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November may be trouble!!!!

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But I thought the SNAP system went down because of a computer glitch? :D Ah Hell, all of it is tinfoil, isn't it?


Everywhere you look. Nothing but propaganda.

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But I thought the SNAP system went down because of a computer glitch? :D Ah Hell, all of it is tinfoil, isn't it?


Everywhere you look. Nothing but propaganda.


But I thought the SNAP system went down because of a computer glitch? :D Ah Hell, all of it is tinfoil, isn't it?


Everywhere you look. Nothing but propaganda.

Yea I agree that most of it is propaganda to a point and yea they said it was glitch and thats what they are saying about the ACA sign on also but that goes to show they they do have the power to just throw a switch and no food stamp cards get any money. I realize that sometimes I post stuff that is propaganda related but I would rather post it as an alert to let folks know what may happen rather than to not say anything and it does happen. What do you think? Should I stop posting it or should I keep posting things I learn that might effect a lot of my friends that may not hear about it in time?   Opinions very welcome either way!!!

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...I realize that sometimes I post stuff that is propaganda related but I would rather post it as an alert to let folks know what may happen rather than to not say anything and it does happen. What do you think? Should I stop posting it or should I keep posting things I learn that might effect a lot of my friends that may not hear about it in time?   Opinions very welcome either way!!!


Since you ask, I would suggest you do a modicum of research before throwing up a rant using "facts" that are so obviously far from reality to be risible, and then never even returning to the thread to defend or concede those statements when called out.


One was so outrageous I saved link, where you claimed 2012 election fraud:


- because "no president in history ever won by 5 million votes" (of course quite a few have) and

- that "Romney got no votes in North Carolina" (btw, he won the frigging state).




- OS

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...but that goes to show they they do have the power to just throw a switch and no food stamp cards get any money.

That is one of the primary benefits of debit cards...the government has complete control over how much "money" is available and yes, can "cut it off" at any time and pretty much instantly; just like a debit or credit card from your bank.


I find it unlikely in the extreme that the Food Stamp President would ever simply cut off EBT cards whether the government is closed or not.


Maybe I'm missing something or just not understanding, as I'm not expect on the EBT/Food Stamp program but; the article notwithstanding, after reading the letter I don't see anything in it that indicates to me that there is any plan to to cut off EBT cards anyway.

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Mac makes a good point.  Some of the political posts on here of late make your crazy uncle on Facebook look positively rational by comparison.
We've got enough problems.  Let's focus on those instead of creating new ones.

You say of late, I say the last few years. It's as if some of these guys are attempting to win some type of fantasy boogeyman contest. Hardly any of this crap comes to fruition, yet there are more and more bizarre post everyday.
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You say of late, I say the last few years. It's as if some of these guys are attempting to win some type of fantasy boogeyman contest. Hardly any of this crap comes to fruition, yet there are more and more bizarre post everyday.

It's enough that I think it's distracting to the overall experience on the site.


We've been thinking about trying to find a way to remove the Current Events and Politics section from the "New Content" feed.  It would still exist as a sub forum, but you'd actually have to choose to go there and participate.  Kind of a way to keep it for people who want to talk about it, but keep the 25 newest posts from being half taken by political stuff.


I don't have a problem with the political stuff, and to some extent it transcends our guns in importance of stuff we should care about.  But, this is a site for Tennessee gun owners.  I can discuss politics anywhere.

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It's enough that I think it's distracting to the overall experience on the site.
We've been thinking about trying to find a way to remove the Current Events and Politics section from the "New Content" feed.  It would still exist as a sub forum, but you'd actually have to choose to go there and participate.  Kind of a way to keep it for people who want to talk about it, but keep the 25 newest posts from being half taken by political stuff.
I don't have a problem with the political stuff, and to some extend it transcends our guns in importance of stuff we should care about.  But, this is a site for Tennessee gun owners.  I can discuss politics anywhere.

Sounds like a great idea.
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It's enough that I think it's distracting to the overall experience on the site.


We've been thinking about trying to find a way to remove the Current Events and Politics section from the "New Content" feed.  It would still exist as a sub forum, but you'd actually have to choose to go there and participate.  Kind of a way to keep it for people who want to talk about it, but keep the 25 newest posts from being half taken by political stuff.


I don't have a problem with the political stuff, and to some extent it transcends our guns in importance of stuff we should care about.  But, this is a site for Tennessee gun owners.  I can discuss politics anywhere.

I would agree that there are plenty of places where one can discuss politics but I can't think of any forum I would rather do it that here.

I suppose that's because firearms are (even though they shouldn't be) a political issue and because people who come to a firearms forum and spend time on the site tend to have some strongly held opinions about such things as freedom, liberty, and our country..."political" sights seem to be nothing more than a place for people to yell at each other whereas here, I think most of us can part as "friends" when the yelling is over even if we totally disagree with each other at the start and the end of a thread.

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