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Will we clean house?

Guest TankerHC

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Guest TankerHC

So this morning I see:


Presidents approval rating at 31%

Republicans approval rating at 36% (Quinnipiac has them at 29% Pew has them at 31%)

Democrats approval rating at 39% (But Quinnipiac has them at 32% with 8% unsure and Pew has them at 33%)


Congress in General 11% approval rating. Generally along non partisan poll lines, Congress runs 11-17% with amazingly CNN giving the Republicans a higher rating than Fox polls. Pew, Gallup and some others who deal strictly in polling, has Congress down at about 10% on average.


Vladimir Putins approval rating among American Voters is holding steady at 63-73% depending on which Poll you look at.


Putins rating for effectiveness among American Voters is up in the high 60's.


Andrea Merkel has a 66% approval rating among American Voters (Who know who she is). Hope no pro gun people gave her an approval.


Then there is NBC. Obama - 49% approval rating. on the Syria Congressional approval question 80% of Americans wanted to go to war with Syria, on the UN Arms Trade Treaty 92% wanted it signed by the US, 88% of Americans want Obamacare. F;n idiots.


One thing is clear if these polls are even halfway believed by any. Most Americans hate their Government. Not just the President, or the Democrats or the Republicans, ALL OF THEM.


And yet somehow, I still think well over 80% of incumbents will be re-elected. Probably closer to 92%. Pelosi isn't going anywhere, doubtful if Reid will either. Manchin is beginning to look like a lock, he is up 5% in the polls, raised over $600,000 just so far this month and started his campaigning to play down his anti gun stance last month by dissociating himself with Obama and playing up the fact that he represents a Constituency who are part of "Gun Culture". In an early attempt at guessing one political writer has all of them (best guessed) in the Senate based on data that will be used once the campaigns really start rolling.


Lamar Alexander will win again with a 90% lead over his Dem challenger. He is considered a "safe" Republican.


Based on factors used during the campaigns for winning estimates. Here is a graphic of likely and safe Dem's and Republicans. Manchin has a slim chance of losing to Rockefeller and Rockefeller taking the Republican Senate seat.


That "You can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time" not entirely true, you can fool enough of the people enough of the time. And these Politicians will be everything you want them to be until after they win re-election.' We need 6 additional Senate seat, we aren't going to get them. Better hope we hold onto the House.










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I have about quit looking at the polls because they don't make it clear if they are calling Democratic voters or Conservative voters so depending on which party they call will depend on how the polls read. The only one I can trust right now is the one stating that most Americans hate the over all Government. That one I do believe because the Silent Majority has finally woke up and realized what s really happening and voicing their opinions..........jmho.

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Guest TankerHC

I have about quit looking at the polls because they don't make it clear if they are calling Democratic voters or Conservative voters so depending on which party they call will depend on how the polls read. The only one I can trust right now is the one stating that most Americans hate the over all Government. That one I do believe because the Silent Majority has finally woke up and realized what s really happening and voicing their opinions..........jmho.


Unfortunately opinions don't matter, only votes do. I hope I am completely wrong, but I don't see anything changing except the Rep's possibly losing the House.

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You're doing it all wrong. All you have to do is find a statistic that you "agree" with and repeat it over and over...

I'm 92% positive that's how it works.
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As much as I really hate to say this, I believe TankerHC's comment to be correct.


Many people are voicing dissatisfaction and opinions on the government and the shutdown, but a lot of these comments are made in the heat of the moment and will surely be forgotten when the vote is actually made. Far too many of the voiced opinions are coming from those who have entitlement programs that are in jeopardy of missing a payment.


And the rest from those with short memories.

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Guest ThePunisher
Only thing that I see that is pretty certain is that the liberty and freedom lovers of our country can't come to consensus about anything to save our nation from the commies.
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Guest TankerHC

I saw on Fox earlier today where they showed a poll that 62% of people thought all of Congressional incumbents should be voted out.



