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Obama Wants to Chickify Marines' Caps

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Guest Keal G Seo
I think they both look okay. Though the old ones look better, even on the women. I'd be on the fence if not for the expense, 8 mil is a bit much for dress hats.

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Many vets are coming home without arms, legs or the hope of good health care and the DoD is trying to decide if they should change their caps?  Not for nuthin', but ask the families of fallen heroes if they could use the $8 million more than the hatmakers. 

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As much as I think that Obama desperately would like a diversion from Obamacare he can't take credit for this one:




The hat currently worn by women marines has always reminded me of the New York Fire Department hat.  I wasn't fond of them while I was spending a lot of time at Quantico and I'm still not fond of them but to each his/her own.

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Guest Lester Weevils
I'm not meaning to hurt anybody's feelings, because there is no accounting for taste and it don't matter to me what marines wear. But both the old and new hats look purt dang weird to me.

Awhile ago was watching a youtube video of a russian tv show with a russian army men's choir singing excellently. They were decked out in full ruskie formal uniforms and the flat-topped hats were so narrow at the head and so wide at the flat peaked top, it was absurd looking. They almost looked like a bunch of singing mushrooms.

Looking at those pitchers of the marine hats, the old style looks in those pictures almost as absurd big and bloomy at the top as the giant russkie headgear.

The new ones kinda look like star wars imperial navy hats.

I wonder why so many formal military caps bother to have a brim at all if the brim isn't big enough to keep the sun out of yer eyes? Old horse calvary cowboy hats seem more practical? Edited by Lester Weevils
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Those hats look vaguely similar to those worn by US Army and Navy officers in the late 1800's/early 1900's....only way gayer.

They are WWI through backs to SgtMaj Dan Daly's day in WWI: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_Daly


Personally and as a former Marine, I do not like them at all. Money is better spent elsewhere.

Edited by SWJewellTN
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Cheaper solution would be no more female Marines..

^^ Absolutely!


As a former Marine, I just have one thing to say. "Are you f***ing kidding me!"

^^ +1


That being said, the Commandant's wife (not sure why the Commandant didn't) said that this was a myth and they were only changing the females' covers (FWIW).

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Guest TresOsos

I spoke with some SR NCO's from the Corps that I'm going to school with. They told me the company that makes the women's covers went out

of business and they are looking for a new company. This has gotten out to the media about the different companies trying to get the business. The pictures that are leaked are samples that they are showing of what the bidding companies can make for the new Covers. All of these guys are some of the top NCO's in the Corps. Were all at USASMA which is the most Senior NCO Course. They told me they have received emails from their HQ about this in case they were approached by the media which ALWAY'S tells the truth.

Edited by R1100R
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