe distance. Instead they got close and hung around long enough for the guy to get out of his car, go inside and retrieve two pistols. There's more there, trust me.
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  • 1 year later...
According to the Knoxville News Sentinel Rodney Lee Scott was found guilty of the following (instead of attempted first degree murder). Attempted Voluntary Manslaughter Aggravated Assault (via a gun) Reckless Aggravated Assault (via his SUV) Leaving the Scene of an Accident Public Intoxication. http://www.knoxnews.com/news/knox-county-man-guilty-of-lesser-charge-in-road-rage-shooting_04695397
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And he had a prior road rage incident that the jury wasn't allowed to know about.

Justice huh?

They can use it during sentencing.

Drunk, trying to run over them and then shooting them while they waited on the cops; he should be going to prison for a very long time.
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Hmm. I figured it'd end with a lesser plea or conviction. Now what'd be interesting to know is was the defendant declared indigent and provided a Court Appointed Attorney or Public Defender? Or did he have to come up with the attorney fee's himself. If he paid all of the fees himself then he didn't get off as easy as it looks at face value. I also wonder whether he's been directed to pay restitution fees to the person he shot? Lesson's learned? Pull over and call 911, report everything you can and hope someone else isn't injured. Pretty sad state of affairs al in all I'd say.  

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Obviously with this guys prior history and the fact he was intoxicated, it looks like he was primarily at fault.  That said, I would never recommend following someone to their residence.  Bersaguy referenced the good old days... While I am only 36, I would like to know when honking your horn at someone began to be interpreted as you want to pull off the side of the road and have a fist fight? Seems to me cars have always had horns and honking your horn used to mean, "hi, how you doing" or maybe it meant, "hey please stay in your lane", or it could mean, "stop picking your nose, the light turned green".  I have spent a bit of time driving small sports cars, motorcycles and even bicycles on the road.  Sometimes people don't see you.  Often you have to honk the horn to alert someone you are there.  Too many people these days think honking is a way to instigate a fight.  Don't people have better things to do with their time?  Further, most of these things seem to happen when somebody is in a hurry and either thinks someone cut them off or someone is in their way.  If you are in the hurry, how do you have the extra time to have an altercation on the side of the road?  


Even when I began driving in the late 1990s, it seems if people had a disagreement, they would honk, yell, maybe make a gesture and then everyone went their separate ways.  In the last few years it seems like people following or chasing someone down has become more common and I just don't quite get it.  My wife (with both our kids in the car) had a guy chase her, honking and cussing, til she reached an intersection at which point he pulls on the shoulder to tell her he thinks she should have pulled out from a previous intersection sooner.  If he's in such a hurry how does he have time to follower her later.  


2nd example:  A few years ago, I'm on the way to work when a heavy duty pickup truck towing a trailer with construction materials doesn't stay in corresponding lanes getting off of the interstate.  He's taking up half of my lane so I honk the horn at the guy because I have a busy day planned and I don't have time to be in a car wreck.  My intent is for him to pay attention and get out of my lane.  He honks back rolls down his window and begins screaming... Pulls up next to me at the next light and says something to the effect of "What the F is your problem?"  I could have been calmer but annoyed at this point, I say, "You need to learn how to keep your vehicle in your lane."  Again, I wasn't happy but I said what I meant.  Stay in your lane.  I was driving my wife's Cadillac CTS and she wouldn't be too happy if this guys equipment trailer smashes down the side of it.   Honking did not mean, "lets have a fight."  At this point I notice this guy is probably at least in is late 60s.  Not only do I have no interest in fighting on the side of the road, but this is a lose-lose... Am I gonna really be proud of beating up some guys Papaw on the side of Kingston Pike?  Alternatively, am I gonna get beat up by Grampa?  So he informs me he is going to "knock all the g*dd*mn teeth out of my mouth".  He follows me through several intersections on Kingston Pike and then left on Papermill Drive.  At this point I'm only a few blocks from my office and I decide I'm going to call 911 comes into my parking lot.  Thankfully he continued on and did not turn on to Weisgarber....


People are crazy... 

Edited by JReedEsq
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People are crazy... 

