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2013 Secret Santa "Thank You" Thread

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[quote name="Reservoir Dog" post="1078605" timestamp="1386983438"]I got mine yesterday, but just now getting a chance to check it out. It's pretty cool! Lots of tools in a small package. Thanks, Secret Santa!! [url="http://s199.photobucket.com/user/tnresdog/media/IMG_04511.jpg.html"]IMG_04511.jpg[/url][/quote] I'm a big fan of this leather man. EDC it on my keychain. Nice knife, tweezers, and scissors, along with a few other things!

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Who ever mine was thank you.


I will definitely be able to use everything in the box. I ammo can will go with me to the range because now what I use is old plastic jars. The snap caps will come in handy too as I do a lot with 22. The Leatherman will also get tossed in the range box too because I always find myself needing a pair of scissors. The call will also get used as I have been debating on hunting again. I haven't hunted anything for sport since 2001 and the call might be what gets me back outside.


Thanks again, I appreciate everything.

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Here is the pin I got. I don't know who made this, but if you see this please send me an email, I'd like to see about getting a few more. 20131214_193421_zps8f4eed88.jpg20131214_193424_zps53937f00.jpg20131214_193427_zpsf916567a.jpg Tapatalk ate my spelling.


I guess if I'm going to send you an email I might as well fess up. I'm glad you like it, they're fun to make, and fun to write with.

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The brown truck delivered my Secret santa gift today. Just what i wanted. I had been meaning to get some sort of firearm related hat and always needed a new drinking mug.

I recieved a 5.11 hat, Barrett coffee mug, LA police gear insulated mug, a nano light by streamlight and a copy of recoil magazine.


If i could figure out how to post a photo online i would just show you.


Thanks secret santa.

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Secret Santa just came. Very nice Kershaw Cryo folder. Looks really nice...well, except for the blood on it. Yeah,it's sharp! Dumbass.

Thank you Santa.

It took me all of 5 seconds to slice myself with the cryo when I got it.
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Another awesome one from sL1k! It actually was amazing timing on his part because I just lost my last Kershaw last week and hadn't gotten a replacement for it yet. I do now! Thanks!


Thats my new favorite edc knife. It seems heavy in the hand but you cant even tell its in your pocket. It made me realize why people pay so much for the q36. I had to share it with someone.
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Went to the post office to mail off my SS gift and do some Christmas shopping. Got home to find my gift in the mail. Thanks for the streamlight. Perfect size for everyday pocket carry(been trying to figure out how to carry not on belt. Thanks again. quqyqusy.jpg JTM We the People of the United States, in order to form a more Perfect Union......

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[quote name="Troutburger" post="1080624" timestamp="1387368973"]Yeah sounds like crayons and play doh for everyone next year.Of course someone would wind up eating the crayons and gettin play doh in the carpet....[/quote] Doing it wrong! The crayons are to be used as emergency candles and the Play-Doh is to be used as emergency sustenance due to its infinite shelf life. Sent from my iPhone using [URL=http://tapatalk.com/m?id=1]Tapatalk[/URL]
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