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Well I've always wanted a x54 or .308 AK and just so happened good fortune smiled on me. Thought I wanted a long barrel but after playing with this short barrel I really like it. It'll never be a 600+ gun but at 500 in its all good.
It was converted poorly by previous owner so I stripped it down and started over. Have a few things left to do (grip & optics) but it's pretty much done.
Here it is with my Draco SBR and recently acquired Saiga 12.
Details: Saiga 308-1, Ace stock, CSS internal block, 14.5" barrel with perm K-Var 74 brake.
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I really like the Saiga rifle stocks. So much so I run one on my S12. For a grip I run a Molot and a ACE for a stock. The only difference between your S12 and mine is mine has HK sights welded on and the Saiga rifle stock. I even hae the CSS trigger guard and the auto plug.


The only thing left to do to mine is cutting and permanently attaching a flash hider. Well that and thread the barrel for an inside choke.

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This was the first 12 I've run with the auto plug and I really like it. I got turned on to the Molot (md arms version) grips awhile back and now I have to put them on AK I get my hands on.
As far as internal threading, you think theres enough thickness?
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