WHich would go right along with their approval rating. When US Citizens voted Obama back in, there could be no doubt, the voters are generally idiots. Most voters dont even realize if they would have just shown up for an hour or less we wouldnt have had a lot of these problems. Romney lost by 333,000 votes in 4 key states. Catholics refused to vote for Romney and the majority of Catholics who even turned out to vote voted for Obama, they are getting what they voted for. Jews were told by the left over and over that this isnt the 1970's, you have nothing in common with Isreal and nothing in the game of them against the "Arabs", tell the same lie over and over and people will believe it. Have been hearing for the last 35 years how "This will be the biggest turnout in election History, Americans are FED UP". I'm sure we will be hearing that again, then when its all over the same 35-40% on each side will have voted. 


Its all a bunch of BS, and in the end (meaning after the election) the same people will be bitching about the same Politicians doing the same things.

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WHich would go right along with their approval rating. When US Citizens voted Obama back in, there could be no doubt, the voters are generally idiots. Most voters dont even realize if they would have just shown up for an hour or less we wouldnt have had a lot of these problems. Romney lost by 333,000 votes in 4 key states. Catholics refused to vote for Romney and the majority of Catholics who even turned out to vote voted for Obama, they are getting what they voted for. Jews were told by the left over and over that this isnt the 1970's, you have nothing in common with Isreal and nothing in the game of them against the "Arabs", tell the same lie over and over and people will believe it. Have been hearing for the last 35 years how "This will be the biggest turnout in election History, Americans are FED UP". I'm sure we will be hearing that again, then when its all over the same 35-40% on each side will have voted. 


Its all a bunch of BS, and in the end (meaning after the election) the same people will be bitching about the same Politicians doing the same things.

Tanker I agree with what you said except for the election that said when the US citizens voted Obama back in. I don't think that to be true. There has been tons of proof that the entire election was rigged. No Presidential candidate has ever won a fair and non rigged election by 5 million votes. Also no Presidential election has ever been won and had one entire state not have 1 vote for 1 of the Candidates which happened in NC in the last election. I have many friends in NC that raised all kinds of hell because they voted for Romney but their votes were not counted or the voting machines where completely rigged to vote Obama regardless who was voted for. Millions of dead people also voted in last election. So when you say the the U.S Citizens vote him back in office, that part I don't agree with. I talked to a friend of mine down their just the other night and he said that NC is changing their ID policy to make sure this does not happen again and Eric Holder and the Attorney Generals office is suing the state of NC right now to try and block the change in voter ID in NC. The change has already been done and they are trying to get it changed back to the old way.  All I hope and pray right now is they make sure that come the 2014 mid terms that all the voter fraud is blocked and we can have a true election............jmho

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Guest TankerHC

Something I had forgot about that apparently 2 writers did as well. You get to keep Manchin anyway. His term isnt up for 3 more years. So Rockefeller wont be in since he CLAIMED he was retiring. Yet is building a Campaign fund. Think it might have something to do with Capito running and Rockefeller defeating her father. Either way, if Rockefeller "comes out of retirement" he is likely to lose to the GOP challenger Capito, since she is pro coal and he isnt. Capito will lose to her Democrat challenger. Capito is pro choice. Every other politician, even the Dem's are pro life. She is a RINO, and the Senate Conservative Fund already said they wont support her, her ACU rating is low and she received below average scores from Heritage on her Congressional voting record. Thats two Senate seats we are going to lose. Most of the rest, will just be kept around.


Gains for the Dems in the Senate.


Losses in the House for the Reps. (More gains for the Dems).

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"Most congressmen should be fired, but not mine" is a long standing US voting principle.
- OS

Actually this latest poll did not have that distinction. 60+% wanted all congress removed.
Too bad they won't vote that way.
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Guest TankerHC

Tanker I agree with what you said except for the election that said when the US citizens voted Obama back in. I don't think that to be true. There has been tons of proof that the entire election was rigged. No Presidential candidate has ever won a fair and non rigged election by 5 million votes. Also no Presidential election has ever been won and had one entire state not have 1 vote for 1 of the Candidates which happened in NC in the last election. I have many friends in NC that raised all kinds of hell because they voted for Romney but their votes were not counted or the voting machines where completely rigged to vote Obama regardless who was voted for. Millions of dead people also voted in last election. So when you say the the U.S Citizens vote him back in office, that part I don't agree with. I talked to a friend of mine down their just the other night and he said that NC is changing their ID policy to make sure this does not happen again and Eric Holder and the Attorney Generals office is suing the state of NC right now to try and block the change in voter ID in NC. The change has already been done and they are trying to get it changed back to the old way.  All I hope and pray right now is they make sure that come the 2014 mid terms that all the voter fraud is blocked and we can have a true election............jmho


White guilt. If he would have won by 5 million its still legit. Conservatives for the most part sat it out or voted 3rd Party (Rosanne Arnold garnered a few thousand votes. Here is how Romney lost.


