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Thanks a bunch to Classic Arms and member ParaTac!

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I recently contacted them about getting a couple new firearms to add to my collection- one of those being my first AK variant rifle. I've recently had both knees replaced and it has been hard getting out of my house. Today I got up enough strength to get out and head to Classic Arms, but had to have my wife drive. Once there I met TGO member ParaTac (use to be halfpint) and the store owner Jay Hill. They made me and my along, along with our youngest daughter, feel welcome and helped me right away. A few minutes later I was leaving with a new handgun and an Arsenal SAM7SF-84 on order! I pumped to say the least.

Thanks Chance for your help!
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I'm afraid I won't be able to find a place to shoot it. Can't afford Mid-South Shooting right now....


Range USA in Jackson is rifle rated. I think it is only 25 yards but better than nothing. Just a half hour past that is Natchez Trace state park with a free outdoor range. I don't think there are any other locations closer than that, that do not require a fee. 

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Range USA in Jackson is rifle rated. I think it is only 25 yards but better than nothing. Just a half hour past that is Natchez Trace state park with a free outdoor range. I don't think there are any other locations closer than that, that do not require a fee.

I might have to go over to Jackson and try Range USA. The location here only allows .223 frangible. Thanks for the info!
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Guest Bonedaddy

I "think" you can shoot up to .308 @ RangeUSA Jax and yep....25 yds is it but hey... it not all bad, unless you're shootin' next to someone with a Saiga 12, like I was, last time. Even with the ears on, it kinda disrupts your concentration a tad, ya know?

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We just missed formally meeting. I was just leaving the shop when you all arrived. My last excursion before the holidays. I hate being around the crowds. I thought it was cool that a young lady would bring a guy on crouches to the gun store. My wife would have to be held hostage to make that trip. I hope that you are back to 100% soon. Happy Thanksgiving!
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We just missed formally meeting. I was just leaving the shop when you all arrived. My last excursion before the holidays. I hate being around the crowds. I thought it was cool that a young lady would bring a guy on crouches to the gun store. My wife would have to be held hostage to make that trip. I hope that you are back to 100% soon. Happy Thanksgiving!

Sorry we didn't get to meet! I hate crowds too. My wife took me because if she didn't she would have to put up with this all weekend:
Posted Image

Hope you and yours have a Happy Thanksgiving! Maybe we will get to formally meet one day. I'm thinking about going to Classic Arms and sitting on their park bench with a sign that says "I'm on TGO".....
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