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2014 Off Season Support Group Deer Season Thread

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I killed another doe. Think im up to 6 or 7 deer for the season.

Layin em down brother! Hope you get another one in the morning! I'm trying to talk the Mrs. into going into the woods with me in the morning. She said, "No". I said, "No, I mean for hunting"  :rofl:

Edited by rugerla1
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 I too wish we had one more week since the weather is getting so that one can anticipate what they'll be doing by watching it. I'm not out of the game yet though since I still have tomorrow and then i'll make a trip or two down to FL and see if I can do any good down there.

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Well folks the Twenty 13 deer season is in the books, and this 60 pound fat little doe sent my season out with a bang! Time to start thinking about Rabbit Hunting and Sauger Fishing.

Awesome Dave! Congrats again! You did very well this season!!
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Awesome Dave! Congrats again! You did very well this season!!

Thank You Sir. I never got my Buck, but 6 does are thinned from the herd. Maybe my Grandson will put Ol' Soup Bones down for a dirt nap.



Edited by DaveS
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Well folks the Twenty 13 deer season is in the books, and this 60 pound fat little doe sent my season out with a bang! Time to start thinking about Rabbit Hunting and Sauger Fishing.



Congrats! Nothing like squeezing one more in at the last minute.
I'm hoping to catch the stirring before this front. If I put one down early enough I'll probably stay put and try to get another.
I may be asking for trouble but I think I'm headed back into that devilish area that I took the last one in.
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I load my pictures to photobucket and edit and resize as desired. click apply and save at the top right of the photobucket page. Then scroll down a bit and you'll find a little box on the right hand side of the page. The box says LINKS TO SHARE PHOTO. Click on the little box to the right of "DIRECT". If you did it right it will highlight yellow and say "copied". Come over here and open up your posting dialog box. Look in your reply box at the menu at the top of the box and you will see a little icon that looks like a picture frame. Click it. A box will open up and right click in the box and when a little window appears click paste then OK...bingo its done. Maybe someone else can chime in with better instructions or a short cut.



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So! Season is over ladies and gents. I killed a 146 pointer tonight but the rack wouldn't fit in the camera so you'll just have to take my word on it.  :rock:

Wind was terrible as we all know, had guys next door target practicing about 2:30 or so, then the bottom fell out for about an hour and then turned to just light to medium rain the rest of the day. 

I've really enjoyed this hunting season and a lot of that was keeping up with the hunting threads on here. Thanks to everyone who participated and made the hunt talk what it is.

Dave, I need help lifting this huge rack into the truck...... :rofl:

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So! Season is over ladies and gents. I killed a 146 pointer tonight but the rack wouldn't fit in the camera so you'll just have to take my word on it.  :rock:

Wind was terrible as we all know, had guys next door target practicing about 2:30 or so, then the bottom fell out for about an hour and then turned to just light to medium rain the rest of the day. 

I've really enjoyed this hunting season and a lot of that was keeping up with the hunting threads on here. Thanks to everyone who participated and made the hunt talk what it is.

Dave, I need help lifting this huge rack into the truck...... :rofl:

Gives us something to look forward to huh? I hope it warms up a bunch for the youth hunt.



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Well I saw one doe right after I put the blind out and sat down around 2. She crossed the end of the clearing where it came to a point so she was only in the open for about 5 seconds. I think they moved earlier out there because of some sign they left as well as 4 active scrapes with one of them being very fresh, I'd say no longer than 12hrs but if I had to bet I would say it was done in late morning - noon. I ended up hunting a spot I haven't been all year and found a line of scrapes that I followed a bit and counted 11 in no more than 100' and seemed to keep going. I guess I know where I should have been earlier in the season.
I was also reminded today, the importance of checking for dead trees. I always check really close when using my climbing stand but today I was using a pop up blind and got careless and forgot to look around me. I set them blind up next to a cedar tree which happened to put a dead tree on the other side. I heard wood start cracking above me as the wind blew 3'-4' of the top of the trunk down and it hit the ground no more than 12" from my right side. It was about 10" in diameter so I'm pretty sure it would have been bad if it had been a few inches closer because that would have put it on my head. I'm just mentioning this in hopes that everyone will pay a bit closer attention to things like that because it wouldn't have taken much for it to have severely injured or killed me today.
And that was the end to my TN deer season.
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Well I saw one doe right after I put the blind out and sat down around 2. She crossed the end of the clearing where it came to a point so she was only in the open for about 5 seconds. I think they moved earlier out there because of some sign they left as well as 4 active scrapes with one of them being very fresh, I'd say no longer than 12hrs but if I had to bet I would say it was done in late morning - noon. I ended up hunting a spot I haven't been all year and found a line of scrapes that I followed a bit and counted 11 in no more than 100' and seemed to keep going. I guess I know where I should have been earlier in the season.
I was also reminded today, the importance of checking for dead trees. I always check really close when using my climbing stand but today I was using a pop up blind and got careless and forgot to look around me. I set them blind up next to a cedar tree which happened to put a dead tree on the other side. I heard wood start cracking above me as the wind blew 3'-4' of the top of the trunk down and it hit the ground no more than 12" from my right side. It was about 10" in diameter so I'm pretty sure it would have been bad if it had been a few inches closer because that would have put it on my head. I'm just mentioning this in hopes that everyone will pay a bit closer attention to things like that because it wouldn't have taken much for it to have severely injured or killed me today.
And that was the end to my TN deer season.

HOLY CRAP! Glad it missed ya. I was thinking about that today when I put my blind up. I was glad I did when the wind really picked up because limbs were falling everywhere!

