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Delta Fair in Memphis

Guest canynracer

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Guest canynracer

Anyone know if carry is off limits? It is at the Agricenter, and the fair site doesnt say anything...from what I am told, they dont sell alcohol....

SEEEEEEEEEEmmmmms like its a go, but anyone know for sure? I REALLLLLLY dont want to leave my gun in the car...

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Guest canynracer

YEah, I know THAT...but kinda hard to ride rides with the kids and worry if printing, or exposed...

I just want to know if it is off limits, or posted, thats all...I know the obvious...hehehe

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It takes a fair amount of $4 beer to make inbreeding successful. A fair is a wonderful place to people watch and just wonder how closely their parents were related. My favorite are the ones that spend $50 popping baloons with darts to get a $2 stuffed animal. LOL!!!!:stir: I'm certain that they find a great place in the trailer to display it though.

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Guest superslacker

I thought it was illegal to carry in a BUILDING that served alcohol, but is it illegal to carry at an EVENT that serves alcohol if it's outside? I carried for several hours at the delta fair last year, as well as the mid south fair.

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Guest canynracer

Well, I went, I didnt see anything posted, I saw a total of three beers in cans, I was there for about 7 hrs with the family...had a GREAT time!!!

Oh, and there are no metal detectors, and no wands at the gate.

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Guest canynracer
I thought it was illegal to carry in a BUILDING that served alcohol, but is it illegal to carry at an EVENT that serves alcohol if it's outside? I carried for several hours at the delta fair last year, as well as the mid south fair.

Nope, cannot go to an etablishment that serves alcohol for onsite consumption...the event would be the establishment (its held at the Agricenter) Now, the Mid South fair is not going to serve alcohol this year unless you are in the rodeo grounds. so the rest of the place is fair game...ubless of course its posted, or it takes place in some sort of park.

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Why does it matter if they have beer. Isn't it legal in this state to carry in a beer establishment as long as you aren't drinking?


39-17-1305 Possession of firearm where alcoholic beverages are served.

(a) It is an offense for a person to possess a firearm within the confines of a building open to the public where liquor, wine or other alcoholic beverages, as defined in § 57-3-101(a)(1)(A), or beer, as defined in § 57-6-102(1), are served for on premises consumption.

(:slapfight: A violation of this section is a Class A misdemeanor.

© The provisions of subsection (a) shall not apply to a person who is:

In the actual discharge of official duties as a law enforcement officer, or is employed in the army, air force, navy, coast guard or marine service of the United States or any member of the Tennessee national guard in the line of duty and pursuant to military regulations, or is in the actual discharge of duties as a correctional officer employed by a penal institution; or

On the person's own premises or premises under the person's control or who is the employee or agent of the owner of the premises with responsibility for protecting persons or property.

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Guest canynracer

Hmmmm...Fallguy, based on what you just posted, it does spell out "building" as superslacker stated (sorry super)

based on that, if it is a fair, that is not IN a BUILDING, and not posted...does it still apply?

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  • 4 years later...
Guest carrygirl

He is right.....you can carry in an establishment if you do not consume alcohol.  It is illegal only if you are BOTH within the confines of an establisment that serves alcohol AND you are consuming any alcoholic beverage. 

From the TN handgun carry law:


It is illegal for anyone to possess a handgun while under the influence of alcohol or any other controlled substance. It is illegal to possess a firearm if the person is both (1) within the confines of an establishment open to the public where liquor, wine or other alcoholic beverages, as defined in § 57-3-101(a)(1)(A), or beer, as defined in § 57-6-102(1), are served for consumption on the premises; and (2) consuming any alcoholic beverage listed.


Tennessee law now requires all establishments that serve alcohol, wine, or beer to take action if they intend to ban firearms from their premises. On June 21, 2010, the Tennessee General Assembly passed Pub. L. 1009 over the veto of Gov. Phil Bredesen. Pub. L. 1009 modifies Tenn. Code Ann. § 39-17-1305, which previously banned all firearms from premises where alcohol is served.

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