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THP using BIg rigs to catch texting and driving


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Texting while driving has been proven to be worse than drunk driving. People who cause accidents while texting and driving should be severely punished. People who kill while texting and driving should be charged with murder. They are the most dangerous people on the road.
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I'm pretty sure the story said the truck remains stationary and the offenders are identified and stopped by patrol cars after being radioed ahead (to address all the mpg concerns). The texting law is a judgement call really. If I see two thumbs going crazy on a phone...probably not making a phone call. Just a hunch. But certainly many will argue they weren't texting. When I stop someone who makes no excuses and owns up to the offense they committed I greatly admire that. It's nice to know some Americans still have some integrity. My favorites are "I'm not a criminal," or "don't you have any real crime to fight?" (My response) Guess what? Speeding, texting, or any other traffic offense is a misdemeanor crime...so technically you ARE a criminal.

Seriously though, everyone commits the occasional infraction and most police know that. But don't tell me you usually don't speed when I can see the 15 tickets on your record. Police aren't government controlled robots trained to ruin your life. We are people with a job to do. If you are a cashier at Wal Mart, you scan items and make monetary transactions. That's your job, just like traffic enforcement is mine. Don't make it personal, because it's not to us.

Remember, if you're not doing anything wrong, you don't have a problem. Only those who are guilty (or way too liberal) complain.
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How would a police officer be able to discern that you were texting vs just dialing the phone or using a gps feature on the phone?And for those who would suggest that their observation would open the door for a search of your phone to see if you were texting, what if my phone is password protected and i refuse to provide my password?

I highly doubt it would ever go that far. For one, that's way too much trouble for a texting ticket. Two, no judge is gonna sign the search warrant for that. It's gonna be your word against theirs basically. Kind of where that integrity thing comes into play...
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The stories I read said it really doesn’t matter; they just write you under the due care statute that covers all those things; distracted driving is illegal.
If they have cause to search it, they would just seize it and get either a court order or a warrant (depending on the latest court ruling) and have a tech unlock it. I doubt it would go that far unless it was a serious accident. They probably would just ticket you and you could make your case in traffic court.


I recently read somewhere that cell tower data can be gathered without a warrant if the provider wants to give it. So finding out if someone was texting or not doesn't require a warrant or even access to the phone itself.

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So if some innocent person is killed in a vehicle accident because some other person was texting while driving, is that really "worse" than the exact same situation except that the person was messing with their radio?  Their GPS?  Talking with a passenger or just plain not actually DRIVING their vehicle?


It's only my opinion but I don't believe the problem is "TEXTING"l texting is just the symptom...the problem is STUPID IDIOT INCOMPETENT DRIVERS and until you get them off the road these people will continue to cause accidents and kill innocent people. You can throw all the $60 tickets at people you want but I can tell you now, if I want to do something that's against the rules, no $60 ticket is going to stop me and i don't think it will stop anyone else either.


A couple of pages back (post 9) bersaguy mentioned that his grandson has already had two and perhaps three accidents that were the results of texting and/or listening to his GPS while driving...if the grandson hasn't come to grips with how stupid it is to do this after two or three vehicle accidents does anyone really think a $60 ticket will make a difference???


I'm not against enforcing the law...I'm not saying people should be allowed to text while driving (and frankly, the whole "hands free" bs is just that...you are STILL distracted while listening to/replying to a text or a phone call while driving)...I'm not discounting the pain or the loss of a loved one killed in a car wreck because of the actions of another driver. However, this "big rig" and $60 ticket garbage is just that - garbage...window dressing rather than having the guts to do what needs to be done.

Okay...soap box put away...everyone have a nice Friday.

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oddly enough on their morning news, WBIR did a small segment on the tractor operated by THP. I don't recall the exact numbers but the overwhelming majority of tickets issued were for seat belt violations.  Violations they mentioned totaled about 200 or so.


edited to add,  I just looked at their site and found the story

In two days, troopers issued 190 tickets. Troopers cited 16 people for texting while driving, 21 for speeding, and 78 for not wearing a seat belt.



Edited by Mike.357
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I took this yesterday in class.. funny that this is the same topic we had discussed last night.

People get upset and think its a silly or dumb thing until someone`s daughter,/son/mother/wife/husband gets injured or killed by someone texting.

The new stats are staggering when it comes to fatalities involving texting.

Who care how much they are spending on gas...THP does more stuff  that you are aware of. They don't just write tickets .And most rigs do not stay on the road all day anyway.This one is actually the one they use for  the dead zone display.

It amazes me that people complain about something that is actually helping people  to stay alive. I hope any of you never have to  endure losing someone to a driving/texting accident, because its so simple to avoid.



Edited by Sour Kraut
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I took this yesterday in class.. funny that this is the same topic we had discussed last night.

People get upset and think its a silly or dumb thing until someone`s daughter,/son/mother/wife/husband gets injured or killed by someone texting.

