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Guest patriot54

Keep your car locked and don't leave ANYTHING of value visible.  Germantown and Collierville are safe day and night, but don't speed in either.  When a traffic light turns green, wait 8 seconds before pulling into an intersection.  Watch out for clueless drivers on cell phones particularly in the fast lane, they are everywhere.  Beal street is fun, but stay on the 1st (west) block and they don't allow CC (not certain how the merchants pulled this off, but they did).  If you want the best ribs avoid the named places like Corky's or Rendezvous; Blues City Cafe would be my choice.  The architecture of the homes is interesting along Popular Ave; particularly in Midtown.  The golf courses are safe; for whatever reason no one gets puffed up while playing golf.



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Guest nra37922

Nothing wrong with Memphis, Memphis is a beautiful city.  The only thing wrong with Memphis is the asswipes roaming the streets, and running the city.   When the New Madrid enema happens watch out for the feces overflowing the neighborhoods...

Edited by nra37922
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Stay out of the south and north ends after dark and don't go galavanting around looking for trouble and you will be fine. It isn't great by any means, but it isn't as terrible as some would have you believe.

thats a bit of a issue though I'm hoping I will be working during the day instead of 11pm to 8am cause the job is we drive around testing the 911 towers in certain areas when I get the GPS cords where I will be I will post them here and see what you all think, I wish I had my ccwp so I can have at least a little bit of protection
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thats a bit of a issue though I'm hoping I will be working during the day instead of 11pm to 8am cause the job is we drive around testing the 911 towers in certain areas when I get the GPS cords where I will be I will post them here and see what you all think, I wish I had my ccwp so I can have at least a little bit of protection

Will you be working alone or in teams when you are at the tower locations? If you are going to be out of vehicle in dark areas around the towers in the middle of the night (especially if you will be alone) that needs to be addressed with management as it is just plain not safe. The other Memphians may take issue with me and I am not trying to be an alarmist, but that is how I see it.
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Will you be working alone or in teams when you are at the tower locations? If you are going to be out of vehicle in dark areas around the towers in the middle of the night (especially if you will be alone) that needs to be addressed with management as it is just plain not safe. The other Memphians may take issue with me and I am not trying to be an alarmist, but that is how I see it.

we are teams but drive alone
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Guest TresOsos

Memphis is a beautiful city, its just some of the occuopants aren't.

I concur, stay out of the South, North and Downtown after dark since you don't have a HCP.

Forget the burger fried in 100 year old grease and opt for Hueys on Madison for lunch.

Huey burger with cheddar cheese and frys.

After dark stay out east Germantown, Collierville and Barrtlet.\


Don't go exploring alone and don't go looking for trouble, in Memphis, trouble will find you.

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Guest nra37922

Memphis used to be, and may still be, the worse city in TN for car insurance in that a lot don't have any so watch out for that.  I would recommend a poster on both sides saying 'OBAMA Phone service expansion team' or something to that affect.  Or, you could call ahead and have Dominos/Papa John's run interference for you.

Edited by nra37922
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Guest nra37922

ill try and be as careful as i can, but as i said we drive around different areas from 11pm to about 8 am we stop at the site and sit there for a few hours and wait for the go to start testing

Let us know how it goes....

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Will you be working alone or in teams when you are at the tower locations? If you are going to be out of vehicle in dark areas around the towers in the middle of the night (especially if you will be alone) that needs to be addressed with management as it is just plain not safe. The other Memphians may take issue with me and I am not trying to be an alarmist, but that is how I see it.

As Chucktshoes mentioned avoid North and South Memphis after dark. I say unless you live there, avoid them at all times. I don't believe that there are many cell phone towers located directly in the bad areas. If there were we would routinely be hearing about some type of theft or outage. If you have to work in either area keep your head on a swivel and leave soon as you conduct your business. Do your paperwork someplace else. Both areas have some good people living there, but you also have the typical inner city element that is always looking for an opportunity to enrich themselves at someone elses expense.

As far as downtown, Beale is pretty safe because you always have eyewitnesses and a heavy cop presence. Beale had issues with two clubs. One has been closed and the other is under strict observation. I don't party, so that hasn't been an issue for me in nearly thirty years. There are two cop stations near downtown. You have a new station on Crump less than a few minutes from downtown and you have a station on Front street at the train station. I work downtown and I have friends who have lived downtown for a while without issue.

The Riverside park area is safe during the day with roving cop patrols and stationary cameras. Speaking of cameras, chances are if you are within a few miles of downtown Memphis the odds are high that you are being observed by "Big Brother". That camera system is one of the reasons why crimes get solved so quickly. The Harbor Town area of downtown is as safe as any other community with the exception of thieves taking advantage of people leaving GPS devices and purses on their seats. For me, the biggest issues that you will encounter downtown are the panhandlers and gangters on weekend nights down near the river. Some people think that it's romantic to be near the river after a concert, dinner or game. Not a good idea. You have youth who walk/drive to that area hoping to catch Romeo and Juliet getting intimate or some poor slob drunk off of his ass.

The suburbs and midtown are good to go, but from time to time you will still have crimes of opportunity or Memphians willing to risk their luck with the fast response times of some very good small police departments.

Memphis can be a bit overwelming. I experience that sensation when traveling up north. My recommendation would be to follow the basic rules of safety that you would practice in any unfamiliar city, and avoid any random groups of young men. Lots of times it seems that the teens are very spontaneous and commit crimes for no other reason than boredom.

I hope that this helped. Enjoy your visit! Edited by LINKS2K
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Guest patriot54

ill try and be as careful as i can, but as i said we drive around different areas from 11pm to about 8 am we stop at the site and sit there for a few hours and wait for the go to start testing

If its in the wrong part of town I think I'd leave the car and go to ground.

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We have a wedding to attend in Oct and a friend of mine and I both agreed we are carrying the entire time.

That's not a bad idea regardless where you travel. Odds are you will end up returning home with the same amount of ammo that you left with. Things are never as bad as the evening news makes it out to be. Enjoy the wedding!
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Guest Bonedaddy

That's just the other side of I 40 from Bass Pro. Not too bad over there but not far from some "iffy" neighborhoods, either. Close to the Agri-Center, Shelby Farms and the penal farm, too. The construction company I worked at for 15 years was near there. Lots of places to eat at along Germantown Pkwy just up I 40E from there. There's a Central BBQ, that many on here have talked of, headed W down US 70/Summer Ave just a little ways from there, too.

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