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Pink Sig for the ladies or Metrosexual.

Guest eyebedam

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Meh. I can't speak for everyone, but I could care less if you link to Bud's.

In fact, I have posted their webpage, contact info, and address on here in the past.

Hey Joe, I noticed this the other day and it says "Buds Exclusive." Is it true? If so, you oughta give it to your Sig Rep. :(

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Guest canynracer
U fails at teh internezzzz

LOL...well, I am pretty sure that is a good thing...hahahaha

now, if you throw a pr0n acronym out there, hell I would be all over it.

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That really looks like a large frame to be a 22 cal, but I guess it is probably about the same size as a Ruger Mark ?, but it looks larger with the accessory rail and all. My wife REALLY wants one for a range gun of course.
Its like a 2/3 scale of a P226. It should fit your wife's hands perfectly.

My 9 yr old, has shot one, it fit her well, she could reach all the controls without any problem. She could also pull the slide back with ease.

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Guest eyebedam
Do you really think they'll sell a thousand of them?

I would imagine so. Any guy thats wants a new gun thats shopping on Buds that has a wifey even remotly into guns will pick this up for her to justify his purchase. Atleast thats what I would do if my wife liked guns.

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I would imagine so. Any guy thats wants a new gun thats shopping on Buds that has a wifey even remotly into guns will pick this up for her to justify his purchase. Atleast thats what I would do if my wife liked guns.

Yeah, I guess I see your point. My P22 is the only gun I can get my wife to shoot any more but I damn sure aint wasting a gun purchase on that! :2cents:

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please explain metrosexual????

from Wiki:

Metrosexual is a neologism generally applied to heterosexual men with a strong concern for their appearance, or whose lifestyles display attributes stereotypically seen among gay men. Metrosexualism is closely related to Dandyism. Debate surrounds the term's use as a theoretical signifier of gender deconstruction and its associations with consumerism. The word was coined as a tongue-in-cheek play on "homosexual".

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Hey Joe, I noticed this the other day and it says "Buds Exclusive." Is it true? If so, you oughta give it to your Sig Rep. :bowrofl:
I dont know. I have a cal into Chris, but havent heard back yet.

I doubt its really exclusive to just Bud's, but you never know.


Just confirmed with my guy at Sig that these ARE a special run of 1000 units for Bud's, so its best that you contact the guys up there if you want one.

Ok guys...I broke through all of the "exclusive" bs, and have 6 of these guns inbound!

They will be 330.00 for TGO Benefactors or 399.00 in the store.

(another great reason to sign up for Benefactor status if you havent already!)

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