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I was also reminded today, the importance of checking for dead trees. I always check really close when using my climbing stand but today I was using a pop up blind and got careless and forgot to look around me. I set them blind up next to a cedar tree which happened to put a dead tree on the other side. I heard wood start cracking above me as the wind blew 3'-4' of the top of the trunk down and it hit the ground no more than 12" from my right side. It was about 10" in diameter so I'm pretty sure it would have been bad if it had been a few inches closer because that would have put it on my head. I'm just mentioning this in hopes that everyone will pay a bit closer attention to things like that because it wouldn't have taken much for it to have severely injured or killed me today.
And that was the end to my TN deer season.

This is something that never used to dawn on me, and it's a good point. Several years ago after a motorcycle wreck, my roommate in ICU was there from a tree stand accident. At least that's what the dr's were calling it anyway. Turns out he was in a climber, but another tree 15 or so yards came down in the wind and took him out of the tree. After I heard the story from his family it really made more aware in the woods, and really more aware at a greater circumference of my stand.

Glad you brought that up, and glad you dodged that one Luke.

And I guess now that deer season has ended its off to hunt smaller critters until spring spawn rolls around!
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Well I saw one doe right after I put the blind out and sat down around 2. She crossed the end of the clearing where it came to a point so she was only in the open for about 5 seconds. I think they moved earlier out there because of some sign they left as well as 4 active scrapes with one of them being very fresh, I'd say no longer than 12hrs but if I had to bet I would say it was done in late morning - noon. I ended up hunting a spot I haven't been all year and found a line of scrapes that I followed a bit and counted 11 in no more than 100' and seemed to keep going. I guess I know where I should have been earlier in the season.
I was also reminded today, the importance of checking for dead trees. I always check really close when using my climbing stand but today I was using a pop up blind and got careless and forgot to look around me. I set them blind up next to a cedar tree which happened to put a dead tree on the other side. I heard wood start cracking above me as the wind blew 3'-4' of the top of the trunk down and it hit the ground no more than 12" from my right side. It was about 10" in diameter so I'm pretty sure it would have been bad if it had been a few inches closer because that would have put it on my head. I'm just mentioning this in hopes that everyone will pay a bit closer attention to things like that because it wouldn't have taken much for it to have severely injured or killed me today.
And that was the end to my TN deer season.

That's a good safety point that I often overlook. Thanks for the reminder. I just came in from rescuing our pet goose, and a limb came down in the back yard while I was out there. That's bad business folks!



Edited by DaveS
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This is something that never used to dawn on me, and it's a good point. Several years ago after a motorcycle wreck, my roommate in ICU was there from a tree stand accident. At least that's what the dr's were calling it anyway. Turns out he was in a climber, but another tree 15 or so yards came down in the wind and took him out of the tree. After I heard the story from his family it really made more aware in the woods, and really more aware at a greater circumference of my stand.

Glad you brought that up, and glad you dodged that one Luke.

And I guess now that deer season has ended its off to hunt smaller critters until spring spawn rolls around!

I'm usually what I would consider overly cautious about dead or rotting trees and large limbs. I guess it became habit from back when I cleared land because when you bump a dozer blade or excavator bucket up against an unhealthy tree quite often the top will come out of it. For some reason I just got into a rush and spotted a good vantage point and forgot to even glance around. It wasn't so bad windy when I was setting up so I just didn't think about.
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Well I am sad & glad at the same time about the season being over. Sad that the only time I saw a truely nice shooter buck was the weekend of the juvenile hunt and I couldn't shoot. Glad it was a safe season, and for the deer that I did get, 1 cull that needed to be taken, and three does. Glad that I don't have to get up early on my days off, lol. Glad for all the memories and the sights and sounds of nature that I got to enjoy.

Congrats to all that got the opportunity to take a deer, and better luck this fall to those that weren't as successful. Was a good year all an all. Hey, won't be that long til we get to chase Daves favorite bird. lol. Sorry couldn't help it Dave.

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I got up yesterday morning on the odd chance that I'd get lucky and see something with all the wind. I started walking to my stand at about 6:20 just when it started to get somewhat light out. I got to the opening of the field my stand is in and there were already four big does out there eating so I plopped down on the ground and waited. I had to wait a good 20 minutes before I could be for certain they were all does and take a shot. I HATE shooting prone but I didn't have much choice at this point. I normally shoot off of my knee but I with the wind blowing and cold hands I decided not to chance a bad shot. I took off my big outer jacket and rolled it up into a nice prop and took the shot. I made a heart shot instead of a shoulder shot but I am going to blame that on the 200mph winds! She went about 15 yards and went down.


Not only did I beat the rain but got to drop her off at the processor and head back home in time for church. I didn't get my big buck but I did get to take my wife hunting for the first time and witness her make an awesome 300 yard shot and drop her first deer where it stood!


I had another great season but now comes a bigger challenge. With the move to Nashville coming up in a few weeks I have only 10 or so months to find a new place to hunt!!!  :up:

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Well I am sad & glad at the same time about the season being over. Sad that the only time I saw a truely nice shooter buck was the weekend of the juvenile hunt and I couldn't shoot. Glad it was a safe season, and for the deer that I did get, 1 cull that needed to be taken, and three does. Glad that I don't have to get up early on my days off, lol. Glad for all the memories and the sights and sounds of nature that I got to enjoy.

Congrats to all that got the opportunity to take a deer, and better luck this fall to those that weren't as successful. Was a good year all an all. Hey, won't be that long til we get to chase Daves favorite bird. lol. Sorry couldn't help it Dave.

Have fun and don't wait on me...ya'll start without me! :rofl:



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