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I felt sorry for the guy..... so I did something about it.


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Yes, worked again tonight. And no, Manchester Wal-mart didn't get any .22 LR tonight(was supposed to but no, we didn't get any). Had a few people come in and it was the .22 they were after. But later as I was running the freight to the floor another guy needed help, he was looking for .22 for his daughter to go hunting with. Now it is one thing to keep an adult from shooting, but these gougers and hoarders are gonna have to draw the line at this. When you keep a kid from getting to go hunting or target shooting with .22 it makes me kinda sad. See i never got into hunting when I was a kid, only shot a .22 at Boy scout camp before i got into guns. BB and pellet guns since i grew up in the city limits.


Long story short... He needed ammo, we didn't have any but I offered to give him some so his kid could go shoot( 11 year old daughter). Gave him my number and I hope i can help him.


I don't usually do this but he seemed genuine.

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Guest tdoccrossvilletn

Yes, worked again tonight. And no, Manchester Wal-mart didn't get any .22 LR tonight(was supposed to but no, we didn't get any). Had a few people come in and it was the .22 they were after. But later as I was running the freight to the floor another guy needed help, he was looking for .22 for his daughter to go hunting with. Now it is one thing to keep an adult from shooting, but these gougers and hoarders are gonna have to draw the line at this. When you keep a kid from getting to go hunting or target shooting with .22 it makes me kinda sad. See i never got into hunting when I was a kid, only shot a .22 at Boy scout camp before i got into guns. BB and pellet guns since i grew up in the city limits.

Long story short... He needed ammo, we didn't have any but I offered to give him some so his kid could go shoot( 11 year old daughter). Gave him my number and I hope i can help him.

I don't usually do this but he seemed genuine.

I don't think I would have posted this on here for my jobs sake. I'll bet Walmart will fire you if they find out about this.

Sent from my mind using ninja telepathy.

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I don't think I would have posted this on here for my jobs sake. I'll bet Walmart will fire you if they find out about this.

Sent from my mind using ninja telepathy.


I think the opposite would happen, especially if the customer called the OP's boss and told him. I know if I were his boss I would do something nice for him for doing it.

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I don't think I would have posted this on here for my jobs sake. I'll bet Walmart will fire you if they find out about this.

Sent from my mind using ninja telepathy.

Why would walmart fire him? He isn't selling anything or taking sales away from walmart. He is helping a kid enjoy a hobby. It would be the same as giving the kid a baseball if walmart was out of baseballs.

Tapatalk ate my spelling.

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I don't think I would have posted this on here for my jobs sake. I'll bet Walmart will fire you if they find out about this.

Sent from my mind using ninja telepathy.

I don't think so. They'd fire him if he was selling stock using his employee discount to turn a profit, or holding stock for payment. Those are two things that Walmart employees have done during this ammo panic. I'd be shocked if a Walmart GM would let someone go over something like that.
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Will do the same for anyone around Mooresburg.  Haven't seen 22 here since January, I guess, but I'm still sitting on a few thousand I bought last year.

Ditto. Anyone with a kid wanting to go hunting with a .22 in the Morristown, White Pine or Newport area, please let me know and I will help them out. :)

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Take off the tinfoil hats, Walmart ain't gonna fire him for two reasons:

1) How are they going to prove he bought "that particular" box of .22 ammo from them with his discount and the resold it?
2) They have hard enough time getting associates to come to work so they ain't gonna fire one that does
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Damned good thing you did that. That's a great example to set. Good for you, Wyldk2


Nothing wrong with being nice to people, especially if you know someone will benefit.

You benefited, also.

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Guys, the ammo i will be giving him is from before i got hired by wal-mart. I only recently got my discount card and don't want to do anything as some other person did in the past. I am not "selling" anyone ammo to make any profit. If i ever "sell" ammo, It will be for the exact price i paid for it and i have decided if i do decide to buy more ammo from wal-mart i won't use my discount. How bout that( bases covered, Keep reciepts, etc...)