The new stats are staggering when it comes to fatalities involving texting.

Who care how much they are spending on gas...THP does more stuff  that you are aware of. They don't just write tickets .And most rigs do not stay on the road all day anyway.This one is actually the one they use for  the dead zone display.

It amazes me that people complain about something that is actually helping people  to stay alive. I hope any of you never have to  endure losing someone to a driving/texting accident, because its so simple to avoid.



So I'll ask you what I've asked above...


Is loosing someone to a driver who is texting while driving more of a loss than losing someone to a drunk driver or a driver doing any other incompetent/thoughtless/idiotic thing?


And if texting while driving is such a problem/so much more prevalent/so much worse than all the other stupid incompetent drivers do, why only a $60 fine?  Does anyone here really think that the possibility of a $60 fine is going to change anyone's behavior?

I'm sorry but I can't take this THP effort seriously when it's a $60 fine because with a $60 fine it's abundantly clear that the legislature doesn't take the problem seriously and shows that they are not interested in actually address the problem rather than the symptom.

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So I'll ask you what I've asked above...


Is loosing someone to a driver who is texting while driving more of a loss than losing someone to a drunk driver or a driver doing any other incompetent/thoughtless/idiotic thing?


And if texting while driving is such a problem/so much more prevalent/so much worse than all the other stupid incompetent drivers do, why only a $60 fine?  Does anyone here really think that the possibility of a $60 fine is going to change anyone's behavior?

I'm sorry but I can't take this THP effort seriously when it's a $60 fine because with a $60 fine it's abundantly clear that the legislature doesn't take the problem seriously and shows that they are not interested in actually address the problem rather than the symptom.

Its not any less tragic than  any other loss of life. 

But this is adding one more thing now we have to be aware of.

I think the fine is not enough.I think they do need to increase the fines to hit them where it really hurts. And actually they are using the rigs for  more than just  catching people .


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So I'll ask you what I've asked above...

Is loosing someone to a driver who is texting while driving more of a loss than losing someone to a drunk driver or a driver doing any other incompetent/thoughtless/idiotic thing?

And if texting while driving is such a problem/so much more prevalent/so much worse than all the other stupid incompetent drivers do, why only a $60 fine? Does anyone here really think that the possibility of a $60 fine is going to change anyone's behavior?

I'm sorry but I can't take this THP effort seriously when it's a $60 fine because with a $60 fine it's abundantly clear that the legislature doesn't take the problem seriously and shows that they are not interested in actually address the problem rather than the symptom.

The law is distracted driving. You can get cited for messing with your gps and radio too. So you'd rather them do nothing because the fine is too lenient?

Camera lights are only $50 fine but once the word got out people sure do come to a screeching halt when it turns yellow. I can testify at the light near my home very few people try to beat the light now. Does it make traffic safer? IDK, but it hasn't made it worse
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In 2009 I got rear ended by an officer who was texting and driving.  Slow speed, no injuries, but in about the worst possible circumstances otherwise.  He was 20+ year Major in another jurisdiction driving a patrol car home from an off-duty security assignment. 6 different cars responded to this very minor fender bender. 


I heard they let him retire, but it ended his career.

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Guest Riciticky

A simple solution is to install software that prevents texting while moving at a certain speed. I'm sure someone else has thought of this but I doubt it will ever happen.

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A simple solution is to install software that prevents texting while moving at a certain speed. I'm sure someone else has thought of this but I doubt it will ever happen.


What is the simple solution to it detecting that you are sitting in the driver's seat?

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The law is distracted driving. You can get cited for messing with your gps and radio too. So you'd rather them do nothing because the fine is too lenient?

Actually, there are TWO laws in play...the one most are referring to here is specifically a ban on "texting" while driving; not distracted driving (I quoted the salient points of the law earlier in the thread) and is separate from "distracted driving"...more info below...



NASHVILLE — The state House joined the Senate in voting to make texting while driving a specific crime in Tennessee, which supporters say is needed to discourage a practice that has already led to at least one fatality in the state.


The bill sets the punishment for texting while driving at a $50 fine with no more than $10 in court costs. The vehicle would have to be moving at the time the motorist is ticketed.


Sponsor Rep. Jon Lundberg, R-Bristol, said that texting is the “No. 1 form of communication” for persons under age 24 and that driving while typing on a cell phone is very dangerous. “Tennessee has the dubious distinction of having the first confirmed fatality from texting while driving,” he said, saying the fatal mishap occurred in Giles County.


In committees, the most common criticism has been contention that the bill is unnecessary, since persons who are texting as they drive can already be prosecuted under an existing law that prohibits “distracted driving.”

Distracted driving is classified as a “Class C” misdemeanor, also punishable by a fine of $50. Unlike the texting offense, however, there is no limitation on court costs, which can be more than $100 in some counties.

