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"Not Guilty by Reasons of "Afluenza"


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My cousin is a machine programmer for the company that's owned by this child's father. He said that there are already at least 5 or 6 multi-million dollar lawsuits in the works. They are suing the child, the parents, and the father's company. Apparently the child was driving a company truck at the time of the accident.

Good, good and good.
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You took the words right out of my mouth. If I was one that suffered the loss this derelict inflicted I don't know that I could stop myself from exacting my own justice given the failure of the system to do its job.


Sometimes, punishment and revenge is called for...I'm sorry that this kid is already worthless at 16...I'm sorry that he probably had lousy, overindulgent parents who also should be held accountable for raising him to be the derelict he is...but "sorry" doesn't mean he and his parents shouldn't be punished for what they have done.

You're right on the money. This "Afluenza" defense is bull####.

Edited by Grand Torino
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No matter which side of the aisle you're on as far as punishment for a minor, the fact remains the damage is done, irreversible and is permanent. Monetary gain and compensation by the victims families will do nothing to relieve a lifetime of pain and loss most likely.


Sitting here it's easy for me to ponder and reason if justice was served and if another life would be destroyed by a long prison sentence and discuss it. Certainly on the face of it, the punishment didn't fit the crime and a travesty of justice occurred. An argument could be made that a minor deserves a second chance in life, as was successfully accomplished. An argument could be presented that there's a disease, gene, predisposition or human imbalance that causes every error in crime and human nature?


If I were the parent, wife, husband, brother, sister, etc. of one of the victims, I would have been more than outraged at the "punishment" meted out by the judge. Our judicial system is far from perfect. Being human and a loved one of the victim I would certainly entertain the idea of extracting my own justice myself and suffer the consequences, I get that.


We all know how lot's of money can change "justice" and verdicts in our legal system in many, many high profile cases. With our justice system and keeping our rights as citizens of a free nation, I can't even think of a solution to prevent further travesties of our judicial system?

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[quote name="TripleDigitRide" post="1078220" timestamp="1386919442"]My cousin is a machine programmer for the company that's owned by this child's father. He said that there are already at least 5 or 6 multi-million dollar lawsuits in the works. They are suing the child, the parents, and the father's company. Apparently the child was driving a company truck at the time of the accident.[/quote] Here is where the number of victims goes up. How many folks are going to lose their jobs as the father is forces to sell off and liquidate parts or all of his company? Edited by Chucktshoes
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1. I'm going to remember this thread the next time that one of Obamas juveniles does something stupid to see if we can get the same level of compassion for the young person. After all, we wouldn't want to destroy the life of a minor would we?

2. I recently had a lady get pissed at me because I told her that the little sh*t who killed that contractor in Memphis needed a life sentence or the death penalty for his crime. He killed a kids father on the kids birthday. He should fry!

3. I always attempt to place myself on both sides of the story. If this drunken asshole were my son, sure I would want to protect him. On the other hand, if this jack wad had killed one of my loved ones I would want the bast@rd to fry several times over. He committed a major crime and destroyed many lives in the process.
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[quote name="LINKS2K" post="1078341" timestamp="1386951519"]1. I'm going to remember this thread the next time that one of Obamas juveniles does something stupid to see if we can get the same level of compassion for the young person. After all, we wouldn't want to destroy the life of a minor would we? 2. I recently had a lady get pissed at me because I told her that the little sh*t who killed that contractor in Memphis needed a life sentence or the death penalty for his crime. He killed a kids father on the kids birthday. He should fry! 3. I always attempt to place myself on both sides of the story. If this drunken asshole were my son, sure I would want to protect him. On the other hand, if this jack wad had killed one of my loved ones I would want the bast@rd to fry several times over. He committed a major crime and destroyed many lives in the process.[/quote] I'll show the same level of compassion. ;)
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You two smart asses. LOL I knew that I could count on you. I'm speaking to the people who don't want to ruin this killers life because he is young. They are no better than that crooked judge in my opinion. Edited by LINKS2K
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