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We need Enhanced Carry like MS (can almost carry anywhere)!!!

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I worry that politicians are sometimes too cute by half...  I could see a politician declaring that the carrying of firearms in public 'posed a material likelihood of risk of harm to the public' maybe after some questionable self defense shootings during the middle of an emergency.


Orders TDOS because everybody with an HCP poses this risk to suspend all of they permits - you'll note nothing under the law stops them from doing that today during a non-emergency...  Then suspend state law concerning administrative hearings and reinstatement of suspended permits.


Technically has 58-2-107(m) been violated?


As we're often reminded, carrying a gun anywhere is a crime even in our own yards...  and 39-17-1308 provided defenses to that crime...  such as being on your property, being at your place of businesses, having a HCP etc...  What if during an emergency the police department collected weapons, and issued you a citation for court where you can prove to a judge you were carrying under one of the legal defenses... 


Yes I know, paranoid...  But, the government both federal and state 'bend' the law this much if not more all the time already...  what would they be willing to do when things go sideways and people don't have access to courts?


Yeah, I would call you paranoid.  Would that the Right to bear arms was as well codified in the TCA as the restriction on the Governor to mess with legal ownership, use carrying or display of a firearm re an "emergency".  Seems pretty dang solid to me.

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