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You can buy unregulated Explosives!


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According to the ground breaking report tonight on Fox 17 News, News Ericka Lathom revels that people are buying dangerous unregulated explosives and tells how you can help limit this dangerous explosives availability. ..... It's Tannerite folks. :bored:


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Guest TankerHC

Hmmmm....me thinks some of those explosions were not caused by Tannerite. 


Then again, they could be. 


Here's a day we spent at the range recently.



Edited by TankerHC
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One of the local news channels in Nashville did a report last night about how easy it is for felons in Tennessee to buy guns without a background check.


Somehow I missed the "report" I assume it was the same old song and dance about gun show purchases and private sales? Was that the case?

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Somehow I missed the "report" I assume it was the same old song and dance about gun show purchases and private sales? Was that the case?

Ah yes, the ol "Gunshow Loophole", that Scheiße cracks me up EVERYTIME I hear a progressive puppet spout off about that crap. -_-

Edited by whitewolf001
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According to the ground breaking report tonight on Fox 17 News, News Ericka Lathom revels that people are buying dangerous unregulated explosives and tells how you can help limit this dangerous explosives availability. ..... It's Tannerite folks. :bored:



When are they gonna regulate stupid? It's a helluva lot more dangerous than a box of Tannerite.

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Lol gunpowder is not regulated.  Its not really an explosive, either, but that is just a technicality.   And its a lot easier to set off a jug of power pistol than it is a jar of tannerite. 


And you can make explosives all day long with ordinary components.  Its not hard. 

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I'm frankly surprised you can still buy Tannerite in it's branded form.  There have been plenty of people who have caused a whole lot of trouble by combining the components on their own en masse.


It'll get banned as soon as it generates enough attention.

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According to the ground breaking report tonight on Fox 17 News, News Ericka Lathom revels that people are buying dangerous unregulated explosives and tells how you can help limit this dangerous explosives availability. ..... It's Tannerite folks. :bored:


You know, my boys and I bought a few cans of that stuff just to see what it did. HOLY ****!!!!!! :stunned:  I actually asked the dealer later if he was sure that stuff was legal. A shifty fella could do some serious damage with it.

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Guest Keal G Seo

As with anything else, just because it CAN be used for illegal things doesn't mean people will or that people who wont should be banned from getting it. I mean the biggest deal here is that it is just ammonium nitrate and aluminum powder. Both easily accessible in their own forms alone. Plus if someone was going to use ammonium nitrate as an explosive there are far more powerful and unstable explosives they can make from it.

Edited by Keal G Seo
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Crazy that a person can buy ammonium nitrate and aluminum powder is much larger and cheaper quantities at rural king than buying it pre packaged as tannerite. It's the same stuff yet all off a sudden it's a problem because its being marketed as a target. God help us if they discover you can get the same ingredients in a cold pack at Walgreens.
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I'm frankly surprised you can still buy Tannerite in it's branded form.  There have been plenty of people who have caused a whole lot of trouble by combining the components on their own en masse.
It'll get banned as soon as it generates enough attention.

You can legally buy the components separate just like any other explosive, combine it and detonate it legally. Where you detonate it, transport and storage is a different story.
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You can legally buy the components separate just like any other explosive, combine it and detonate it legally. Where you detonate it, transport and storage is a different story.



But as soon as the bedwetters figure out that this guy:




Used the same components that make this:



Combined in bulk to do this:



They're going to try and ban it.  We all know it's pointless, but it doesn't mean they're not going to work themselves up trying to criminalize it.


I mean, you can't even go and buy your kid a chemistry set anymore...

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The bulk of ammonium nitrate you find now SHOULD have additives to make it very difficult to detonate. Iron sulfate works. Buying in bulk ain't as easy as it used to be.
A far as it goes, tannerite is pretty lame for an explosive. Which is why the media and the left will likely attack it vehemently. They never have a lick of sense about them. AN is by far the best choice for an oxidizer but there are far greater choices than aluminum powder for the second part. Deisel will yield a Timothy McVeigh result. Nitromethane will yield even higher results and using hydrazine will get you Astrolite G. Astrolite G is the worlds most powerful 'non nuclear' explosive.

Ban this, regulate that. Bahh, you can't banish intelligent people. Chemists and/or physics geniuses joining forces with a moderately talented machinist will get you anything you want. Edited by Caster
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But as soon as the bedwetters figure out that this guy:
Used the same components that make this:
Combined in bulk to do this:
They're going to try and ban it.  We all know it's pointless, but it doesn't mean they're not going to work themselves up trying to criminalize it.
I mean, you can't even go and buy your kid a chemistry set anymore...

That's the reason I don't think anything is gonna happen. Not much happened after Oklahoma City in regard to ammonium nitrate. It continues to be legal to purchase and make into explosives despite the fact it was used in one of the biggest terrorist attacks on our soil. A bunch of bubbas on YouTube blowing up beaver dams with it ain't gonna create a larger media footprint than that.
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It was also Fox 17 that did the "Special Report: on Gun Background Checks...

It’s not a LOOPHOLE!!!

A loophole implies that the legislature overlooked something that allows a way to get around some law.

Anyone that buys in Tennessee from a Federal licensed dealer has their background checked. That was the intent of the Federal law.

Any resident of this state is allowed private sales to other residents. That was in intent of our state legislature.

There are anti-gun journalists that know as much or more about guns than many on this forum. Why do they have the clueless do these stories? biggrin.gif
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According to the ground breaking report tonight on Fox 17 News, News Ericka Lathom revels that people are buying dangerous unregulated explosives and tells how you can help limit this dangerous explosives availability. ..... It's Tannerite folks. :bored:




And two days ago they were having a special on how "convicted felons can exploit a loophole and buy a gun without a background check"  They're getting desperate for ratings and throwing everything out there hoping that a story sticks.


<edit> nevermind, DHF beat me to it lol

Edited by Sam1
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If they shared half a brain they might figure out that these stories teach thugs how to skirt the law and commit more carnage. Of course, being the media, they don't report when someone admits they heard how to do it on the news.

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If they shared half a brain they might figure out that these stories teach thugs how to skirt the law and commit more carnage. Of course, being the media, they don't report when someone admits they heard how to do it on the news.

I'm certain the thugs already know how to get things anyway. I wouldn't call it "skirting" the law though, it's straight breaking the law. What felons are doing to acquire firearms is already breaking the law. No loophole exists. It is no different than me going out and buying cocaine. It is illegal to do no matter how easy it is to buy it.
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