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Bear Attack Survival Kit


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You don't have to shoot full powered loads in those things.:slapfight: These sell reduced loads and if you reload (a necessity with the cost of ammo) you can tailor your own reduced loads.

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Guest REDDOG79

I had the chance to shoot a S&W 500 at the range a month or so ago. Some guy there pulled it out after i was shooting my double barrelled Stoeger coach gun one handed. He let me shoot his twoce and the recoil really was pretty manageable as it was ported and compensated. After I shot it I asked him how much i owed him for the two shots. He said don't worry about it but when i looked at the box i figured it out at about a $1.75 a shot and he had what looked like to be cheap ammo for it.

They would be cool to have but I see no nedd for one other than on an Alaskan bear hunt. Or to shoot dinosaurs

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You don't have to shoot full powered loads in those things.:D These sell reduced loads and if you reload (a necessity with the cost of ammo) you can tailor your own reduced loads.

That begs the question... why buy a .500 if you're only going to shoot reduced power loads through it?


I can understand shooting reduced loads for practice and such, and maybe that's where you're going with this... but it'd be pretty dim IMO to carry reduced loads in that thing in the woods. Course, I kind of thing the entire premise behind the thing is dim... a snubby .500?


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Guest 70below

I think the kit is a neat gimmick at best, but the pistol actually would be pretty handy. I've spent a lot of time in the woods in AK, and after spending all day hiking with a .44 Super Blackhawk hangin and bangin on your side, you're done, bear attack or none...lol. I haven't pawed at one of these yet, but it looks at least like a more convenient carry and packs enough punch to make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

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Guest bkelm18
So i guess it burns off once the bullet leave the barrel?

Yep. Anytime you see a flash in front of the gun, its from the powder continuing to burn outside the barrel. I can imagine this thing would have a nice fireball coming out of it.

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Guest eyebedam
We're an open carry state.

Would indeed be quite impressive sidearm!

- OS

Yes I know but I dont want to draw to much attention to myself. No need to advertise.

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Guest tnmale46
Correct me if im wrong but isnt the .460 superior to the .500? I think if you could keep yourself from shooting it these kits would be great collectors items down the road. I almost bought one 6 mos ago.
if i was buying i would get the 460
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