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Gun Shows and background checks

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I think the difference is they would do more informant and undercover ops and parade marching in front of cameras showing examples of how they "got illegal guns off the streets." While it seems "they" hardly give a damn, are afraid to, or don't see any positive reason to possibly disenfranchise their potential supporting voter's if they make a wide scale assualt into their neighborhoods to disarm gang bangers.
So as gang bangers kill gang bangers with just normal investigations after the fact, ordinary law abiding citizens become a safer target to go after with (the way elections have been going) less political consequences. JMO.


I know they will try to make some examples, get some media hype and all that and many will obey the law even if it is un-constitutional but i'm sure there's also many out there who will make sure their guns go to someone they know without them being registered which is the real intent of such a law. I'm sure many of us have firearms that were purchased through a private sale already, probably passed through several different owners and would be almost impossible to trace. I'm sure they will pretend with the help of the biased media that they are making some difference but always the reality tells a different story. I wonder how making people sign for Psuedofed has curbed meth manufacturing and usage, since meth and pot and cocain etc. are illegal there shouldn't be much of a problem in the country with it but there's only soo many feds and LEO's to enforce laws. There's still going to be alot of gun owners who are going to give or sell a gun to a family member or good friend and no one will ever know anything about it.

Anyway, the best solution is to be sure your rep doesn't vote for such a bill and registration doesn't become a law.

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They couldn't possibly know if a transfer happened with a firearm bought before such a law might be inacted, unless someone squeeled. I guess if anyone decides to transfer a pre-law firearm to a friend or family member after such a law was inacted, be sure you trust who you're transfering it to.


Nonetheless, a number of states have strict laws against it, and it's a federal felony to do it across state lines, so would have decriminalized a whole area of firearm law. Most folks obey even laws they disagree with.


Of course, that was one of the rare improvements rather than detriments in the bill.


- OS

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