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Almost time to slang some arrows

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That sucks. You'll prob find him in the morning though if you hit good but high couldv'e clipped the top of the lungs. They can cover some ground before they succumb to that wound and they can possibly not bleed much or at all.
I did exactly that on a nice 8pt on opening day last year. I saw that i hit him high, arrow passed 3/4 way through then fell out at about the 50yd mark.. He didnt bleed good at first, then bled a little, then stopped bleeding altogether. Then i found some kicked up ground and followed it and he was laid out in a creek.

I killed a big fat old doe this evening. Perfect 15yd shot. Zipped one right through her heart. She ran maybe 30 yds then rolld back down the ridge. No tracking at all, watched her fall.

Why didnt you shoot a turkey???

JWC I sure hoped all day that my search would turn up like yours. I even double checked creek beds just in case  :up:  But to no avail. Congrats on the doe!

I didn't think we could shoot a turkey till 14th? I don't know why I thought that, sure had plenty to shoot at!

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If your county has a fall gun hunt (Oct. 12-25) then you can shoot em during archery only. Least that's how this reads http://tn.gov/twra/turkeymain.html

Sucks to lose em. Been there, done that. Most bowhunters have.

I like both broadheads. Over time I've shot fixed and expandables. I liked the expandables I shot a lot they made massive holes and worked as good as any fixed blade I ever shot. IMO modern expandables are as good as modern fixed blades. I think when they hit the scene the first run of expandables gave them a bad rep cause some of them did suck balls.

But... now I shoot fixed blades, I'm shooting a xbow they give me the performance i want. I really only went to the to expandables on my bow because they flew so good. If I had to choose I'd pick fixed cause they seem to hold up better as far as being able to shoot them through more than one deer. But as to punching holes in stuff I say (IMO) they're virtually equal.

Easy to second guess when you lose one though. Edited by JWC
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If your county has a fall gun hunt (Oct. 12-25) then you can shoot em during archery only. Least that's how this reads http://tn.gov/twra/turkeymain.html

Sucks to lose em. Been there, done that. Most bowhunters have.

I like both broadheads. Over time I've shot fixed and expandables. I liked the expandables I shot a lot they made massive holes and worked as good as any fixed blade I ever shot. IMO modern expandables are as good as modern fixed blades. I think when they hit the scene the first run of expandables gave them a bad rep cause some of them did suck balls.

But... now I shoot fixed blades, I'm shooting a xbow they give me the performance i want. I really only went to the to expandables on my bow because they flew so good. If I had to choose I'd pick fixed cause they seem to hold up better as far as being able to shoot them through more than one deer. But as to punching holes in stuff I say (IMO) they're virtually equal.

Easy to second guess when you lose one though.

Well I believe you're right, but being opening day of deer season, I doubt I would have taken one for fear of spooking deer close by even if I'd known. 


Like stated earlier I'm new to anything bow so my experience is being made before your very eyes. That being said, I've read alot of stories and reviews on broadheads and the mechanical vs fixed is like Ford vs Chevy. I did read somewhere that the Rage is more designed for today's newer, faster bows. Don't know how much truth there is to that, but my bow is older (@ 10 years or so) and still use aluminum arrows. May or may not affect it. I have some Muzzy broadheads that I can use, so may go back to that and save the Rage's for next year when I buy a new bow. I'm a reasonable person and will probably attribute some of this to me being upset about losing a deer, so I won't go on a big smack talk about mechanicals because I've seen some of the entry and exit wounds so I know they can work. I'm also a simple person, so a simple mechanical my suit me better  :rofl:

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Yep, I didn't mind doing the work to find it, that's part of it. I kept thinking that any second I would look over and see the white belly. I don't live or work out that way so won't be able to go back till next Saturday. I'm sure the carcass will be stripped by then by coyotes, buzzards, and the like. The chiggers got me a little bit even though I sprayed, but all the ground I covered, I expected it.
Now on to another point Batman. As I'm sure you did, I've been playing this over and over in my head. Re-playing everything to remember if I did anything wrong, if I could have done anything better. What are your experience with Rage broadheads or expandables like them? Personally with my experience, along with my best friend, this is the 3rd experience with little blood trails. I just talked to him and down to the last detail, this happened to him yesterday and he searched all day too. Last year he shot a 6 pointer at 7 yards, I found the first splatter of blood about 30 yards from where he shot it, and barely saw it as we were riding by the creek on four wheelers. I know if you hit an artery with any kind of blood, it will fly out, but I am second guessing expanding blades and want to go back to fixed 4 blades. Is it because I'm mad/upset/sick over losing this deer? Am I over reacting and just keep using what I have because I'm jumping to conclusions?

