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Pacific Rim.....Redbox movie night


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so.... we could mind-meld 2 humans, but they still have to mechanically manipulate the machine AND. punch a keyboard... AND..... communicate to each other verbally!? it got 72% or something on rottentomatoes....so I thought, wow... must be cool! great story idea, neat adventure, but STUPID. one of the dumbest movies that had great potential I have ever seen. Edited by Peace
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Yeah, it sucked.  I kept wondering why they didn't start out with the missles and plasma cannons instead of fighting.  But I guess that would have made for a shorter movie.  Actually they could have just set up a bunch of batteries on the coastline and shot them before they made landfall.

Edited by sigmtnman
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Guest TankerHC

Dont know if you have ever heard of Asylum Films, but they produce knockoffs of about every Sci Fi and Horror movie that comes out and about half the time the knockoffs are better than the originals.


Check out Atlantic Rim from Asylum, it's better than Pacific Rim. 

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Ah.... that Asylum. Thought I recognized the name. Have seen quite a few of their movies, I confess. (I do have a weakness for really, really bad movies. Nazis at the Center of the Earth, Nazis on the Moon, etc.)


Atlantic Rim looks like it could fit right in there. And I really like Graham Green, but he should be ashamed. (Yes, I watched some clips. That's some really deadpan and awful dialog.)


I'll probable try to watch it. :shrug:   

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Thanks for posting this. I almost rented Pacific Rim last night, but chose World War Z, Ironman 3, and After Earth. We watched and enjoyed the first two and will watch the third this afternoon.


I certainly won't waste $1.25 on Pacific Rim.

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Oh,... And the reasons for the mind-meld was that the brain load on the "drift" with one machine was too much for one operator.... But they are selecting rockets by keyboard and everything else is connected to the physical movement of their body... What exactly was the brain connection from operator to machine doing?

And...... The operators had to be in the fighter-thingy? ... In an exposed position. .. Ie a control pod that was identifiable and vulnerable to attack?

At least in WWZ, they storied enough to get me emotionally invested - helping me make it through the ridiculous stuff.

All in all, the folks that make these movies are great at their jobs - maybe just not the best. But they successfully secure millions upon millions of dollars on investment to get the film Made. .. Easy for me to sit back and criticize, still.... I'd rather have my $1.70 back. :)
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Guest TankerHC

Ah.... that Asylum. Thought I recognized the name. Have seen quite a few of their movies, I confess. (I do have a weakness for really, really bad movies. Nazis at the Center of the Earth, Nazis on the Moon, etc.)


Atlantic Rim looks like it could fit right in there. And I really like Graham Green, but he should be ashamed. (Yes, I watched some clips. That's some really deadpan and awful dialog.)


I'll probable try to watch it. :shrug:   



Im guessing your a Sharknado fan? lol. I have watched that movie three times now. I cant help it. its like a train wreck. And if you havent already, if you have a Roku, search for "The 50 worst movies of all time". Some of the things these low budget makers did to complete films is pretty humorous.


There's a movie called "Monsters from Outer Space", the monster is a guy in a gorilla suit with a divers helmet on, the producer collected I think $150,000 promising huge returns to investors, he made the movie then vanished and hasnt been heard from since, this is a 50's movie. 


At least 9 of every ten horror movies in the 50's and 60's were a guy in a Gorilla suit.


Another movie, I cant think of the name, in that list, filming began I think in 1959, they ran out of money and only completed half the film, in 1969 or 1970 they got some money and completed the film, so half the film everyone is dressed in 1950's style, driving 1950's cars, and the ads are all 1950's, the second part of the film has different actors, late 1960's style clothes and late 1960's cars. 


I also am a fan of the worst movies that I can find. 



Edited by TankerHC
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Big LOL. I tolerated Sharknado, gave up on Rocknado.


Saw Monsters From Outer Space. It's right up there with Plan 9. 


I like to think I've seen most of the really good and bad SF movies from the 50s and 60s.


I was a Teenager from Outer Space/The Brain From Planet Alarus, etc. All the bad "Brain" movies, Teenage Frankenstein, Werewolf, and really bad Teenage Mummy.


And all the creatures, Them! The giant spiders, lizards, and blobs.


And you can depend on those sneaky or is it snarky, Canadians to produce some of the goodies in the current crop of SF channel goodies.