The final electoral college count gave President Obama a wide 332 to 206 margin over Romney. 270 electoral college votes are needed to win the Presidency.

Romney lost New Hampshire’s 4 electoral college votes by a margin of 40,659. Obama won with 368,529 to Romney’s  327,870.

Romney lost Florida’s 29 electoral college votes  by a margin of 73,858. Obama won with 4,236,032 to Romney's 4,162,174.

Romney lost Ohio’s 18 electoral college votes by a margin of 103,481. Obama won with 2,697,260 to Romney’s 2,593,779 

Romney lost Virginia’s 13 electoral college votes by a margin of 115,910. Obama won with 1,905,528 to Romney’s  1,789,618.

Add the 64 electoral college votes from this switch of 333,908 votes in these four key states to Romney’s 206, remove them from Obama’s 332, and Romney defeats Obama 270 to 268.

Overall, voter turnout was down, from 131 million in 2008 to 122 million in 2012. Obama won 7.6 million fewer votes than he did in 2008, and Romney won 1.3 million fewer than McCain in 2008.


333,000 votes. Thats the margin.

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Actually this latest poll did not have that distinction. 60+% wanted all congress removed.
Too bad they won't vote that way.


Half or more of that 60% won't even show up at polls on midterm elections.


% of eligible voters who vote midterms has been less than 40% since the 70s. Hell, even on presidential election years it's only a bit more than half.


- OS

Edited by Oh Shoot
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Guest TankerHC
My last post isnt a statistic or a poll. Those are real numbers. Obama beat Romney with less votes than he beat McCain and Romney garnered less votes than McCain. Knowing full well the importance of that election, millions of registered voters chose to sit home. Several million more than the previous election. Guarantee those same people are out there bitching and whining right now but will take the same action they did the last time. NONE.

Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk 2

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Guest ThePunisher
Nothing is gonna change people's minds about kicking out the incumbents. They're just getting use to this communism in our government, and not really even concerned about what's happening to our country. Too many young indoctrinated people, and too many older people that have thrown in the flag.

What do you expect from a government when a majority of low information voters (dumba##es) vote for a bunch of dumba## representatives that vote on bills and don't even know what they're voting for. Sad days ahead for America. Edited by ThePunisher
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polls don't mean anything these days. they are not good any more. the group doing the polls make the numbers read the way that they want/need. polls are for low information voters.

I agree, you can make polls appear anyway you want,by polling the right people. This holds true with stats they can be manipulate anyway you want them to read. Edited by joe45
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polls don't mean anything these days. they are not good any more. the group doing the polls make the numbers read the way that they want/need. polls are for low information voters.

Either for what you say or they make things
convenient for lazy people to not vote.

To the OP. The one you have a say in is
considered safe. Maybe so, but voting in the primary can change that. There is a choice
for us Tennesseans.
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Guest TankerHC
There is a choice for everyone, same people will be reelected. Lamar Alexander will be reelected, same as Cochran, Reid and Pelosi. Tennesee voters do not live in a bubble. And the voting turnout record is average. If they didn't, Tn would have Constitutional Carry, but even after it getting shot down in 2011 still don't have it. The ONLY thing I have seen any different in politics in the last 14 years is the stance on welfare and the fact that there was a Republican supermajority elected, Republican not Conservative. When many states were threatened Federal 2A attacks they took action. Their politician's took action. In some states Republicans who jumped on the bandwagon too early apologized to their constituents. Concerning the current fiasco. I predict no apology will be forthcoming from any Tennessee Senator. Don't have to, they already know they will be reelected. And in every case I hope I am 1000% wrong. Doubt it. Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk 2 Edited by TankerHC
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Guest ThePunisher

Maybe so, but voting in the primary can change that. There is a choice
for us Tennesseans.

If people would unite in the primary then Joe Carr can pull off a victory against Lamar. This should be step number one for Tennesseans to take back our country and our liberties and freedoms. Beating Lamar can be done in the primary.
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