Actually, I have never tried an expandable. I have always use fixed. I have used Muzzy 100's for the last few years with really good performance. I also like them because they shoot consistent with my arrows. I have a set of dull ones that I practice with, and for me they fly just like a field point. However, my neighbor uses Rage broadheads, and he said he likes them. I prefer not to have moving parts though.

Was your broadhead expanded like it should have been with blood on the cutting surface when you found the arrow? Was the O-ring in good shape? I think it's possible that your broadhead may not have opened properly, but I've hit them good before and seen little blood when I thought there should have been more. If it were me, I think I would want to try something different too as long as there is time to get in enough practice with a new broadhead before the next hunt. A lot of people love the Rages, though.
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Actually, I have never tried an expandable. I have always use fixed. I have used Muzzy 100's for the last few years with really good performance. I also like them because they shoot consistent with my arrows. I have a set of dull ones that I practice with, and for me they fly just like a field point. However, my neighbor uses Rage broadheads, and he said he likes them. I prefer not to have moving parts though.

Was your broadhead expanded like it should have been with blood on the cutting surface when you found the arrow? Was the O-ring in good shape? I think it's possible that your broadhead may not have opened properly, but I've hit them good before and seen little blood when I thought there should have been more. If it were me, I think I would want to try something different too as long as there is time to get in enough practice with a new broadhead before the next hunt. A lot of people love the Rages, though.

Yes it was open when I found it, blood and hair stuck to it and blood all down the arrow except for the end with the fletching. It broke off from the outside, since it didn't go all the way through. I could see them hanging out of the deer when it done the uturn. The o-ring was in good shape, it was a brand new broadhead. The o-ring seemed to hold it pretty snug when I snapped the blades into it. I know I could shoot my next one with a Rage and have a huge hole and blood trail. I'm not really sure what I'm going to do. I may try them one more time, but I have my Muzzy's in the quiver too. I'll know next Saturday morning though. I used to be able to sit all day in the stand no problem, but these 14 hour days are a lot harder now. I just keep thinking, as soon as I leave a deer is going to pop out right in front of my stand, or when I come back in, I'll spook one that I could have had. I also hate driving all the way home just to sit and wait for 2 o'clock to roll around. All I do is sit at the house and think, "I should be in my dang stand right now!". I don't mind the time in the stand, but my back does! But I'm even more determined now, and will make sure to hit farther back vs farther forward if I have to. It's hard to track a deer that's not leaving you something to follow!

Did you get out today?

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I have heard a lot of stories about problems with the rage doing exactly what you explained. Can't blame the head for a high hit, but some just do a better job than others depending on set up. I don't like rage for the same reason I don't like most of the similar designed heads. These heads have long blades that are at too much of an angle perpendicular to the arrow. I want a head that doesn't create as much resistance going through. I shoot WASP Jak Hammer SST mechanicals. They have performed well for me.  


I am sorry I was out of town this weekend. I wish I had seen your post on Saturday, I would have brought my dog down this morning to help. She's trailed several deer and done a good job so far. 

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I have heard a lot of stories about problems with the rage doing exactly what you explained. Can't blame the head for a high hit, but some just do a better job than others depending on set up. I don't like rage for the same reason I don't like most of the similar designed heads. These heads have long blades that are at too much of an angle perpendicular to the arrow. I want a head that doesn't create as much resistance going through. I shoot WASP Jak Hammer SST mechanicals. They have performed well for me.  


I am sorry I was out of town this weekend. I wish I had seen your post on Saturday, I would have brought my dog down this morning to help. She's trailed several deer and done a good job so far. 

Yeah it's one of those things where you see it work perfect for some people and not for others and you have to decide. I'm not even sure I hit him high, I just assumed that from the lack of blood. Hell I've seen people hit a deer high right over middle of the stomach and have a huge blood trail. But they probably hit a good artery, which apparently I didn't. 


Thank you for the offer!!! That would probably be the only way I'd have found it other than luck. I criss crossed, diagonal lined, and everything I could think of. But as we all know, I could have walked past him if his belly wasn't showing, they blend in so good. He was dark too, not like a bright fawn. But I really appreciate the thought of bringing your dog, very nice of you. 

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I'll give you one thing, if you can sit all day when it's warm like yesterday you're the damn man!

This time of year there ain't no way I could do it.

That's Ironman ####!