But I do watch a lot of them, sometimes just to piss off my wife in return for all the Lifetime Channel she forces me to listen to. I refuse to watch. I'll read, play here, do something, anything else.

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Guest Lester Weevils

I like genuinely rotten movies but such as the made-for-scifi channel fare are too tedious to even qualify as rotten.


Nazis at the center of the earth was kind of tedious and excessively S-M bloody, but IMO nazis on the moon qualifies as incredibly well done comedy spoof with great special effects. Heinlein and others wrote nazis on the moon SF stories in the late 1940's and 1950's, and the nazis on the moon movie is reminiscent of those old stories. Maybe nazis at the center of the earth was also intended to be comedy spoof, but if so it missed the target so badly that it didn't even hit the backstop berm.

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Guest TankerHC

There has only been one movie I have not been able to watch more than 10 minutes of, thats Battlefield Earth. After ten minutes I am nauseated, my head hurts and I want to cry. To foist a movie like Battlefield Earth on the general public should be considered an act of mental and emotional terror. 


This movie Battlefield Earth causes people to kick their dogs, the CIA uses it to extract information from terrorists and I have even heard that some geologists speculate it was the cause of the 2000 Napa Valley Earthquake.


A large group of people dressed in gorilla suits, divers helmets and carrying torches should go to Travoltas house, collect up all of his awards, and burn them in the Universal Studios Parking lot.


Travolta should be relegated to nothing but playing Vinnie Barbarino for eternity.


Travolta's pilots license should be revoked as this movie proves he is a threat to society. 


Did I mention that Battlefield Earth is a bad movie?


And they claim Troll II was the worst movie of all time, Battlefield Earth puts Troll II up there with Gone with the Wind.


Did I mention Battlefield Earth is a BAD MOVIE



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Guest Lester Weevils

I don't consider Battlefield Earth a fabulous movie, but it isn't all that bad, depending on one's attitude towards it.


Long before that blowhard L. Ron Hubbard founded his wacky scientology empire, he was one of the best SF writers in the universe. And then later in life, a few years before his demise, Hubbard took up SF writing again and wrote additional books, each longer than the bible-- Battlefield Earth and the "Invasion Earth" dekalogy, ten novels longer than the bible.


I suspect some of that end of life content may have had the assistance of ghost writers. Philip Jose Farmer would have been skilled enough to mimic Hubbard's style (or anyone else's style), but I don't have any likely suspects really.


Some people don't like those later novels, either honestly not liking the books or having too much a hangup about Hubbards decades-long scientology scam. But IMO they are super entertaining, hilarious page-turners. Filled with his typical axe-grinding against psychiatrists and "undisciplined slovenly egotistical people", etc. But very entertaining mind rot nevertheless.


Having read Battlefield Earth, the movie is not horribly unfaithful to the gist of the novel. Perhaps watching the movie just triggers memories of the novel in shorthand, if one has read the novel.

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There has only been one movie I have not been able to watch more than 10 minutes of, thats Battlefield Earth. After ten minutes I am nauseated, my head hurts and I want to cry. To foist a movie like Battlefield Earth on the general public should be considered an act of mental and emotional terror. 
This movie Battlefield Earth causes people to kick their dogs, the CIA uses it to extract information from terrorists and I have even heard that some geologists speculate it was the cause of the 2000 Napa Valley Earthquake.
A large group of people dressed in gorilla suits, divers helmets and carrying torches should go to Travoltas house, collect up all of his awards, and burn them in the Universal Studios Parking lot.
Travolta should be relegated to nothing but playing Vinnie Barbarino for eternity.
Travolta's pilots license should be revoked as this movie proves he is a threat to society. 
Did I mention that Battlefield Earth is a bad movie?
And they claim Troll II was the worst movie of all time, Battlefield Earth puts Troll II up there with Gone with the Wind.
Did I mention Battlefield Earth is a BAD MOVIE

I agree! It's right there with District 9 for me. AWEFUL!
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I like genuinely rotten movies but such as the made-for-scifi channel fare are too tedious to even qualify as rotten.
Nazis at the center of the earth was kind of tedious and excessively S-M bloody, but IMO nazis on the moon qualifies as incredibly well done comedy spoof with great special effects. Heinlein and others wrote nazis on the moon SF stories in the late 1940's and 1950's, and the nazis on the moon movie is reminiscent of those old stories. Maybe nazis at the center of the earth was also intended to be comedy spoof, but if so it missed the target so badly that it didn't even hit the backstop berm.

