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Season 4

Oh Shoot

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This is the first episode in a couple of weeks that I feel had some real intense/emotional moments that connected with the audience. Very well done I think. Sent via Tapatalk. Blame the phone for any spelling issues.
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Somehow I missed what happened to Judith. Tyreese was holding her before Carol went out with Lizzie, then there were 3 crosses, one with brass baby shoes hanging from it. I rewatched it from DVR and still no clues. At first I thought the shoes were for Mika, but it didn't seem right, then I realized there were 3 crosses and they were not carrying her at the tracks. Edited by netmindr
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I'm not enjoying this season at all; not because it isn't well done, or well written or well acted; it is well done, well acted and well written...it's a hell of a show but the damn show depresses me every week.


I know...I know...such may be the "reality" (if you can use that word in a zombie disaster show) of things just getting worse and worse but I'm not sure I want to keep watching it. In a disaster scenario, one thing people need at least as much as water, food, shelter and each other is hope...I don't see any real hope in this show or in its characters anymore.

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Somehow I missed what happened to Judith. Tyreese was holding her before Carol went out with Lizzie, then there were 3 crosses, one with brass baby shoes hanging from it. I rewatched it from DVR and still no clues. At first I thought the shoes were for Mika, but it didn't seem right, then I realized there were 3 crosses and they were not carrying her at the tracks.




The cross with the shoes is an old grave.  Look at the color of the dirt compared to the grave that Carol is still digging, and the one behind her that she had just finished.  

Tyrese was carrying Judith in a backpack wrap thing.  

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[quote name="RobertNashville" post="1125785" timestamp="1395066757"]I'm not enjoying this season at all; not because it isn't well done, or well written or well acted; it is well done, well acted and well written...it's a hell of a show but the damn show depresses me every week. I know...I know...such may be the "reality" (if you can use that word in a zombie disaster show) of things just getting worse and worse but I'm not sure I want to keep watching it. In a disaster scenario, one thing people need at least as much as water, food, shelter and each other is hope...I don't see any real hope in this show or in its characters anymore.[/quote] Did you watch the talking dead episode? Thats about all they talked about (hope that is)
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Sorry if this has been mentioned (or perhaps it is too obvious)....
I believe The fire is the house that Beth and Daryl burned last week.

JGunner, I believe you to be totally right and I didn't think of that at all. Thanks :popcorn:

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The cross with the shoes is an old grave.  Look at the color of the dirt compared to the grave that Carol is still digging, and the one behind her that she had just finished.  

Tyrese was carrying Judith in a backpack wrap thing.  


I can see that now that I've watched it a third time. For some reason it just didn't look like it would carry a baby. Maybe they tried to fully cover it so they didn't actually have to shoot the scene with the baby.


I also counted the graves at the end and there is indeed 5, 2 of them being new. I thought it was odd that they had one specific shot of the cross with the shoes though. I was wondering if it had some significance.

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Sorry if this has been mentioned (or perhaps it is too obvious)....
I believe The fire is the house that Beth and Daryl burned last week.


Why would there be those burned zeds coming from it? There were no zeds around when they burned it.


- OS

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