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So you dont think the Libertarian in VA is a spoiler?

Guest TankerHC

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Guest TankerHC

One of Obama's Chief Campaign Bundler's financed Sarvis campaign to get on the ballot. 3/4's of the Campaign fund for Sarvis came from Democrat Supporters. Virginia law says that in order to finance and sponsor a State candidate for a third party, you have to be a resident of that state. To get Sarvis on the ballot with outside funding and by people who campaign the ACLU sued and the 4th Circuit Court overturned Virginia's law, thats headed to the Supreme Court.


The Libertarian doesnt hold Libertarian views unless the redistribution of wealth is a Libertarian view or big Government is a Libertarian view.


When questioned on it by the National Review "Sarvis explained that he was “not into the whole Austrian type, strongly libertarian economics,” preferring “more mainstream economics” instead. The candidate expanded on this during an oddly defensive interview with MSNBC’s Chuck Todd, in which he seemed put off not so much by “strongly libertarian economics” as by libertarian economics per se. As governor, Sarvis told Todd, he would be hesitant to cut taxes, unsure as to how he might “reduce spending,” and open to indulging the largest piece of federal social policy since 1965 by expanding Virginia’s Medicaid program. I am generally a critic of the tendency of small-government types to try to purge their ranks of those deemed sufficiently impure, but I must confess that this interview left even me wondering whether Sarvis is in need of a dictionary."


Big Government, more taxes and increasing Social Welfare programs are Libertarian views? The Obama bundler financed 9 different programs to get "The Libertarian" on the ballot. And has done this numerous oher times in other campaigns.


The Libertarian is a shill and an intentional spoiler. Who's reporting it? The Blaze and the National Review. Whos not? CNN, Fox, and the rest. But its being well reported all through Virginia, I know because two of my brothers live there, one in Williamsburg and one in Remington. If the far left Progressive Liberal wins, they are both moving. 


This isn't the first time nor will it be the last time this has happened. Change a states campaign rules, put up a shill candidate and win an election. The same way people were saying that noting would come of the Colorado Gun Control laws and it wouldn't pass AFTER the Governor said he had the votes and the Republicans were in and it was a done deal (If you dont believe that Ill go back to my post before the laws were passed and you can read the responses), the only change was that he said he would be signing them that night and it took a couple of weeks. The Progressives already OWN the Federal Government and are taking the states one and two at a time, by changing campaign laws, bringing people in and winning elections.


The Demographers have been right, they are watching and said Virginia would be the next State to fall then Georgia then Tennessee. I will have to find that, I read the demo reports eariler this year and its clear states are turning.


The people of Tennessee and Georgia better stay vigilant, its coming this way. And there are already enough Liberals in both states to make it happen. I moved here because of the people, not the mountains (Although they are definitely a plus), hate to think I might end up living in South Dakota. Its a long drive to visit family here and Virginia, MS and Georgia.


Stay vigilant. This Libertarian is a shill, dont think it cant or wont happen everywhere else.






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Guest richief

One fact I am convinced of is ................ The GOP does not deserve the support of anyone who considers themselves a conservative. Nor of anyone that believes in Constitutional rule of law.

I will bet fifty bucks with anyone here that the GOP again, will not nominate a candidate worthy of "The People" mentioned above.

 Last election I bought into the total bullshit that a vote other than Republican was a wasted vote "spoiler".

Bullshit! Look what the GOP is today. McCain is a fine example.

I for one have Identified our beloved GOP, as well as the Dems as "LEFT, and LEFTER"

Again, the gop does not deserve our support!

I pray Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, or some other person guided by the constitution runs for president, and I don't care what label they are given.

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Guest TankerHC

One fact I am convinced of is ................ The GOP does not deserve the support of anyone who considers themselves a conservative. Nor of anyone that believes in Constitutional rule of law.

I will bet fifty bucks with anyone here that the GOP again, will not nominate a candidate worthy of "The People" mentioned above.

 Last election I bought into the total bull#### that a vote other than Republican was a wasted vote "spoiler".

Bull####! Look what the GOP is today. McCain is a fine example.

I for one have Identified our beloved GOP, as well as the Dems as "LEFT, and LEFTER"

Again, the gop does not deserve our support!

I pray Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, or some other person guided by the constitution runs for president, and I don't care what label they are given.