After talking with the guy, he was pissed at the gougers and people feeling the need to get every single round of ammo, that his kid can't go enjoy some shooting. I don't mind helping someone especially if it involves helping kids.


Only giving him a small ammount(He can't make a huge profit even if he were to re-sell).   Also just in a baggy. No box

Edited by Wyldk2
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I think it was a great gesture on your part to offer to help. As far as Walmart firing an employee for stopping a woman from being assaulted in the parking lot Walmart should have given him a medal for his action. I think folks in that area should boycott the store till they  gave that employee his job back........jmho

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I think it was a great gesture on your part to offer to help. As far as Walmart firing an employee for stopping a woman from being assaulted in the parking lot Walmart should have given him a medal for his action. I think folks in that area should boycott the store till they  gave that employee his job back........jmho

If I was out in the parking lot at walmart( seriously, i'm only in the Parking lot on lunch, and when coming to and from work, all off the clock) and i saw someone being assaulted, I would probably try to stop the assaulter any way I could. Only thing is, wal-mart has a policy that won't allow us to touch anyone ( shoplifters mainly). I don't know if it applies to off the clock people though. I guess the fear of the lawsuit has crippled the "right thing to do".

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Guest tdoccrossvilletn
[quote name="Spots" post="1050694" timestamp="1382186570"] Why would walmart fire him? He isn't selling anything or taking sales away from walmart. He is helping a kid enjoy a hobby. It would be the same as giving the kid a baseball if walmart was out of baseballs. Tapatalk ate my spelling.[/quote] I just know how petty some employers can be. Walmart is really bad about not treating their employees good. Sent from my mind using ninja telepathy. Edited by tdoccrossvilletn
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Guest tdoccrossvilletn

Wal-mart just fired a guy for helping a woman in the parking lot who was being attacked. I wouldn't put anything past them unfortunately.

OP, good on you for helping. Walmart needs more employees like you.

I've heard this type of thing about walmart many times.

Sent from my mind using ninja telepathy.

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Sometimes you lose a job for doing what's right and good. That's how it goes.

I wanted to help a little boy get some .22lr the other day. But since I was across town with none with me I really couldn't. His grandma was looking for some and of course they were bare. However they had some longs and i asked him what kind of rifle he had and it was a Browning BL22. I commended him on having a great rifle that carries the name of the greatest firearm inventor of all times and told them that they can shoot longs in it just fine. They were match grade longs so i told him he needs to make em count. He had to be bout 8 I'd say. I wished so much that I had a brick in my truck.
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I just know how petty some employers can be. Walmart is really bad about not treating their employees good. Sent from my mind using ninja telepathy.

BS. There is a never ending line to get hired by Wal-Mart. One of the best experiences of my work life. The negative stuff is by liberal unions that salivate at the notion of getting all those employees on their union roles.


We cheer for the American Dream till somebody achieves it, then we can't wait to bring them down. Cheering as they burn.

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The guy hasn't called me yet. but i have the ammo ready for his kid to go hunting with.


Also... I will be quitting wal-mart in the next 2 weeks for another, better job here in Town. Giving them my notice today.

Edited by Wyldk2
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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest TOWgunner in TN

Finding any decent amount of .22 is hit and miss around here...My son and i were at a local wal-mart last week looking for .22 ammo  ...And guess what we found....Not a DAMN thing!   So we purchased a good quality air rifle and having a blast in our backyard.   Hopefully this will start a trend.  Might get .22's back next year  :-)

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The guy hasn't called me yet. but i have the ammo ready for his kid to go hunting with.


Also... I will be quitting wal-mart in the next 2 weeks for another, better job here in Town. Giving them my notice today.


Dual Congratulations to you. First for the good deed. And Secondly for searching and finding something to make your life better!

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Officially thru with my job at the Manchester Walmart. I start the new job at 4p.m. and I'll be selling electronics.


Decided to keep some .22 ammo in my vehicle just in case i run into the guy i originally tried to help. Also, if i run into someone else in the same situation.


Thanks all.

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