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HOLY S***!!!!!


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Guest nra37922

NO matter how many times I see this video I still get a laugh out of it.  And for the PETA folks there should be a disclaimer that no camels or sheep were hurt during the filming... 

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Yes. A satirical slang for terrorist.


Negative.  These weren't the enemy.  This was a group of CLCs/SOI/Al Sahwa (Concerned Local Citizens/Sons of Iraq/The Awakening Movement).  These were the answer to reconciliation of sunni communities and militias who originally rejected the Iraqi government and Shia government control (locally) as a way to empower them to combat sunni insurgent groups (like al Qaeda in Iraq) and reduce the recruitment pool of the enemy.  These weren't enemy.  They were attempting to recover an IED which had been placed by the enemy.  This was standard practice for them.  When we'd travel to their villages they would clear the route for us and recover IEDs as they were found.

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Ka-boom!  I guess they should have cut the blue wire.



The IED likely had an anti-tamper switch in it.  In fact, there's a good chance that the IED was intentionally placed in a manner that it would be discovered by the CLCs and they would attempt to recover it.  This was a common TTP since the enemy knew the CLCs would recover it by hand.  There was a wealth of IED knowledge in the CLC program as there were many former insurgents in their ranks.... they actually made the best route clearance teams since they knew what to look for.  Unfortunately for them, their level of confidence for handling improvised explosives made them an easy target for the enemy.

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There are only a few things that make me smile over and over and over and over.  One is when a squirrel flies out of a catapult and the other is when a raghead is taking the express train to his alla(I won't give them the correct spelling out of disrespect).

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Besides what I can tell? I can tell nothing from this 1 minute video and somebody blew up. I assumed that American Ranger blog got the info correct. 


I just assumed your response you/Debbie d knew something more.  My bad, there I go assuming again. 


Since you hate to be Debbie d, I would have thought you/Debbie d would have said, "This video is from location X and I was there.  I read this was from operation X.  This video is in full at X."  Your information is less clear than the American Ranger blog.  :ugh:

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Besides what I can tell? I can tell nothing from this 1 minute video and somebody blew up. I assumed that American Ranger blog got the info correct.

I just assumed your response you/Debbie d knew something more. My bad, there I go assuming again.

Since you hate to be Debbie d, I would have thought you/Debbie d would have said, "This video is from location X and I was there. I read this was from operation X. This video is in full at X." Your information is less clear than the American Ranger blog. :ugh:

Based on the short clip the pilot is talking with the ground forces that are partnered with the CLCs in reference to their location and mentions a medevac for the guys involved. The extended version makes it more obvious, but if you rewatch the clip it should be fairly clear what's going on. Seemed to me I made it clear though, who they are and what they were doing.
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