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carrying a handgun in a place of worship


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Simple solution-Don't go to church.:D


Go find out what true 'security' means. Of course, when it boils down to it, the actual building we call 'church' as a structure is not really a factor.

The Holy Spirit really is the ultimate concealed weapon.

Not that you asked...sorry to hijack.:)

Yes, I carry in church. As do many in my church.

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Guest sermon8r

Go find out what true 'security' means. Of course, when it boils down to it, the actual building we call 'church' as a structure is not really a factor.

The Holy Spirit really is the ultimate concealed weapon.

Not that you asked...sorry to hijack.:D

Yes, I carry in church. As do many in my church.

+1 and i Carry when in the Pulpit too!!.... I can see the door bettter since everyone is liiking my direction with their back to the door

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The Holy Spirit really is the ultimate concealed weapon.

So... then why do you carry if the "holy spirit" is going to protect you and is the ultimate concealed weapon?

I'm not trying to be rude... i just simply dont understand your logic.

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So... then why do you carry if the "holy spirit" is going to protect you and is the ultimate concealed weapon?

I'm not trying to be rude... i just simply dont understand your logic.

I'm quite positive that sermon8r and mousegunner can give you a better answer as they are much more educated when it comes to the bible than I........but IMHO God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit do protect you along with giving you the ability/means to protect yourself. I'll have to look up her exact words....but I read that the lady security officer at that church shooting in Colorado said that right before she fired her gun she prayed and asked God to help her and guide her bullet.....and in all that chaos her bullet managed to find it's mark.

Edited by PackinMama
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I also carry at Church, concealed of course. I do not make it widley known and I'm sure there would be several that would scoff but I believe God has given me the common sense to defend myself as well as others if the need were to arise. My church does not have a policy against carrying while on the premise, there is no school on the grounds and there aren't any postings prohibiting wepons at the entrances.

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Guest sermon8r
I'm quite positive that sermon8r and mousegunner can give you a better answer as they are much more educated when it comes to the bible than I........but IMHO God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit do protect you along with giving you the ability/means to protect yourself. I'll have to look up her exact words....but I read that the lady security officer at that church shooting in Colorado said that right before she fired her gun she prayed and asked God to help her and guide her bullet.....and in all that chaos her bullet managed to find it's mark.

God gave me the wisdom to Carry a firearm....and Get propper training..:D

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I also carry at Church, concealed of course. I do not make it widley known and I'm sure there would be several that would scoff but I believe God has given me the common sense to defend myself as well as others if the need were to arise. My church does not have a policy against carrying while on the premise, there is no school on the grounds and there aren't any postings prohibiting wepons at the entrances.


I remember the infantryman's prayer... "Lord, I pray that you give me what others don't want. where others pray for mercy and peace, give me trouble and strife. Lord give me these things so that others won't have to see them.

And Lord, give me these things always, for I may not have the courage to ask again.

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Guest killemducks

We have a group of men at my church that stand guard during the worship services. I know one of them carries. We have had this for many years now, before all the church shootings you hear about.

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