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Congress Warned of Potential for Citizen Revolt

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I'm seeing more of the ol' Gadsden around.

I'd like to buy some stickers in bulk and give to my friends and family for Christmas, or just for gifts period.


I bought one of those flags at a local army surplus....I have been debating on putting up a flag pole over my garage and flying that sucker....


I'd like to buy some stickers in bulk and give to my friends and family for Christmas, or just for gifts period.


Pretty radical, guys. :) :)


- OS

  • Like 2
Posted (edited)

I bought one of those flags at a local army surplus....I have been debating on putting up a flag pole over my garage and flying that sucker....


I had a plate on the front of my car. And I'm not even American :P


(It was from the site Kieefer mentions above. I can't recommend it, it faded really quickly)

Edited by tnguy
Posted (edited)

Famed investor Jim Rodgers is predicting a disastrous scenario for the global economy. “Eventually, the whole world is going to collapse,” he told CBC in a recent interview.

Rodgers said “we in the West have staggering debts,” noting that the United States is the “largest debtor nation in the history of the world.”


“This is going to end badly,” he warned.


Rodgers went on to warn of the “next crisis,” which he predicted may occur in 2015 or 2016.


“The next correction when it comes, because the debt is so very high — you know, 2008 was worse than 2002 because the debt was so much higher. You wait until 2015 or 2016 when the next crisis hits… debt has gone through the roof, the next one’s gonna be really bad”


His advice: “Be prepared, be worried, and be careful.”


Link to story (link to NBC interview available from the story): http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/12/04/famed-


I don't know that there will be time for civil unrest or an outright revolt - as I've said many times in this forum (and I'm hardly the only one who thinks so or has said so); this country is heading for a total financial collapse and it only takes the failure of one card out of the house of cards built over the past 100 years to make it happen.


As was said above, food, ammunition and firearms...the staples of life is what matters because when the free stuff evaporates; it really will be the those who have vs those who don't.

Edited by RobertNashville
  • Like 1

I don't know if the citizens will ever revolt but I think the White House, most of Congress and a few members of SCOTUS are pretty revolting already.


This link would serve to reinforce the idea that people in this country are trying to do all possible to get this govt back under control:


I think as this ACA starts to negatively affect more Americans, you will start to see more outcry for this crap to stop....and it may very well evolve into civil disobedience....we can only hope the politicians will wise up and do their jobs the way the Constitution directs them...

When everyone finally sees how much they will be paying, and realizes they are paying for someone else's insurance, then realizes

how much rationing goes on, they will be mad as Hell. And that's if Robert's scenario doesn't happen, which I agree will.


I don't know about that disobedience being so civil, either. There is so much in our society that is wrong, already. The little "knockout

games" are nothing compared to the crime in the inner cities. That stuff is spreading. Our society is already infected with too much

of the wrong upbringing. Add the bad politics and it doesn't look good for our country.

Guest TNSovereignty

I'm no Romney supporter, but the truest statement he made on the campaign was considered a political gaffe:  "There are 47% of the people who will vote for the president no matter what ... who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims. ... These are people who pay no income tax. ... and so my job is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them that they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."


So let's round up & say 50% of the population can be termed the parasite class.  This class will fight for their parasitic 'rights', and would be the government's minions in putting down any revolt.  


Then there's the complacent class.  These are the folks who hate the parasite class but are too enamored with leisure & entertainment to get off their ass & do something about it.  They vote straight ticket GOP, put an anti-Obama sticker on their car, and possibly attend the annual tea-party chili cookoff.   I don't claim to know the entire citizenry, but based on observations dealing with folks from urban/suburban/rural TN, my guess is the complacent class is roughly a quarter of the 'conservatives' in the country.  If a revolt came they'd scrape the conservative bumper stickers from their car & hunker down until they starved or succumbed to the parasites.


Then there's the Neville Chamberlain class.  These are the GOP'ers who desire peace at the cost of freedom; security at the cost of liberty.  Whaddya think ... another 10-15% of the 'conservatives'?  If a revolt came they'd head for Canada.


So would you agree that the liberty-loving class is up against 85% of the population?  With the understanding that maybe 1/3 of the folks are with you 'in spirit' ... but are they willing to put their lives & sacred honor on the line?  I'm doubting it.  Most people who talk revolt are actually content with their current serf status, allowing the myriad of government entities to confiscate more than half of their wealth production as long as they get their bread & circuses.


As far as I'm concerned the best thing that could happen to us would be financial collapse ... it would be a painful cleansing for the heart & soul of the nation, and in the aftermath a boon to those who aren't afraid of liberty, labor, and the true pursuit of happiness.  We could develop a relocation plan for the parasites, complacents, & Chamberlains ... send 'em to continental Europe where they'd fit in perfectly.

