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T. Cruz up to bat again

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I hope they get his case in court soon and decide if he can legitimately run for president or not.  This guy just does not let up

I find it funny that Cruz's qualification on citizenship are in question with Obama sitting in the White House. ;)


But I agree, I really like this guy so far.

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I am probably on the other side on this one.  While I don't think the government should be able to tell someone how much money they can or can't give, I do think our election process has been corrupted by special interests.  I don't really have a problem and in fact would like to know who paid for every ad for a politician.  I don't see why people are hiding behind this.  if you really believe what you are selling, you shouldn't have any issue with your name or organization attached to it.  The fact is, 60% of all ads are negative and usually only half the truth.  Maybe some disclosure would make them clean up some of this if they were worried about repurcussions. This would affect every Democrat as much as any Republican.  It is a level playing field on this one in my opnion.  I don't see why anyone would be against this unless it is trying to limit the amount of money they donate.  I thought that was already decided.   The normal person doesn't matter anymore.

Edited by Hozzie
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The government gets jealous, that is the collective of the people in government who would rather have that

money under their thumb, and they are pointing their finger to money that they have no control over to gain

that power. Just like all the laws they pass to make us criminals, certain people will go to whatever length to

maintain that power. Citizens United gave away a huge block of power.


"We want power, and we mean it!"

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