That raised some questions about whether the new law was actually lowering punishment. But Lundberg said that a law-enforcement officer still has the option of charging a texting motorist with distracted driving. But doing so would require evidence that the motorist was distracted, such as weaving over traffic lines, while the new statute would apply even if the driver is texting without any signs of poor driving, he said.




To answer your question; no, I'm just suggesting or wanting them to do nothing...as I've said several times, I'd rather they do something about the REAL PROBLEM which would be getting stupid, incompetent, idiots off the road rather going after a symptom like "texting" while driving. Since I know that our legislature doesn't have the balls to do that then what I would want is REAL PUNISHMENT; not a meaningless, $60 fine...I suggest a $1,000 fine and at least a 6 month suspension for first offense.

Edited by RobertNashville
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To answer your question; no, I'm just suggesting or wanting them to do nothing...as I've said several times, I'd rather they do something about the REAL PROBLEM which would be getting stupid, incompetent, idiots off the road rather going after a symptom like "texting" while driving. Since I know that our legislature doesn't have the balls to do that then what I would want is REAL PUNISHMENT; not a meaningless, $60 fine...I suggest a $1,000 fine and at least a 6 month suspension for first offense.

The problem is texting is such a huge bulk of the distracted driving related to crashes because the nature of the distraction and the prevalence of it. Think through that for a moment to understand why and you'll get the reason it is specifically targeted over other forms of distracted driving.
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The problem is texting is such a huge bulk of the distracted driving related to crashes because the nature of the distraction and the prevalence of it. Think through that for a moment to understand why and you'll get the reason it is specifically targeted over other forms of distracted driving.

I don't disagree but a pitifully, small $60 fine...really?


If someone is stupid enough to text while driving do you really think they care that they MIGHT get a ticket with a $60 fine?  I mean come on...you can end up paying much more money out of pocket just for parking in the wrong place!  I would suggest that every single THP officer in the state could forgo all other duties and spend 100% of their time looking for for and ticketing drivers who are texting and that it wouldn't be enough to make any difference at all in terms of affect the behavior.


So...while I agree it's a problem there is no way I can take this $60 fine business or this ridiculous big rig tractor seriously because it's obvious to me that the people of Tennessee (as represented by their state legislature) doesn't take it seriously.

Edited by RobertNashville
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Saw one of their Big rigs parked at the THP off of Morrel road today. It was just in the parking lot. My first thought was that they use it to pull around some kind of moble command center but after reading this I guess I was wrong.


You weren't wrong,  from what i have heard the truck pulls double duty.  Primarily doing the enforcement but also pulling a incident command center. 

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I don't disagree but a pitifully, small $60 fine...really?
If someone is stupid enough to text while driving do you really think they care that they MIGHT get a ticket with a $60 fine?  I mean come on...you can end up paying much more money out of pocket just for parking in the wrong place!  I would suggest that every single THP officer in the state could forgo all other duties and spend 100% of their time looking for for and ticketing drivers who are texting and that it wouldn't be enough to make any difference at all in terms of affect the behavior.
So...while I agree it's a problem there is no way I can take this $60 fine business or this ridiculous big rig tractor seriously because it's obvious to me that the people of Tennessee (as represented by their state legislature) doesn't take it seriously.

I agree, the fine isn't enough. The penalty should be worse than a DUI. $60 is a starting point though. I do not believe that the argument that these laws do not prevent people from doing certain dangerous activities like texting and driving. Folks do not take into account the number of people who otherwise might do something if it were legal. Texting and driving laws are hardly enforced. If they were then more people would obey that law. By saying that people will still break the law regardless is not proof if anything. We will never have a zero defect society, but we can mitigate it down to an acceptable level with common sense laws.

Texting and driving is unarguably one of the mist dangerous things people do on the road nowadays. When people do it they are not just risking their life, they are risking yours. To say that it shouldn't be illegal unless there is a victim is to say it should be legal for me to shoot into a crowd of people, so long as I don't hit anybody. Just stupid.
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I know I haven't and I don't think anyone has said it shouldn't be illegal. 


My rub with it is, as stated, 1) it address the symptom of incompetent, idiot drivers (one can't help but be incompetent and idiotic to text and drive) rather than the real problem, and 2) the $60 ticket is comical - I just can't take it as a serious effort to curb the behavior; especially since the law was passed under Berdesen with no effort since to make it more meaningful.


If folks are as concerned about texting and driving as they seem to be based on the posts in this thread, why aren't people in line at their state senator's/representative's office asking them to do something about it???

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You weren't wrong,  from what i have heard the truck pulls double duty.  Primarily doing the enforcement but also pulling a incident command center. 

Funny, I thought the THP had self-contained/motorized mobile command centers...maybe they have both???


I know TEMA has some nice rigs for its needs. ;)

Edited by RobertNashville
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"The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws."


I agree with regards to oppressive laws. Unfortunately laws like this are not meant to oppress, but to make up for the common sense Americans lack. Today's society is so selfish and stupid that they have to create laws against distractions. If drivers would, um, I don't know...drive, maybe?
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