...As far as I'm concerned the best thing that could happen to us would be financial collapse ... it would be a painful cleansing for the heart & soul of the nation, and in the aftermath a boon to those who aren't afraid of liberty, labor, and the true pursuit of happiness...

I suspect the pain would be beyond what most of us can even imagine.  How many millions will die either directly from violence or from causes such as starvation, infections, lack of maintenance medications, etc?  One thing all the EOTWAWKI books have noted pretty well is how completely interconnected EVERYTHING is today; one break in the supply chain and everything falls apart.


This message conveyed in the old nursery rhyme has never been more true that it is today as an example of how interdependent we (we meaning most of the industrialized world) is...

For want of a nail the shoe was lost.
For want of a shoe the horse was lost.
For want of a horse the rider was lost.
For want of a rider the message was lost.
For want of a message the battle was lost.
For want of a battle the kingdom was lost.
And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.

  • Like 1

I would have characterized the "Neville Chamberland" class as the John Kerry or the Cordell Hull class of SecStates. But you may be right

with the other stuff. It's really difficult to say how many of the beggar class there really are who would vote for future buffoons, but you're

probably close.


The GOP class is the group of progressives I lump in the Karl Rove class of compromisers. And they are worthless.

Guest TNSovereignty


I suspect the pain would be beyond what most of us can even imagine.  How many millions will die either directly from violence or from causes such as starvation, infections, lack of maintenance medications, etc?  One thing all the EOTWAWKI books have noted pretty well is how completely interconnected EVERYTHING is today; one break in the supply chain and everything falls apart.

Yes - agreed.  When I said "the best thing that can happen to us is a financial collapse", my meaning is that it's likely the best of all the other rotten scenarios.  E.g.  Better than Marxism, better than enslavement, better than globalism ... each having their own resultant starvations, violence, etc.


There are also many potentialities of a financial collapse ... frankly, I think we're amid the collapse, its currently happening slowly, and the least painful scenario is that it slowly buckles & erodes without riots, catastrophic hyper-inflation, etc.  That's the best case scenario, if God thinks we deserve it.  


It's really difficult to say how many of the beggar class there really are who would vote for future buffoons ...


The GOP class is the group of progressives I lump in the Karl Rove class of compromisers. And they are worthless.

Concur ... love the term 'beggar class' - perfect synonym for parasite.  Yes, I'd actually lump the Karl Rove types with the 'parasites'.  Talking heads produce nothing but carbon dioxide and waste gases.  Anyone ... anyone, who produces nothing of tangible value is by definition, a freeloading mooch.  Our shame is that the culture rewards worthlessness.


Well, the talking heads do one thing: plants are still growing, in spite of Al Gore. :D


Well, the talking heads do one thing: plants are still growing, in spite of Al Gore. :D


The plants are growing really slow right now, in spite of Al Gore. Need to handcuff him to a stop sign in Memphis and let him ride out the Icepocalypse. See if he can preach global warming with ice cycles hanging off his chin.

Guest Lester Weevils
Posted (edited)

I'm no Romney supporter, but the truest statement he made on the campaign was considered a political gaffe:  "There are 47% of the people who will vote for the president no matter what ... who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims. ... These are people who pay no income tax. ... and so my job is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them that they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."


So let's round up & say 50% of the population can be termed the parasite class.  This class will fight for their parasitic 'rights', and would be the government's minions in putting down any revolt. 


The existence of a parasite class is inarguable, but I don't think it is accurate to say that all people who pay no income tax are parasites, so the parasite percentage is somewhat lower than 50%. Perhaps significantly lower, though admittedly it seems to be growing.


You have a lot of good folks who work a whole lot harder than I do, who don't happen to make enough money to owe tax at the end of the day. And though some of them on the very bottom also get away from paying much SS tax due to earned income credit-- Even the EIC workers, the gubment gets 7.65% of every penny they make off their employer, so if they didn't work, the gubment wouldn't get that money. And lots of people who don't make enough money to owe hardly any income tax, but don't get the EIC and account of 15.30% of their income going to the gubment in SS taxes. The SS all gets spent immediately as soon as uncle sugar gets his mitts on it, so it is a distinction without a difference that those folks are "paying no income tax".


In addition, most all working folks get taxed another approximate tithe in sales tax, even if they are avoiding most all SS and income tax. In TN, a working fella who makes enough money to be ineligible for EIC, even if he pays zero income tax, he's paying about a 25% rate in SS + sales tax. And if he rents, he's paying the property tax on the rental, and if he owns, he's still paying the property tax.


Sorry for the rant, just sayin there are lotsa folks who "pay no income tax" including I imagine a percentage of folks on this here TGO, who ain't parasites and ain't "the enemy" because they don't pay income tax. Most of those folks DID pay income tax until, guess who? Until G.W. Bush passed his tax cut and put them "under the line" of owing much or any income tax.