Agreed 1000%, the writings on the wall. The Republicans have shown time and time again that they will side with the Dems if it benefits them (Not their Constituents). Read this morning that some Republicans are focusing on Christie for the nomination and that when they see him win NJ in a landslide, it will send them a message that the party has turned a corner.  Here's the message, if Christie wins the nomination, the Dems have picked our candidate again, ala John McCain. heard on Levin last night while interviewing the guy who wrote the book about the Romney-Obama campaigns. Christie was Bernie Madoff's lobbyist. I would suggest the majority of those investors were not Democrats. Would you or anyone in your family vote for someone who stole your life savings or helped someone else steal your life saving? Thats the picture they will paint and just last month almost every news organization had Christie at the top of the list for potential candidates. The left WANTS him to be a winner. Because when it comes to the Presidential elections, he's a sure loser. Was told last week that Republicans who WERE supporting Cucinelli stopped their support when they saw the polls and assumed it was a loss to focus on local races and keeping the Legislature and some were outright bashing Cucinelli.


With FEW and I mean VERY FEW (Cruz and Paul being two), the Republican Party is on straight defense, reacting instead of acting, you dont win battles by staying on the defense all the time. Until they take the fight to the enemy, we are going to lose every time.

Edited by TankerHC
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Guest TankerHC

Ron Paul said that anyone who votes for this Pseudo Libertarian is out of their minds. Sarvis is taking 10% of the Republican vote. If this Libertarian put on the ballot through lawsuits and subversion by Democrat Obama supporters, the Conservative would be winning by a landslide.


So, someone explain again how this Libertarian isnt a spoiler? Or is Ron Paul completely wrong and the exit polling numbers wrong  too?


Or, is this a 3 way race where the Libertarian is helping to put in a Liberal Progressive and State Liberal Legislaters by being put on the ballot by out of State progressives and their money? Changing politics in Virginia and putting in a man who just said last week that there should be no restrictions on abortion, not even for viable babies.


Ron Paul, the de facto 20+ year leader of the Libertarian Party wrong and everyone whining about a third party Candidate or the fact that this individual is skimming a PROVEN 10% of the Republican Vote and Ron Paul right?


Which is it? Need a Libertarian answer.


(The questions are rhetorical actually, I already know the answer)

Edited by TankerHC
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I will bet fifty bucks with anyone here that the GOP again, will not nominate a candidate worthy of "The People" mentioned above.

May be, but would you bet that same $50 that the next President is something other than a Republican or a Democrat?

You may not like the two party systems, but that is how “The People” make it play out. I don’t think any Democrat is going to be supported by the members on this forum; so we can only hope the Republicans will run somebody that can win.

The good news is you can vote for whoever you want. You can even vote for the communist party in this country. Personally I think that’s who won; but they had to get on the Democratic ticket to do it.
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Guest TankerHC

May be, but would you bet that same $50 that the next President is something other than a Republican or a Democrat?

You may not like the two party systems, but that is how “The People” make it play out. I don’t think any Democrat is going to be supported by the members on this forum; so we can only hope the Republicans will run somebody that can win.

The good news is you can vote for whoever you want. You can even vote for the communist party in this country. Personally I think that’s who won; but they had to get on the Democratic ticket to do it.


I believe that would be wrong Dave, plenty will support a Democrat. No doubt about it.

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Calling himself a Libertarian and being a Libertarian are obviously two different things. This guy had a major Obama

campaign bundler and, other than that, no one knew who he was. It is quite feasible that he was a plant. I heard Mark

Levin comparing this bundler and candidate to the stunt that may have gotten Perot in the race against George H.W.

Bush's re-election. Maybe, maybe not, but people need to pay attention to the candidates and see what they are

made of. Sarvis couldn't have been a Libertarian, at all, with his ideas on taxation alone.


Well, it's water under the bridge. We'll see how it is supposed to affect the midterms, so sayeth the media. I doubt it

has any effect on that outcome, but the stunt is well exposed, as far as I'm concerned, and I hope it is a lesson learned.

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Of course the so-called Libertarian candidate is a spoiler. He was funded by an Obama organization for the sole purpose of splitting the vote and getting the Democrat low-life in office and it obviously work just like they wanted it to.


Even so, the real blame should go to the idiot/low-intelligence/ill-informed voters who voted for the Libertarian even as the facts about his funding and support were coming out.


I guess it's really true...you really can't fix stupid.

Edited by RobertNashville
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I was a speaker at an event yesterday where I followed Jeb Bush, who was the keynote speaker.


For a guy who purports to be done with politics, his speech sure sounded like a guy who's thinking about a run in the future.

Jeb definitely wants to continue the Bush Dynasty. Another progressive.

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Trouble is, Mike, the payback is more painful for all when it isn't recognized in time. People need to pay attention to these

kinds of shenanigans beforehand.

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