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MO Cop to open-carry chicks: "Show me your papers!"

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Claire McCaskill kind of guy, isn't he. They should have called the fire department to put his eyes out. But then

maybe those girls are Christian jihadists. :D


"I'm still trying to figure out what's going on". Love it!

Edited by 6.8 AR
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I watched all the first video and part of the second, what it boils down to is LEOs being asked to enforce a stores policy or request again.


If the business wanted them to leave they should have just told them to leave, if for whatever reason the business representative did not want to "confront" them and chose to call the police, the officers could have simply told the patrons to leave.  There was no reason to detain them or check IDs unless they were suspected of some crime, which I did not hear or see mentioned.

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"Is a passport the only ID you have?"

biggrin.gif When I travel I carry my passport. It is the only form of ID I know of that is accepted everywhere.


Somehow I think that any ID she produced would have elicited the same question from Sgt. Schultz.

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"Is a passport the only ID you have?"
biggrin.gif When I travel I carry my passport. It is the only form of ID I know of that is accepted everywhere.

That was one of the more ridiculous parts to me. A passport is the best form of pure ID one can have. Though I guess the officer was annoyed at not having something that was more easily searchable in his system.
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Ya know, I'm not one for starting sh** with cops, but screw these guys. Legally carrying girls being interrogated for what? I guess if it wasn't for the idiot cop standing in the background WITH HIS LONG GUN AT THE READY, and the surly attitude of the cop I wouldn't really care about the cop checking on these ladies at the request of the management, but there is no rule against an officer being personable and polite. He handled that like these ladies were up to no good. He could have achieved the same results and answers by being a nice guy and making the exchange pleasant for all parties.

I would have told this guy to cuff me or piss off.
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Ya know, I'm not one for starting sh** with cops, but screw these guys. Legally carrying girls being interrogated for what? I guess if it wasn't for the idiot cop standing in the background WITH HIS LONG GUN AT THE READY, and the surly attitude of the cop I wouldn't really care about the cop checking on these ladies at the request of the management, but there is no rule against an officer being personable and polite. He handled that like these ladies were up to no good. He could have achieved the same results and answers by being a nice guy and making the exchange pleasant for all parties.I would have told this guy to cuff me or piss off.

Badge or no badge, act like a douche, get treated like a douche. When someone wields their authoritah with less tact than Eric Cartman, I'll give them exactly the level of respect they deserve. Edited by Chucktshoes
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Ugh, this guy. I try to imagine my father, who was an LEO, handle this situation. I imagine he would have shown up at the request of the management, spoke with the patrons then asked the management why the hell he was called. At no time would his attitude would have been with these patrons, since they were obeying the law and never asked to leave. He would have told the management not to waste his time further and explained to him how the laws work. Unbelievable the attitude of this cop. Especially the parts where he gets pissy about IDs and the camera. There's no reason he couldn't have been up front and honest about why he as there, what his role was and what the limits of his authority were. "I don't know if I crime has been committed and that's why I need the ID of people who aren't even armed?" Ugh, one of these days this crap is going to turn me into one of those OC morons who troll for confrontation with police. We need more videos of cops doing the right thing, but I guess those videos don't get uploaded to YouTube or shared on here.
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Posted Image
Spit my coffee, picturing you and what’s his name walking hand in hand through downtown Nashville.

Ha, right? I hate that guy!

Just ranting though. It makes me upset to see a personality deficient cop push around a bunch of young girls. I realize they're not all like this. I'm sure plenty of cops encounter carriers in the similar scenarios and treat them with the respect a law abiding citizen deserves, it's just that we don't see that posted to YouTube. Been a high density of cop hating threads on here lately though. I hate crappy cops as much as the next guy but seems like we've suddenly had an influx of them.
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For one, that is why I don't carry open. I don't go fishing for a confrontation or go out to show off I have a gun. I have been pulled over several times by LEO's while driving for what I would consider bogus stops here in my town back when I first got my carry permit. Things like I didn't see your seat belt and of course I was asked if I was armed due to the fact that it tells the police by your license plate to you possess a carry permit. I guess they ask hoping they will catch me packing and not have my permit with me. All of that took place for about the first year after I got my permit but now all the police do is wave and I wave back as we pass each other on the road. I think all in all the girls should have checked out what the laws are in MO. before going into the state because each states laws read differently and if your going to visit a neighboring state check their carry laws first. If they have a carry law but it is conceal only then you either don't carry or you carry concealed...............jmho.