Once you accept this, it dramatically changes how you react to other drivers.  I no longer let other people elicit a reaction from me that I wouldn't want my own mother to hear or see. If they have a problem with my driving, that's their problem. Of course, it took maybe 50 years to figure this out....  :rofl:

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I had a good laugh the other day on Vietnam Veterans Blvd. I was heading to Sams for some stuff and I was following a late model Range Rover. I was doing 55 mph and so was it and ever so often he would just hit his brakes and slow all at once causing me to hit mine and that caused the black Suburban with tinted windows to slam on their brakes. After the guy done this about 4 times the Black vehicle pulled out and passed me and the window came down and a Highway Patrolman motioned for me to slow and allow him in from of me so I did. The clown in the Rover did it to him twice and the second time I saw all the flashing lights come on in the windows and places you would not expect them. I slowed as the range Rover pulled to the side of the road with the Black truck behind it. I slowly moved over to left lane and went on. When I cam out of Sam's I saw the Range Rover on a roll back wrecker heading for Hendersonville towing. I guess the Trooper was not happy with the persons reason for their actions. I just thought it was funny.

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I had a good laugh the other day on Vietnam Veterans Blvd. I was heading to Sams for some stuff and I was following a late model Range Rover. I was doing 55 mph and so was it and ever so often he would just hit his brakes and slow all at once causing me to hit mine and that caused the black Suburban with tinted windows to slam on their brakes. After the guy done this about 4 times the Black vehicle pulled out and passed me and the window came down and a Highway Patrolman motioned for me to slow and allow him in from of me so I did. The clown in the Rover did it to him twice and the second time I saw all the flashing lights come on in the windows and places you would not expect them. I slowed as the range Rover pulled to the side of the road with the Black truck behind it. I slowly moved over to left lane and went on. When I cam out of Sam's I saw the Range Rover on a roll back wrecker heading for Hendersonville towing. I guess the Trooper was not happy with the persons reason for their actions. I just thought it was funny.


I want to "like" this twice.

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I had a good laugh the other day on Vietnam Veterans Blvd. I was heading to Sams for some stuff and I was following a late model Range Rover. I was doing 55 mph and so was it and ever so often he would just hit his brakes and slow all at once causing me to hit mine and that caused the black Suburban with tinted windows to slam on their brakes. After the guy done this about 4 times the Black vehicle pulled out and passed me and the window came down and a Highway Patrolman motioned for me to slow and allow him in from of me so I did. The clown in the Rover did it to him twice and the second time I saw all the flashing lights come on in the windows and places you would not expect them. I slowed as the range Rover pulled to the side of the road with the Black truck behind it. I slowly moved over to left lane and went on. When I cam out of Sam's I saw the Range Rover on a roll back wrecker heading for Hendersonville towing. I guess the Trooper was not happy with the persons reason for their actions. I just thought it was funny.

Hmm. The vehicle being towed indicates that whatever the driver was charged with didn't fall under misdemeanor citation criteria or someone had some outstanding warrants. Of course to be fair minded and non cynical I could presuppose someone was having mechanical problems and a kind Trooper called a wrecker for them...or not.  

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I really don't think the Trooper had it towed because he was a nice guy. I mean the Trooper almost ran into the back of my jeep once because of the guy slamming on his brakes. I had another issue like this back many years ago on Old Hickory Blvd going from Bellevue to Brentwood to work one morning. I was about 3 cars back from this clown that thought it was funny to keep slamming on his brakes causing everyone behind him to hit theirs. I knew there was about 5 or more cars behind me going through this guys game and finally a State Trooper in a marked Car with rollers turn them on and moved into left lane and when he got to the car right behind this clown everyone slowed and he eased in behind him and pulled him over. Guy was driving a Cadillac El Dorado and just so happens Brentwood Shell where I worked got a tow call just as I walked in the door and clocked in. We were the Area Zone Towing Service for State and county and  the boss told me to get the Ford and go pick up a Cadillac El Dorado on OHB for State Trooper. When I got there I didn't bother being nosey and ask any questions. I just saw the guy was sitting on his hands in the back seat of the Squad car. Guy showed up about 10 days later and paid the tow and storage to get his car back.

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I never got mad at people cutting me off on a bike, because EVERYONE does it ALL the time.  


Hell, most people I know would be backlogged 6 years on the "who to chase home today" list.

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