Right on target, Lester. And your comments made me remember Heinlein's story. I loved his writing, at least until he enter his second or third puberty phase and all he could write was sex.

Seemed that after the 70s he let his socialist views really come out.
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Guest Lester Weevils

I agree! It's right there with District 9 for me. AWEFUL!


I've never seen a "handheld camera mashup" kind of movie (like district 9 or that recent "Blackout" TV movie) that was even remotely worth watching.

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Guest TankerHC

I've never seen a "handheld camera mashup" kind of movie (like district 9 or that recent "Blackout" TV movie) that was even remotely worth watching.


There was one that I kind of liked, Cloverfield was pretty decent I thought. It was a fairly low budget film as I remember but the special effects were pretty well done, the only problem was that the primary monster wasnt really shown enough. But the spider things in the tunnels were done really well and not over the top, just enough to make it interesting. For those real fans of gore, watch Bad Taste. Saw it when it first came out, Peter Jacksons first movie, and the special effects guys volunteered and were not paid. The scene where one of the guys shoots an alien in the head with a large caliber revolver, then walks over pulls out a spoon and starts eating the aliens brains from the top of his head like he's eating a bowl of cereal is hilarious. then there is the character who falls off a cliff and smashes his head on the rocks, doesnt die but basically becomes completely insane because through the entire movie, parts of his brain are falling out, then there is the scene (Warning the following description of the scene is disgusting) where the "hero's" get into the aliens hideout, are hungry and start eating from this big bowl of stuff, the stuff is regurgitated human flesh vomit the aliens all barf into the vat to eat. 


If your a fan of gore, science fiction and brain eating and havent seen Bad Taste, then you havent seen the greatest movie in that genre of all time.


The premise of Bad Taste is that a bunch of aliens come to earth, slaughter an entire town in order to turn the human flesh into fast food. The only problem, they didnt kill everyone. 


EDIT: I think the character who was carrying a spoon while killing aliens and eating the alien brains was the same guy who fell off the cliff and bashed his brains out (Wanted to correct that for others who have seen it) havent seen the movie in probably 20 years. 

Edited by TankerHC
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 Ok, now I have to disagree a bit. I liked District 9. And Battlefield Earth. There. I said it. Didn't particularly rave over Cloverfield. I couldn't get into the camera style.

But that's ok. We like different kinds of trashy movies.

Haven't seen Bad Taste. Not sure if I want to look that one up. Seems a little far-fetched to me. :squint:  :stunned: LOL

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Guest TankerHC

 Ok, now I have to disagree a bit. I liked District 9. And Battlefield Earth. There. I said it. Didn't particularly rave over Cloverfield. I couldn't get into the camera style.

But that's ok. We like different kinds of trashy movies.

Haven't seen Bad Taste. Not sure if I want to look that one up. Seems a little far-fetched to me. :squint:  :stunned: LOL


Its gore comedy, but the gore part is really gore. 

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I'd have to do it on the sly, watching Bad Taste, that is. My wife absolutely hates my choices in movies.

And just the sound of this one would get me sent to the little tv while she watches Lifetime Movies or some home sales, buying, or remodeling show.

But that's a topic for another thread.
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Thought it should have been titled Godzilla meets Transformers.


Spring for "Redemption" with Jason Statham instead.


Some others I've watched lately.


Gangster Squad is OK, pretty predicable. (hated to waste the dollar on SeanPenn though)

Oblivion, I liked it if you can stomach Tom Cruise.

Cloud Atlas, liked this one too especially the second time around. (caution-gay scenes may make your beer come up)

Dead Man Down beats them all.


BTW, I can be entertained pretty easily.


Prometheus is pretty cool flick too.




Edited by kieefer
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Jason Statham is the Boss!! I'll even watch some of the movies where he has hair.

Redeption was awesome. Some of the best acting he's done.

Oblivion was kinda cool. A little transparent though. Didn't take long to see where it was headed.

Watched man of Steel last night. Fair. I'm still undecided about it overall though. But sure beat the heck out of the last Superman installment.
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