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Flitz as a media polish?

Guest BCR#1

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I ordered two bottles yesterday, should be here next week. Thanks for the link Mike.




Get you a fork and keep it by the tumbler. It's going to make clumps, especially on the first dose. I run the tumbler and break up some of the clumps, then let it run some more before I add brass. You'll be real happy with the results.

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Brass has ammonia, internet wisdom says do not use on cartridge cases.

I use lizard litter from the pet store and a cap or two of DuPont chrome polish. For each batch, I add a dryer sheet to clean up the dust and dirt, which prolongs the life of the media.

I chemically clean my brass with citric acid before tumbling. If you put dirty brass into a tumbler, there is an airborne lead hazard. If I clean with citric first, I tumble in the garage. If starting with dirty brass, on an open balcony.

Flitz will certainly do the job, but is very pricy. My chrome polish does a good job and 2 bucks worth lasts years.
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I'm pretty sure Dolomite can make the best polishing compound from the pancreas of an East Tennessee box turtle :). I've been through the Nu Finish/dryer sheets thing.


Put some Lizard Litter and some Flitz in the tumbler, add some brass, and tumble the shit out of it. Comes out looking new. And, I can't find a dust problem. There IS a fine layer of dust on the brass when it comes out of the media separator, so I always dump it onto a towel and just rub down the pile a little.


Flitz is only expensive if you don't count your time.

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Guest Lester Weevils
I don't recall what the bottle of flitz cost, but it ain't empty after a couple years and tumbled several thousand rds of real shiny 9mm and maybe 1000 .357 Mebbe I'm just not reloading enough for it to get spensive. In my smallish tumbler I run about 300 cases in a load, 1 capful in each load.

Still running corn cob and walnut bought more than a decade ago. I throw it out once in awhile, but the lyman media seems to last a good while (or I'm not reloading enough). Looked for lizard litter at walmart and didn't see any, will try some if I ever see it. Edited by Lester Weevils
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I don't recall what the bottle of flitz cost, but it ain't empty after a couple years and tumbled several thousand rds of real shiny 9mm and maybe 1000 .357 Mebbe I'm just not reloading enough for it to get spensive. In my smallish tumbler I run about 300 cases in a load, 1 capful in each load.

Still running corn cob and walnut bought more than a decade ago. I throw it out once in awhile, but the lyman media seems to last a good while (or I'm not reloading enough). Looked for lizard litter at walmart and didn't see any, will try some if I ever see it.


Petco has Lizzard Litter. So does Petsmart.



Edited by mikegideon
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Guest Phantom6

I use Flitz all the time. Just a cap full in the tumbler media, let it run about 5 min. until it no longer clumps like cat litter then bring on the brass. I clean with walnut hulls. It's a little more agressive.I have a bunch of walnut trees in my yard and collect and dry the hulls. I crush the dried hulls in an old, antique, hand-cranked, coffee grinder. It gives me something to do besides run my Auto-primer while I watch the news.  

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