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Olympus Has Fallen


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Watched it last night. I told Kelly that every big actor stars in one movie during their career that ends up being a total embarrassment. This film is unique because it was an embarrassment for several really big actors.


Great cast, pretty horrible movie.

Edited by Erik88
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Watched it last night. I told Kelly that every big actor stars in one movie during their career that ends up being a total embarrassment. This film is unique because it was an embarrassment for several really big actors.


Great cast, pretty horrible movie.


You were expecting Shakespeare in a shoot 'em up?


I liked Butler in the role, in pretty much same vein as Law Abiding Citizen.


- OS

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Saw it with OS when it was released.  Great action movie.   At least two thumbs up.

How real was Wizard of Oz?

The Easter Bunny told me it was a documentary. He heard it from the tin man.

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I liked it.. Then  again ..I  really like Gerald Butler anyway.I like Morgan Freeman for his voice. I think both are good actors.

I think people over analyze movies way to much..

Take it for what it is.. a movie and nothing more.. 

Very unrealistic but still very good action.


Also watched Oblivion last week. .That  movie confused me for a few minutes. Not a big fan of Tom Cruise .But it was a decent movie.

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Got this from Redbox for $1.30 last night and watched it with the Mrs. We both enjoyed it. I did notice they used two different White Houses. One had a flat front and was obviously a staged version they built for the show (I guess Obama wouldn't let them blow up the real thing), and one with a curved front like the real one.
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I would have skipped this one, but the misses talked me into watching. As usual, she was right. I liked it.

Like Sour Kraut says, we over analyze flicks. They aren't all gonna be up for an Academy Award, but I seldom like the ones that win Oscars anyway. Gimme an over the top action film with too many explosions, gratuitous violence, some occasional topless chicks, and good fight scenes over El Chocolate any day.
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