Thanks brother! LOL I wish I was Ironman, posting a pic of Irondeer! Apparently he is one  :up:

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Yes it was open when I found it, blood and hair stuck to it and blood all down the arrow except for the end with the fletching. It broke off from the outside, since it didn't go all the way through. I could see them hanging out of the deer when it done the uturn. The o-ring was in good shape, it was a brand new broadhead. The o-ring seemed to hold it pretty snug when I snapped the blades into it. I know I could shoot my next one with a Rage and have a huge hole and blood trail. I'm not really sure what I'm going to do. I may try them one more time, but I have my Muzzy's in the quiver too. I'll know next Saturday morning though. I used to be able to sit all day in the stand no problem, but these 14 hour days are a lot harder now. I just keep thinking, as soon as I leave a deer is going to pop out right in front of my stand, or when I come back in, I'll spook one that I could have had. I also hate driving all the way home just to sit and wait for 2 o'clock to roll around. All I do is sit at the house and think, "I should be in my dang stand right now!". I don't mind the time in the stand, but my back does! But I'm even more determined now, and will make sure to hit farther back vs farther forward if I have to. It's hard to track a deer that's not leaving you something to follow!
Did you get out today?

No, I haven't been out yet. My wife got sick, and my plans got changed this weekend. I might be able to get out Thursday evening. If not, Saturday morning looks like my next opportunity... I can't wait! I know how you feel about sitting all day. It's harder for me than it used to be too. It seems like I always jump a deer when I get down, lol. I get really motivated after the first frost, though.

It sounds like you and your arrow did everything right. I think he probably just bled "in" instead of "out".
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Oh no... irondeer. I hope he's not waiting for you the next time you walk to your stand in the dark, lol.

Well, if he jumps out at me, I'll pee....and iron rusts, so I'll wait a few minutes and when he's rusted solid I'll have him!  :rofl:


But seriously though, I wonder too if I should have stayed out of the woods all together last night. Hell, he could have fell down 40 yards from me and even though it was 30 minutes before we started walking to find blood, he could have jumped up and ran off. Nothing I can do about it now though, I was just sure there would be blood somewhere. But once you scare that deer that might have otherwise laid there and died, he may run 2 miles before stopping. S*#!*%#!!!

Edited by rugerla1
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No, I haven't been out yet. My wife got sick, and my plans got changed this weekend. I might be able to get out Thursday evening. If not, Saturday morning looks like my next opportunity... I can't wait! I know how you feel about sitting all day. It's harder for me than it used to be too. It seems like I always jump a deer when I get down, lol. I get really motivated after the first frost, though.

It sounds like you and your arrow did everything right. I think he probably just bled "in" instead of "out".

Well I hope the wife gets better soon. Glad you'll be out this week too. I hope you nail a monster. And yep, I always seem to pick the absolutely wrong time to get down, so mostly I just don't.


Could be, I thought about that too. As in my other response to you a few seconds ago, I should have waited till this morning to look at all probably.

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Well I hope the wife gets better soon. Glad you'll be out this week too. I hope you nail a monster. And yep, I always seem to pick the absolutely wrong time to get down, so mostly I just don't.

Could be, I thought about that too. As in my other response to you a few seconds ago, I should have waited till this morning to look at all probably.

Thanks, she's feeling better.

I shot a doe once right before dark. I waited 30-40mins before tracking. I jumped her up about 3 times as I was tracking in the dark. I found the places where she would lay down and bleed. I ended up finding her about 250yds from my stand. The first time I jumped her she was only about 60yds away. Now I usually wait at least a couple of hours unless I see or hear them fall. You just never know though. Edited by Batman
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Sorry Ruger. That's very upsetting. :-( But, it sounds like you practiced, you researched, you passed on some deer and at the end of the day, after doing everything right, you made a bad shot. Well, it happens! Even prostaff make bad shots! What you did well on is trying to recover your animal. Most would not go back a second or third time like you.
That's hunting though man. I'd be a fool to say that I would never make a bad shot. My dad shot a huge 8pt in Mississippi. At that time, it was legal to use pods filled with poison to ensure a quick kill. He had a complete pass through with his arrow. Covered in blood and hair. The poison pod was rolled fully back and that buck got a full dose of poison. He even had a great blood trail for a while, but in the end, he couldn't find it.
Hang in there. Double down on your practicing. Take your target and place it where that buck was standng, climb up in your stand and practice there too. Get back up on that horse and keep at it! Edited by Slappy
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I shot one once searched for an hour didn't find any blood or hair or nothing on my arrow. Climbed back in my stand sat for another hour or two. Thought I had clean miss. Got down looked around a little more and decided i for sure missed somehow even though it looked and sounded good. thought I was losing it and headed for the truck. Walked 100 yds across a hay field and he was laying dead right out in the middle where I was walking. No blood no nothin anywhere. But it was a good shot. It was strange. Sometimes it is strange.

