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Can I carry loaded magazines into a "posted" location?

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New member here; looking for opinions/comments.


We'll be vacationing in TN in the next couple weeks. If we want to enter a posted location, my plan is this:


Return to the car and drop the mag, rack the slide to eject the chambered round. Put that round back into the mag.


G19 goes into the lockbox, mag goes into my pocket; IWB holster and back-up mag stay on.


Anyone see any red flags with this plan?

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I took a loaded mag into the courthouse the other day. Guard said no problem. Granted, he kept it with him. That said, I don't see what the point is in going through the rigamarole your planning.

Edited by Twin
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I did something very stupid about 12 or so years ago pertaining to going into a court house and I am very glad that the Sheriff's deputies were very understanding. This was back before I had a carry permit and I had a 380 compact in my back pocket and forgot I had it and my attorney had already went through the metal detector and I then remembered I had the gun as I began to empty my pockets. I never removed it from my pocket but I told the deputy at the gate that I forgot I had it. They both looked at my attorney and then one of them told me to take it back and lock it in my vehicle and come back in. I went through the detector with flying colors and nothing else was ever said about it. Not that was a situation of stupid is as stupid does for sure. I consider myself very lucky that day. Have never made such a stupid mistake since. 

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I understand about not wanting to leave a loaded weapon... but, clearing a weapon in a public place ... or while trying to conceal my actions (i.e. in the car) is not a habit I would want to pass on to anyone else. too many things can go wrong.

could you pick up a lockbox for your handgun? does your glovebox lock?

again, I hear your concern. you might want to rethink unholstering your handgun except when absolutely necessary and/or under controlled, planned circumstances.


-hope your trip is fantastic!
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Yeah, I was sure to leave the bang-switch in the vehicle ;) I just forgot about my spare mag.


I did something very stupid about 12 or so years ago pertaining to going into a court house and I am very glad that the Sheriff's deputies were very understanding. This was back before I had a carry permit and I had a 380 compact in my back pocket and forgot I had it and my attorney had already went through the metal detector and I then remembered I had the gun as I began to empty my pockets. I never removed it from my pocket but I told the deputy at the gate that I forgot I had it. They both looked at my attorney and then one of them told me to take it back and lock it in my vehicle and come back in. I went through the detector with flying colors and nothing else was ever said about it. Not that was a situation of stupid is as stupid does for sure. I consider myself very lucky that day. Have never made such a stupid mistake since. 

Edited by Twin
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