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DC gun raid! ... uh, ammo raid ... ?

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All this because his ex said he had a gun. What a bunch of crap.


Police based their search on a charge made by Mr. Witaschek’s estranged wife, who had earlier convinced a court clerk to issue a temporary restraining order against her husband for threatening her with a gun, although a judge later found the charge to be without merit.


It is coming faster than we think.

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Eventually we're gonna read one of these stories where people bleed.

I'll steal one of the comments at the bottom of the story; The answer to this is the same as it was in 1775.

This. One day those officers are gonna kick open the wrong door, and a blood bath will result. Every day we get closer to it, and stuff like this pushes more and more people to our side. Hell with it. They can come and have my ammunition. One round at a time.

Tapatalk ate my spelling.

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Well, you know, however absurd the laws in DC are,  he broke them. The travesty of the laws themselves is what allowed the jackboots in the first place.


Sort of like all the pols ranting about this and that not functioning when they shut the gummit down, like, well, duh.


- OS

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From what I gather, you ain't in America when your in DC. It's like another country, all to itself. I want to go visit

again, but I don't care much for anything about the laws there. If something like that were to happen outside

occupied DC, say 30 miles away in Virginia, I'd bet there would be a riot over that DA Nathan. David Gregory

should have been arrested for the same reason if that is a legitimate arrest.


As far as laws like this go, there should be a revolt, instead of the cowering, because there are many other laws

that are on the books to incriminate you and I for much less importance. We give up too easy. A revolt over many

laws is needed. I imagine there is a law about how a dairy farmer looks at Daisy the cow. Just hope it isn't a felony.


For a piece of ammunition or a component to make you subject to prison time, there should be severe consequences

for the people who write such laws.

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Meanwhile in DC, in the last 24 hours there have been multiple murders, millions in illegal drugs dealt and dozens of armed robberies. Good to hear they diverted so many assets to take a couple boxes of ammo from an otherwise law abiding citizen though. They sure be keepin the streets safe.
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In Fahrenheit 451, there was a law against books. It started a movement. The police identified suspects by the back of

their head. the Fire department was used to burn books. We're getting close.

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From the linked article:




His 16-year-old son was in the shower when the police arrived. “They used a battering ram to bash down the bathroom door and pull him out of the shower, naked,”


I, for one, think that these brave officers are to be commended for risking their lives  getting their clothes wet in order to protect the rest of us from naked, teenage boys.  I mean, that kid could have had an unregistered soap on a rope or a military style loufa.  Hell, for all they knew he might even have a towel rolled up, waiting to pop them on the ass when they broke down the door.  Besides, he was probably wasting water by not keeping his shower short.  Such offenses cannot be overlooked and these stalwart defenders of society must deal with such desperate and dangerous individuals on a daily basis.  They have to do whatever is necessary to make sure they go home to their families at the end of the day safe and alive having not been struck by an assault shower brush.  We should stand together in defending these fine public servants because none of us would want to do their job (well, unless the offender were a 25 year old woman, anyhow), right?



Edited by JAB
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In Fahrenheit 451, there was a law against books. It started a movement. The police identified suspects by the back of

their head. the Fire department was used to burn books. We're getting close.


Ever consider that the reader from Amazon is called a Kindle?

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Guest TankerHC
It's possible because Heller only addressed that you are allowed to own a firearm. Not which firearm, not ammo, not accessories, not firearm specifications, not anything. Nothing new here, these laws were proposed a day after the Heller decision. None of the decisions decided how long it could take to get your firearm after doing the paperwork. Which is why "those people" applying for a firearm can wait up to 2 years or longer to get it. It's the same as Bloomberg the babysitter stated he would not abide by any court decision than prevented him from keeping people safe. It's all about the children, just not the children of gun owners since the cops dragged his 16 year old out of the shower.

30 cops. Jesus. And don't ya just love those estranged and ex wives?

Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk 2

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