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DC gun raid! ... uh, ammo raid ... ?

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Guest TankerHC

And people think voting is the solution to such actions.

It can be TDR. The problem is getting the people out to vote in the first place. People who tell me they didn't vote because there was no one to vote for then complain about the current situation piss me off to no end and they get an ear full. As far as I am concerned those people have no right to complain. None. Not until the next election. If someone has no one to vote for then vote against. Or vote FOR YOUR COUNTRY.

Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk 2

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Proof that the laws are not about stopping crime or real criminals, just about control.

Problem is, all the leftist, pacifist utopians just eat up all that control. They would rather be herded and feel safe than have to work for it themselves.

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Been to DC once. The only way for Washington to get my money now is to tax me and they are doing a good job of that.


I have an M16A2 tatooed on my forearm with U.S.Army under it, my vehicle has an NRA sticker on the window so I wont be going to DC anytime soon. I would feel more comfortable visiting China than DC.

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I have an M16A2 tatooed on my forearm with U.S.Army under it, my vehicle has an NRA sticker on the window so I wont be going to DC anytime soon. I would feel more comfortable visiting China than DC.


You'd be a career criminal with all that paraphernalia... :taser:

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Guest semiautots

From the linked article:





I, for one, think that these brave officers are to be commended for risking their lives  getting their clothes wet in order to protect the rest of us from naked, teenage boys.  I mean, that kid could have had an unregistered soap on a rope or a military style loufa.  Hell, for all they knew he might even have a towel rolled up, waiting to pop them on the ass when they broke down the door.  Besides, he was probably wasting water by not keeping his shower short.  Such offenses cannot be overlooked and these stalwart defenders of society must deal with such desperate and dangerous individuals on a daily basis.  They have to do whatever is necessary to make sure they go home to their families at the end of the day safe and alive having not been struck by an assault shower brush.  We should stand together in defending these fine public servants because none of us would want to do their job (well, unless the offender were a 25 year old woman, anyhow), right?




And they should have checked to see if the toilet was a 1.5 gallon and there were no incandescent light bulbs.  Wasting resources is a capital offense.

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