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My first gunkote job...

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Agreed.  Great job on the work.  Others may be different, but I tend to think Blueing or stainless is perfect for 1911's.  That is a pretty bold statement in color on a 1911.  and... we don't see that too often... and the shock might have gotten to us.    :pleased:


Don't mistake the silence for a lack of love for you.


How durable is it?

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What color is it? I've got an 870 that I want to paint and that would look good with the FDE furniture I have on it.

I like the look of your 1911.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Its not the color/shiny so much as the combined effect of THOSE grips on THAT color gun.   It could be the lighting in the pic, but the orange & green effect in the picture is not doing much for me.   It may be a nice brown & green in reality and the flash made it orangy, but if the grips really are orange, consider black, brown, or something and it would do wonders for it.


The work looks good.  If the colors are a result of your flash, maybe try a nice bright room with no flash and post a true image?  Could also be computer-brown problem.  Computers have a very hard time with shades of brown. 

Edited by Jonnin
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I think Jonnin is right. Looks like the lighting was a little harsh and is misrepresenting the color a bit. If you look more toward the rear of the slide and the hammer...the darker it appears. And that looks interesting.


When you view the pic on your monitor, does it look the same as "live" on the pistol?

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