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AK-47 collapsible stock adapter

CQB Elite

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I have an Arsenal SLR107 with a side folding stock and I want to change it out for a collapsible M4 type stock. I've found adapters for changing out fixed stocks but not one for side folding. Does anyone know where I can find one?

I know they make one because I saw a picture of an AK that Larry Vickers recently put together and that rifle has a side folding stock. Here is a picture of that rifle and I'm turning mine into something similar to it.

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Wouldn't the adapter for the buffer tube be universal regardless of whether stock is side folder or regular AK stock?? I would think both stocks would mount to the back of the receiver in the same way even though the stocks themselves are different...
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Wouldn't the adapter for the buffer tube be universal regardless of whether stock is side folder or regular AK stock?? I would think both stocks would mount to the back of the receiver in the same way even though the stocks themselves are different...

Some adapters use the tangs on the back of the receiver, some require you to cut the tangs off. My rifle is already set up for a folder so I'm looking for one that will bolt right in and allow me to screw on the buffer tube.
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[quote name="Smith" post="1074526" timestamp="1386378267"] Bonesteel makes about the best. Ace makes one, Stomrwekz makes one, DPH makes one. Most use the Ace system to attach but with the Bonesteel you won't have to cut the tang or make many permanent mods like the Ace will require. [url="http://www.bonesteelarms.com/AK_c5.htm"]http://www.bonesteelarms.com/AK_c5.htm[/url][/quote] I was looking at the Bonesteel adapter but couldn't tell from the picture if it would do what I wanted it to. LAV's rifle is an Arsenal as well. From looking at his and mine I'm thinking that rivets may have to be removed and a new bracket re-riveted in place (I don't have tangs on the back of my receiver). Edited by CQB Elite
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Some adapters use the tangs on the back of the receiver, some require you to cut the tangs off. My rifle is already set up for a folder so I'm looking for one that will bolt right in and allow me to screw on the buffer tube.

Yes sir...I noticed what you meant after the link was posted and looked at my own...also appears adapters are different from stamped and milled receivers as well..
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I was looking at the Bonesteel adapter but couldn't tell from the picture if it would do what I wanted it to. LAV's rifle is an Arsenal as well. From looking at his and mine I'm thinking that rivets may have to be removed and a new bracket re-riveted in place (I don't have tangs on the back of my receiver).

I emailed bonesteel to request info on compatibility for my arsenal which is the sam7, which is also a folder...I will let you know what they say
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I emailed bonesteel to request info on compatibility for my arsenal which is the sam7, which is also a folder...I will let you know what they say

I have a sam7 as well. It has a milled receiver and most adapters I've found will not work on them. Let me know what they tell you.
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