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Memphis area handgun/rifle training

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I tried a search and didn't find anything relative to my question. Just curious to get some opinions on handgun/rifle training in the memphis area offered by the local ranges or maybe through other local sources that may not "advertise". I have taken HCP and a couple of self defense classes at Range USA but was looking for other opinions/suggestions. I appreciate the input in advance...
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RangeMasters and Ronin Strategies are Memphis-area training options.


I've heard good things about Ronin from Wes Grant of MSTN but have not known anyone else that has participated in their classes. Wes really recommended their rifle classes, but I assume he also liked their pistol classes since his picture is on one of their pistol class pictures on their website.


RangeMasters is another recommended place and they are an actual shooting range as well. Tom Givens, their lead instructor, is quite well known. However, I find their regular staff at the range to not be as friendly as the staff from Range USA. I think I may eventually sign up for some classes there but whenever I've called or visited the range itself, I just get extremely turned off haha.

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I started shooting at Range USA regularly about 3 years ago and as I've gained more proficiency shooting I have become a little disenchanted with them...they are not bad people, but I feel like they are trying to attract newer shooters and in some of my experiences there I have felt very uneasy around those newer shooters....

I have been to Rangemaster and they seem to be more serious minded...but I see your point also...I have heard Mr Givens name from a few different people...I will also check out Ronin...
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I checked out their website but didn't see anything on their course calendar....at all. Maybe it's my computer here, but I am going to do some more checking when I get home...The course descriptions look interesting and the prices and ammo requirements seem fair also...I don't want to shoot up too much of my stash...
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The schedule doesn't show anything but I saw a post today on their Facebook page about them adding SCARs to their training. Hopefully they will have some classes soon.

BTW- I'm not going to pay for training at Rangemaster or Range USA. I'd rather spend it with Larry Vickers, Kyle Lamb, Kyle Defoor, etc. It's just my opinion but I'd rather pay to learn from guys with proven military special ops experience.
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Ronin's schedule seemed to be hit and miss this year.  I contacted them about a couple classes over the summer but never heard back.  They seemed to be doing a lot more long range work.  I did see where they were talking about having a concealed carry class this weekend. 


I personally don't feel that an instructor needs combat experience, or needs to be a celebrity name or even be former LE/MIL.  For 99% of your real-world applications, when it comes to using a handgun to defend yourself, Tom Givens is probably as good as anybody.  Memphis is fortunate to have him.  I'd also recommend Randy Harris (goes by Cruel Hand Luke here on TGO).  He's in Chattanooga but comes over here sometimes. 

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Yea...I have heard several people speak about Tom Givens in a positive way...I tend to agree with not necessarily sticking strictly with a military background as that isn't really a true litmus test for experience or teaching ability...

I just don't feel like I was pushed at RUSA and am wanting to gain as much knowledge and proper techniques for practice on my own so that if I need to use a firearms under stress I will be proficient....no delusions of grandeur or mall ninja antics by any means...
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RUSA has its place. I think it is good for non-tactical civilians (like myself) to get introduced to training. I took their Self-Defense Handgun class after getting my HCP. It was a good class and was non-intimidating and I think they designed it to be that way, and even "fun". But for more advanced training I think other sources may be better to really push one to their points of failure.


From what I recall of researching Ronin a while ago, I think it is easier to get a class if you already have a group of 10 people ready to sign up. That way, they have a definite class committed for them to set aside a date for. Randy from Suarez is similar, since he travels. I think his classes are 2 day classes though, and cost more as well.


LE/MIL seems to only be of value when you require training such as squad training, shoot house, etc. ie, performing exercises that are needed in LE/MIL environments...but for most purposes, really any good trainer can teach you fundamentals, weapons manipulation, drills, etc.


Maybe we can try to get a group going for a class next year or something?

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Yea...definitely not bad mouthing RUSA at all...I think they are trying to draw people on the fence and those comfortable with occasional practice shooting....just looking for a little more push so I can "learn" my strengths and weaknesses. ..I am more than game to go in with several people to schedule a class...would be a chance to meet some new people and forge some friendships...
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I'm not bad mouthing RUSA or Rangemaster. I do prefer the environment at RUSA tho. As far as training- I think the best thing to do is to look at your current skill set and decide what training you need to enhance it. Then go out and find trainers that can help, whether it's a NRA certified instructor that's local to you or Magpul Dynamics.

When I started in law enforcement back in the 90's I was fortunate to work with guys that had seen a lot of action. These guys were Vietnam vets that came home and became LEO's. They had been in some pretty hairy stuff in Nam and a couple had been shot up pretty good while working a police officers. I spent a lot of time talking with them about this and learned some real world SHTF stuff. Later I became a firearms instructor and thought some in academy setting and of course agency training. I learned a lot from working with people of all different kinds of firearms experience.

BTW- I posted on Ronin's Facebook page about upcoming courses. They replied and said the take a break Dec/Jan/Feb mostly due to weather and will pick back up in March. They said they are putting together their 2014 schedule now.
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Cool deal...my weapons experience isn't LE/MIL and I don't expect to see "combat" but would like to be knowledgeable and proficient enough in a SHTF scenario...my biggest issue I guess would be looking stupid in front of other people in these classes...lol...
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Cool deal...my weapons experience isn't LE/MIL and I don't expect to see "combat" but would like to be knowledgeable and proficient enough in a SHTF scenario...my biggest issue I guess would be looking stupid in front of other people in these classes...lol...

As long as you are handling yourself in a safe manner you won't look stupid.
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As long as you are handling yourself in a safe manner you won't look stupid.

Yeah, don't think I'll be making any moves similar to those in the video posted in the tactics and training sub forum...come to think of it, this thread is probably in the wrong sub forum...let me know when you are thinking of taking a class would like to join if that is ok...
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Yeah, don't think I'll be making any moves similar to those in the video posted in the tactics and training sub forum...come to think of it, this thread is probably in the wrong sub forum...let me know when you are thinking of taking a class would like to join if that is ok...

Will do
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Might I suggest finding a USPSA club? It really helped to improve my shooting, I am still not good but better. Ben Stoeger's site is filled with good drills as is Pistol-training.com and Brian Enos forums. I plan to stop in on RUSA Jackson this week while traveling to Arkansas, nice place. DVC

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