On a side note, same day when i got back to my truck there were 5-6 longbeards standing right in front if it. I dropped back down, nocked an arrow, drew and rose up. Picked one, shot him a hair below the base of his wings sweet spot. Last time i saw him he was flying toward the next county with my arrow sticking out of him.

It was a jacked up day.
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Sorry Ruger. That's very upsetting. :-( But, it sounds like you practiced, you researched, you passed on some deer and at the end of the day, after doing everything right, you made a bad shot. Well, it happens! Even prostaff make bad shots! What you did well on is trying to recover your animal. Most would go back a second or third time.
That's hunting though man. I'd be a fool to say that I would never make a bad shot. My dad shot a huge 8pt in Mississippi. At that time, it was legal to use pods filled with poison to ensure a quick kill. He had a complete pass through with his arrow. Covered in blood and hair. The poison pod was rolled fully back and that buck got a full dose of poison. He even had a great blood trail for a while, but in the end, he couldn't find it.
Hang in there. Double down on your practicing. Take your target and place it where that buck was standng, climb up in your stand and practice there too. Get back up on that horse and keep at it!

Thanks Slappy. I covered all of that ground I'm allowed on probably 4 or 5 times between last night and today. If it had been a coyote, I'd have looked once and went back to deer hunting. That's crazy about the pod not killing that deer in MS!

I'm not giving up, I'm going to do everything twice as hard now. That is part of the allure of bow hunting to me, it's not easy and I have a ton more respect for bow hunters now. The adrenaline rush is like no other I've ever felt.

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I shot one once searched for an hour didn't find any blood or hair or nothing on my arrow. Climbed back in my stand sat for another hour or two. Thought I had clean miss. Got down looked around a little more and decided i for sure missed somehow even though it looked and sounded good. thought I was losing it and headed for the truck. Walked 100 yds across a hay field and he was laying dead right out in the middle where I was walking. No blood no nothin anywhere. But it was a good shot. It was strange. Sometimes it is strange.

On a side note, same day when i got back to my truck there were 5-6 longbeards standing right in front if it. I dropped back down, nocked an arrow, drew and rose up. Picked one, shot him a hair below the base of his wings sweet spot. Last time i saw him he was flying toward the next county with my arrow sticking out of him.

It was a jacked up day.

HOLY CRAP! That is crazy! Glad you happened upon the deer though.


I saw your turkey today, still had the arrow in him :lol:

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Ruger it sucks but happens to most at some time or another. I stuck a 170's Illinois buck 3 years ago. Arrow passed thru and didn't leave enough blood to figure out where he went when he got out of sight. It was with a Rage...but, I still hunt with them because 99.9% of the time they are devastating! Like 30 yard and drop devastating. Some deer seem to be like people, just more will to live, and either run forever and die, or I like to think that they make it. I hate wounding an animal more than anything like you do!
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Ruger it sucks but happens to most at some time or another. I stuck a 170's Illinois buck 3 years ago. Arrow passed thru and didn't leave enough blood to figure out where he went when he got out of sight. It was with a Rage...but, I still hunt with them because 99.9% of the time they are devastating! Like 30 yard and drop devastating. Some deer seem to be like people, just more will to live, and either run forever and die, or I like to think that they make it. I hate wounding an animal more than anything like you do!

That sucks for sure, I've never been fortunate enough to see a deer in the woods that big. I'm not going to blame just the Rage, I just had high hopes using it. Had my shot been a little better, I may have had that huge blood trail to follow. Yes, wounding a deer is the LAST thing I EVER want to do. I'm going back out in the morning before work to look again.

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The bright side, weather you find him or not, is that you got the monkey off your back of that first shot. First shot that makes contact that is. From here on out, you only have to worry about distance and shot placement. Don't beat yourself up on the shot placement though deer move so fast that you may have been on the money, and it was just time for the deer to move a little.
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The bright side, weather you find him or not, is that you got the monkey off your back of that first shot. First shot that makes contact that is. From here on out, you only have to worry about distance and shot placement. Don't beat yourself up on the shot placement though deer move so fast that you may have been on the money, and it was just time for the deer to move a little.


I agree with Wiljo. Deer often drop as soon as they hear the bow often resulting in the arrow hitting high. Sounds travels faster than the arrow so that's why.

Thanks guys, I'm trying to look at it that way. It will drive me harder to do better each and every time I go out. I can play it over and over in my head, but nothing will change no matter how many times I do. But I can change what I do from now on. I really appreciate all the feedback. I hope to still find this buck or get another one, or both if the deer gods are in my favor. Either way, the bag is nothing like real life scenarios, I know that for a fact!

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