Edited by Lester Weevils
With as much heat coming out of his mouth, we wouldn't need to worry about any ice storm in Memphis tomorrow....

The plants are growing really slow right now, in spite of Al Gore. Need to handcuff him to a stop sign in Memphis and let him ride out the Icepocalypse. See if he can preach global warming with ice cycles hanging off his chin.

You must have noticed the plants growing much more slowly because he has proclaimed himself to be a vegetarian, now. Must mean he's

eating too many vegetables. Just never any balance, is there?

Guest TNSovereignty
Posted (edited)

The existence of a parasite class is inarguable, but I don't think it is accurate to say that all people who pay no income tax are parasites, so the parasite percentage is somewhat lower than 50%. Perhaps significantly lower, though admittedly it seems to be growing.

Roger, noted & agree.  But neither Romney, nor I, were saying one is a parasite who doesn't pay taxes ... it's the one who is 'dependent on the government' AND doesn't pay taxes.  I'll accept the argument that the current parasite percentage is something a bit lower than 50% ... but the whole point of statist government is to grow that portion of the population, and that's what Obamacare is all about.  

Edited by TNSovereignty

slip off topic a minute.


You know guys, I'm about sick of what's been going on for past 5 yrs just like most of you.

I had Drudge as my home page for a long time and changed it not long after the king was selected to Weasel Zippers. Now if you don't follow WZ I'll have you know that he exposes the left-wing-hatred and hypocrisy on a daily basis. It can be depressing at times but it's usually news you won't read elsewhere. WZ also lets you know what's going on in Iraq and offers up some excellent photos and videos of our troops.

Anyway, I found myself just getting upset over all this crap in the news and decided last week to make http://allenwestrepublic.com/ my home page and have adopted him as my President. 


I can already feel a sense of hope. 


Carry on.  :usa:

  • Like 2
Guest Lester Weevils

Roger, noted & agree.  But neither Romney, nor I, were saying one is a parasite who doesn't pay taxes ... it's the one who is 'dependent on the government' AND doesn't pay taxes.  I'll accept the argument that the current parasite percentage is something a bit lower than 50% ... but the whole point of statist government is to grow that portion of the population, and that's what Obamacare is all about.  


"There are 47% of the people who will vote for the president no matter what ... who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims. ... These are people who pay no income tax. ... and so my job is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them that they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."



Yep, that do seem a big point of obammycare.


However, you may be cutting Romney too much slack, or alternately I just read his comment all wrong. It pissed me off the first time I heard it back during the campaign.


I've got my share of problems, but make pretty good bucks (and pay pretty high taxes) sitting on my butt tapping on a puter, when there are millions of folks working their tails off but don't make enough money to pay much tax.


I think Romney's comment showed his "out of touch-ness" because he makes so much damn money (a great deal of it taxed at 15% cap gains rate, lower than my tax rate) and he pays such an insignificant part of his income on (income capped) social security and sales tax, that he just didn't realize that an effective tax rate of 25% or more on a pauper is in any way "significant", merely because the law says the man or woman owes little or nothing in income tax. Ignore the hard-working paupers because they don't pay income tax. Right.


It also is galling that so many country-club republicans bitch about the working poor paying little or no income tax, BECAUSE THEY ARE THE ONES RESPONSIBLE FOR THAT, with the Bush tax cut.


Bitching about something they caused (and applauded at the time). Before Bush's tax cut, even after Reagan's tax cut, po folks paid some income tax and had some skin in the game. Then they want to cut income tax even more, and afterward will likely bitch that EVEN FEWER of the peons are paying income tax. Just sticks in my craw. :)


I'm not a fan of tax, mind you. But it IS a good idea for everybody to have skin in the game, and it is seriously stupid to bitch about something they caused.


So the government is going to be overthrown because of Obama care? Give me a break.

If the government is overthrown so is the Constitution; it becomes a worthless piece of paper. That won’t happen.

Now I won’t rule out an economic collapse of the government. But then everyone loses.

I hate Obama and his ideas as much as anyone; but not enough to turn my back on my country.

how about just keep that piece of paper and get rid of the idiots in Washington :) and live by that piece of paper... ummmm a do over ... 

Guest Bonedaddy

Our, or any goobernut, for that matter, is only a smaller part of a MUCH BIGGER problem and entity that would have to be well thought out to subdue and that's global business interests. That's where the real power and problems begin at and it has the money, wherewithall and gall to put a stop to most any resistance short of world war and probably even then. People don't like it when you take their money but the really rich hate it with a passion. You can't take on our goobernut without takin' on the freakin' "world" of bizniz (includin' the military industrial complex). Figger out how to shut that down, without realization till it's too late, then all goobernuts can fall. Can't think of a task as difficult as that.

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