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No cowboys or genies: 'Hurtful' Halloween costumes frighten college honchos

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i know this is in a college setting but it goes for kids too, it seems everything that was ok when i was growing up in the 90's and very early 2000's is no longer acceptable in society, makes me sad for the day i have kids and have to tell them why they cant dress up as a cowboy or a genie or something, my childhood and everyone elses here is slowly dying thanks to the libs and PC people

Edited by luke9511
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A cool Halloween party theme would be to hold a nudest colony party and everyone show up nude. Maybe then the college would get the hint to stay out of students business on Halloween and other holidays...............jmho When they ask them what kind of costume they call that just tell them , " A birthday suit costume." ....................jmho

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College girls will do the same thing they do every year. Dress up like hookers because noone will bat an eye. Ive seen college girls wearing halloween costumes that are to risque for a stripper, but they are worried about cowboys? This country is screwed

Tapatalk ate my spelling.

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College girls will do the same thing they do every year. Dress up like hookers because noone will bat an eye. Ive seen college girls wearing halloween costumes that are to risque for a stripper, but they are worried about cowboys? This country is screwed

Tapatalk ate my spelling.


Sadly...I must give you an "Amen" Brother.

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College girls will do the same thing they do every year. Dress up like hookers because noone will bat an eye. Ive seen college girls wearing halloween costumes that are to risque for a stripper, but they are worried about cowboys? This country is screwed

Tapatalk ate my spelling.


I need to go back to college.... or at least go to one of their Halloween parties :)

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I think native american students at U of C Boulder should dress for halloween in their traditional native garb, then watch the idiot Dean of Students stick his foot in his mouth.

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College girls will do the same thing they do every year. Dress up like hookers because noone will bat an eye. Ive seen college girls wearing halloween costumes that are to risque for a stripper, but they are worried about cowboys?

Tapatalk ate my spelling.

Man do I miss it. Every year I try to get my wife back into the Britney Spears costume she wore back in college for Halloween. At least back then you didn't have to dump a bunch of vodka in them to get them to do that. Havin kids makes ya square I tells ya.
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A cool Halloween party theme would be to hold a nudest colony party and everyone show up nude. Maybe then the college would get the hint to stay out of students business on Halloween and other holidays...............jmho When they ask them what kind of costume they call that just tell them , " A birthday suit costume." ....................jmho


Tell me where this college is if this happens please.



sent from dirty old bastard.

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CU and Boulder are weird places anyway. The californicaters have been in control there for a long time.
The PC crowd are so open minded and accepting unless you don't belive the way they want you to. People like them have ruined my home state of Colorado. Halloween is about having fun. If a group or a person gets offended tough. They need to get over it. The PC police can kiss my big white ass
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CU and Boulder are weird places anyway. The californicaters have been in control there for a long time.
The PC crowd are so open minded and accepting unless you don't belive the way they want you to. People like them have ruined my home state of Colorado. Halloween is about having fun. If a group or a person gets offended tough. They need to get over it. The PC police can kiss my big white ass


What really has me flabergasted is why soo many people are still so naive to believe that the liberals and democratic party are the party of the poor man or the people. Would I be wrong to assume that many of the liberal transplants that moved to Colorado are pretty well to do? Move to the mountains, Aspen etc, ski in the winter, driving around in their Infinity SUV's with Obama 2012 stickers on the back. I'm sure property values are pretty high around Denver, Aspen,Boulder and Colorado Springs. You know the liberals who are psuedo-enviormentalists who don't want any more drilling for oil in America and many has openly said that gas should be more expensive to force us to manufacture electric cars that very few can afford. Of course high gas prices doesn't hurt Obama, Pelosi, Feinstein and all the other wealthy democrats, it only hurts the common peasants. It's a shame about Colorado but I was encouraged when enough true traditional American patriots there kicked out two socialist liberals out of state government.

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They aren't dumb. Political correctness, like feminism, like our public education system, is about conditioning and control. Brainwashing and telling people they can't think for themselves, make decisions on their own.
I'm about to the point where an acceptable response to this involves a backhoe and a dark night.
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