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How do you kill a hard drive?

Guest Len

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Guest Jason F.

I have destroyed several with the proper application of a milling machine. A half inch High Performance solid carbide endmill will rip through a hard drive, case and all, rather quickly and easily.

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yea..but that plate on the hill is a LONG shot for a pistol :-)

45 ACP does a fine job on hard drives. I'm planning another massacre here soon. Just picked up another dead one today.

These might get some .308 lovin if the in-laws approve.

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My father in-law works for a government agency. They had a bunch of old hard drives from back in the 250MB days that came out of secure computers. There where so many that they could not keep up with destroying them. When they final got stacked high enough they were able to get permission to destroy them creatively. After being wipe they piled them into old cars and crushed them.

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Guest bkelm18
I've gotta get me some of that there thermite!

Never mind, I can make my own!

Thermite is awesome and really easy to make yourself. You can get the stuff to make it off of eBay for pretty cheap.

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Guest mikedwood

Thats a good way or take out the platter and grind it to little pieces would work as well. Save the magnets they are pretty strong and great for hanging tools on.

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Well, I did the blowtorch thing. It took a while to melt the platter, but its beyond all recognition now. Dropped the whole drive in a bucket of water after to cool off and ruin it even more. Got the case open via 6lb sledge. (Could not find my torx wrench and it was a nice stress relief!)

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