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Ya'lls help with a new gun choice

Guest jps37033

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Guest mikedwood

I have a Glock 26 and I think your initial instinct was very good. Great size and shooting it is really nice. With the extensions it fits me very well anyway.

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Guest superdrew4000

If you're really thinking about a bersa .380, I just bought one from another member on this site and i love it. My schedule is somewhat filled, but if you're up for a range trip, I'm happy to oblige. Pm me if you want to fire off some .380 rounds.

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I have owned an XD9 SC and I currently carry a Glock 19. They are both excellent pistols and extremely reliable. Here are my thoughts...

The Glock actually weighs less than the XD. Important if you plan on carrying it. The difference in handle length is negligible for concealed carry. I actually had to put Pearce extensions on the XD to get a full firing grip.

The Glock sets lower in the hand than the XD which helps with muzzle flip. The shorter sight radius on the XD is a liability in my opinion. You won't notice it standing flat footed at the range but if you attend a multi-day handgun class and start moving around and shooting prone from 25 yds etc... you will definitely see the problem. I found that I was much more accurate with the 4" barrel of the Glock. I would think that this would be an advantage in a self-defense situation where movement and adrenaline will be part of the mix.

Another issue with the 3" barrel is that Springfield had to use a double recoil spring set-up with the slide length. I did have some malfunctions during classes... maybe two or three out of every 500 rounds. Could have been me but I have never had a malfunction with the Glock.

The trigger reset was shorter on the Glock in comparing my pistols. Both guns needed trigger help in my opinion. With the XD you will need a gunsmith like canyoncreekcustom.com, Springfield Armory, etc... to handle your trigger job. I am sure there are other reputable gunsmiths that can do this... By the time you ship both ways etc... It can get pretty expensive. The Glock is easier to deal with. I would start with dropping in a 3.5lb trigger which you can do yourself for $20 or less. This will really get you roughly a 5.5lb trigger pull that is much nicer than out of the box.

I notice you were interested in 9mm or .40 S&W. I have several buddies that shoot .40, .357 Sig, .45ACP. They all seem to like their chosen caliber. What I do know is that I shoot much more often than they do. 9mm is more economical to shoot. My thinking is that I should shoot as often as possible. I am at the range a minimum of every two weeks and often weekly. My buddies don't, due to the cost. I have found Georgia Arms Canned Heat to be a good buy. If I catch them at a gun show in TN I buy a couple thousand rounds. If you buy 500 rds you will generally average $10 a 50 rd box including tax. I have not found it cheaper. Compare that to the other calibers...

Go to a range that lets you rent guns. Try the M&P, Glock, XD, etc... Good Luck!

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