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Ha, right? I hate that guy!

Just ranting though. It makes me upset to see a personality deficient cop push around a bunch of young girls. I realize they're not all like this. I'm sure plenty of cops encounter carriers in the similar scenarios and treat them with the respect a law abiding citizen deserves, it's just that we don't see that posted to YouTube. Been a high density of cop hating threads on here lately though. I hate crappy cops as much as the next guy but seems like we've suddenly had an influx of them.


It's like everything else the news posts these days TMF. Good news is not news so why post it or print it? Bad news is the only new worthy of writing today according to the press. I remember a song that was out years ago that said  "It's good to hear some good news today"..........jmho

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No need to "hate" cops, but when they use or abuse their "authority" like this I have no respect for the badge.


In NY, shooting at a person because he put his hand in his pocket, missed and hit 2 females.


Killed a man because he knocked on a door, home owner called 911, come to find out,

man was in a wreck and was looking for a phone, now he did run at the cop.

Cop in in jail for man slaughter.


It looks like more and more some LEOs is pushing the bounds of what they can do, just my $0.02.

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No need to "hate" cops, but when they use or abuse their "authority" like this I have no respect for the badge.


In NY, shooting at a person because he put his hand in his pocket, missed and hit 2 females.


Killed a man because he knocked on a door, home owner called 911, come to find out,

man was in a wreck and was looking for a phone, now he did run at the cop.

Cop in in jail for man slaughter.


It looks like more and more some LEOs is pushing the bounds of what they can do, just my $0.02.

I could fill the longest thread in here with stupid/criminal stuff permit holders have done. (Well probably not because it wouldn’t be allowed biggrin.gif)

Does that lump us all into one group to be disrespected or justify outlawing carry guns? Of course not. I don’t think those people are representative of me or most of us. So why does this cop being a jerk cause anyone to start making general statements about cops?


I have met really bad cops, yes they exist; this cop was just being a jerk with no people skills.

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For one, that is why I don't carry open. I don't go fishing for a confrontation or go out to show off I have a gun. I have been pulled over several times by LEO's while driving for what I would consider bogus stops here in my town back when I first got my carry permit. Things like I didn't see your seat belt and of course I was asked if I was armed due to the fact that it tells the police by your license plate to you possess a carry permit. I guess they ask hoping they will catch me packing and not have my permit with me. All of that took place for about the first year after I got my permit but now all the police do is wave and I wave back as we pass each other on the road. I think all in all the girls should have checked out what the laws are in MO. before going into the state because each states laws read differently and if your going to visit a neighboring state check their carry laws first. If they have a carry law but it is conceal only then you either don't carry or you carry concealed...............jmho.

while I too mostly carry concealed, I disagree thay open carry is asking for trouble. They weren't doing anything wrong or illegal. I think a more appropriate statement is the cop was looking for trouble.
My dad was a LEO for thirty plus years and he always treated people with repect until he had a reason not to.

sent barefoot from the hills of Tennessee

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I noticed the LEO rejected the carry permit as identification. I guess it's not considered ID in MO.

What's the law in TN? Can I use my HCP as identification?

Yes, it’s a state issued ID. The question comes into play what you are using it for. For example a gun hating store doesn’t have to accept it as ID.

I don’t think the cop rejected the gun card, I think he was being a jerk trying to make a point about the card. He also questioned the passport? I think he was just being an azz.

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