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Thoughts? Reviews?

Guest jps37033

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Does anyone have any experience, thoughts, reviews, on this brand or model? Thanks


Para = :up:

Personal opinion.

The ones i've seen\played around with didnt seem very... high in the quality dept. Slide rattled... machine marks in places there shouldnt be machine marks. Some HATE hollow points.

FTE, FTF, etc.

Maybe i just had bad luck... however i doubt it.

Edited by sling
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The bad thing about purchasing guns like this is there is no test shot ability. If you can find a shop in the area that will rent one to let you shoot it then you can make a better informed decision.

As far as Para goes, I would definitly test drive it first. My bother has one of the older P14s and it is a dream to shoot. He carries it as his primary carry gun but has a Springfield loaded and several others he could carry. The P14 has never burped and eats anything he puts in it.

I purchased the micro carry Wart Hog with light rails on it and it wouldn't shoot for crap. Others here have said they had no issues with their Wart Hogs...every gun is different.

Now all that said, Para will fix (or try to ) any issues you have. I happened to have all my issues the same month their president keeled over and died so they were "busy".

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I had the P14-45 and lost my butt on it, but was so eager to get rid of it, I took the loss. Paid over $900 for it, and sold it for $400. It had many fte and ftf problems with all different ammo. The mag dropped out from time to time. It was a great looking gun, but quality was not there. I don't think I'll buy another Para.That's my :slapfight:. YMMV.

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I have a Warthog that is very close to what you are looking at. (The Warthog is SA rather than the LDA.) I had to do a little "work" to the Warthog to make it as reliable as I wanted it. It does prefer a firm grip because it is so light and also likes to be clean. I spent about four hours with 600 grit sandpaper, a dremel, jeweler's rouge, and Militec 1 to get it to where I would be happy with it. Boy is it sweet now!

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Guest jps37033
I have a Warthog that is very close to what you are looking at. (The Warthog is SA rather than the LDA.) I had to do a little "work" to the Warthog to make it as reliable as I wanted it. It does prefer a firm grip because it is so light and also likes to be clean. I spent about four hours with 600 grit sandpaper, a dremel, jeweler's rouge, and Militec 1 to get it to where I would be happy with it. Boy is it sweet now!

Can I see some pics? Thats a lot of work. Do you do that for others for a fee? Thanks

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I've done it for some friends but never a chargable thing. I started with doing a "fluff and buff" as described on the KTOG.org website. (I have a P3AT that needed it.) This website gave me some ideas also: http://www.sightm1911.com/lib/tech/reliability_secrets.htm

The Militec 1 made it even better. That stuff is like Slick 50 for guns!

I can try to get some pics together but it'd be hard to tell what I had smoothed out without seeing it in person. Let me know if you ever make it down towards Memphis and I'll be glad to show you how to do it. It's not rocket science but it takes patience.

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Guest jps37033

Im only about 45 minutes from Memphis, and looking for a good range anyways. Let me know, and maybe we can hook up soon. I also am looking for a good gun shop to buy a new 1911 you can maybe recommend one, and we can go try it out. Let me know. Thanks

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I like Para, or at least the Warthog I own. It's SA which I like. I'm not a DA guy, and LDA stands for light double action. Although it's not as heavy as some DA's, but still it's a DA. Make sure you drive the LDA around the block before you buy.

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Para P14-45 LDA LTD. Sold because the guard company I play around decided we had to have 9mm or 38. Regret selling it.

Para P14-45 LTD. Momentary fit of insanity sold it.

Para Tac-Four LDA with power extractor Commander length, sold because my dad was worried he'd forget the safety. Worked great once the Para Service Center fixed the previous owner's attempt as home gunsmithing.

Para P13 LTD didn't like the officer's grip carried it.

Para P13 LTD still didn't like the officer's grip and not enamored with the power extractor.

I guess I'm doing something wrong. I'm 5 for 5 with Para's. Maybe it's because I've not fooled with the little guns. Then again, I haven't had 1911's that failed to run and I haven't tried the little guns.

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Guest Todd@CIS
We used to sell them, but no longer stock them and won't special order them.

Too many reliability issues.

This should tell you all you need to know.

Do some Paras work? Sure, but too many don't.

If you have to have a 1911 in that size and price range, and aren't married to the LDA action, find yourself a used Series I Kimber ProCarry. I've had three (both steel and aluminum) and all were 100% with no fluff and buff needed.

Edited by Todd@CIS
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I'm not familiar with anyone in Memphis that rents Paras. I traded for my Warthog and I'm glad I did. I'm a professional tinkerer so I knew the Para wouldn't be anything I couldn't fix if I had trouble out of it. I do prefer the SA aspect of it rather than any type of DA. PM me if you are coming to Memphis some time and we'll try to meet at RangeUSA. (rangeusa.com) It is a nice range and they do sell guns also.

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