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Pincus suggests verbally warning home invader

Guest confidence

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Guest confidence

Not sure what I think about this Pincus video:





I think for me it would be more like this:


1. If there is time, the family would barricade in the safe room without me

2. I would *positively identify the target as a BG (especially important at night) and then pull the trigger


I know it would likely not be that cut and dried as there could be other complexities, but I'm not sure I agree with his version, including the idea of verbally warning the BG that you have a gun.


*EDIT: By "positively identify the target", I mean visually (or otherwise) confirm that they are not a member of my household or an overnight guest. After that, and only after that, I will be firing upon them.

Edited by confidence
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[quote name="confidence" post="1022141" timestamp="1377576467"] Not sure what I think about this Pincus video: I think for me it would be more like this: 1. If there is time, the family would barricade in the safe room without me 2. I would positively identify the target as a BG (especially important at night) and then pull the trigger I know it would likely not be that cut and dried as there could be other complexities, but I'm not sure I agree with his version, including the idea of verbally warning the BG that you have a gun.[/quote] I have kids to protect. Any apprehension on my part to eliminate the threat puts their lives at risk, especially due to my floor plan. Anyone who illegally enters my home does not deserve the benefit of the doubt, and anyone who risks their lives by giving an intruder the benefit of the doubt is being foolish. The benefit of the doubt ends at the locked door or window they came through. The locked door was their warning. Edited by TMF
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There are no guarantees in a gunfight.  As Batman said, shooting is a last resort.  If a simple verbal warning eliminates the threat, the family will be much safer with shouting rather than bullets bullets flying.  OTH, he sums it up with being prepared through training to respond with force if need be.

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There are no guarantees in a gunfight.  As Batman said, shooting is a last resort.  If a simple verbal warning eliminates the threat, the family will be much safer with shouting rather than bullets bullets flying.  OTH, he sums it up with being prepared through training to respond with force if need be.


I'm 100% certain I can stop a threat quicker with bullets than with words.  Someone who has forced entry into my home, where my wife and kids sleep, is a mortal threat; no different than someone who is pointing a weapon at you.  You may say there is no guarantees in a gun fight, but there ain't no guarantees with trying to talk an intruder from killing you and your family.  I don't see how anyone could say that it is the preferred technique.  If someone is bent on doing you harm which do you think will stop them faster; words or bullets?  I know the choice I'm going with.

Edited by TMF
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Guest 6.8 AR

If someone is in my house, and they know me, they will identify themselves way before a gunfight would occur. To

verbally warn a total stranger only lets them know where you are.

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I think it all depends on the situation, and every situation is different. It could be a kid you know that is trying to prank. On the other hand, it could be someone willing to kill you. It's a really tough call and a very serious one. I'm not going to be "pre-loaded" to pull the trigger unless I determine that pulling the trigger is the proper first response. An intruder advancing toward my family in a dark hallway of our home is probably not going to hear me yelling over the sound of gunfire anyway. If someone just walks in the door while I'm home alone and I have the tactile advantage... I'll say get out of my house and back it up with lead only if necessary. I think it really does depend on the situation. Edited by Batman
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If someone is in my house, and they know me, they will identify themselves way before a gunfight would occur. To

verbally warn a total stranger only lets them know where you are.

^This. What if there are two are more BGs?  What happens while you are talking to the first guy?  The second guy stays in the shadows and shoots you. Maybe? Maybe not? I'm not taking that risk for my family. Once I'm down, my wife will not be able to defend herself. That's why I'm there... that, and to kill spiders. :pleased:


Oh, let me add that it would vary depending on circumstances. I live in the country behind a locked gate 100 yards from the highway and we lock our doors at night. No one is going to try to prank me. I'm not a 20-something kid.  My close friends know that I keep a loaded gun handy at all times.


And one more thing. I'm not answering the door after dark. No one should be knocking at my door. I'll call 911 and let the cops talk to them.

Edited by jgradyc
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Pincus is just another one of those gunfighting experts who has never been in a gunfight.


Besides, Rob is a Norwich grad who was commissioned as an Air Defense officer - - - and Everybody knows that something just isn't right if a Norwich alumnus isn't an Armor/Cavalry officer! 

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If someone is in my house, and they know me, they will identify themselves way before a gunfight would occur. To

verbally warn a total stranger only lets them know where you are.


Possibly they already know you are there. The verbal warning would let them know you're awake and alert. That might be enough to scare them off. Or not.


I doubt this is one for which there is a "right" answer.

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He is often one of the three panelists on a show I watch (Trigger Time) on the Pursuit Channel. I've read and watched a lot of his opinions, tips and videos of home and self defense.


For a long time I thought this guy was a pacifist short in the gonad department. Then I really started to think about the subject after my ADT alarm went off at 3:00 A.M. sometime back and seriously evaluated my security improvements and goals. Leaving my testosterone out of my reasoning and looking at my possessions I cherish and worked hard for as just items that can be replaced, and things that can not be replaced, it made perfect sense to me.


I realized the most important aspect of a home invasion / self defense life or death situation is... First and foremost is keep the family and you safe and alive "at any and all costs".


A secondary and very important issue to me is my quality of life and financial stability. I would not find it pleasant dealing with the aftermath of a self defense shooting.

  • Having to clean up a biological mess, replace / repair carpeting, walls, furniture, appliances, etc.
  • Most likely getting my favorite carry / HD handgun confiscated and held as evidence and the hassle of getting it back.
  • Under duress having to remember the limited amount of information to give to 9-1-1 and the responding officers to be used to determine if charges will be filed against you.
  • The likelihood for a potential lawsuit against you despite Castle Doctrine law.
  • The emotional trauma inflicted on your self and family and dealing with it.
  • The potential permanent hearing loss you and / or your family may receive.

Now don't get me wrong, I have no problem with the BG's meeting their maker what-so-ever but... A person has to make their own decision what's in their best interest and I'm starting to lean with Rob Pincus's reasoning and way of thinking. That being retreat if at all possible and try to barricade your loved ones and defend and call 9-1-1 from there. From the stand point of your best odds, self preservation and family safety, doesn't that make the most sense?

Edited by Dennis1209
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I'm going to make an ASSUMPTION if a home invader forces their way into my home, i'm going to assume that they are there to kill me and my family and I plan not to wait for them to tell me their intentions. I may verbally warn them while i'm shooting them, i'll warn them that I will continue shooting them if they don't fall down on the floor. I'm not making any other assumptions that they will stop or run away if I warn them, i'm not taking any chances that they will comply.
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But a hazmat cleanup team is more expensive then fixing a broken window,

There is absolutely nothing that I value above the lives of my family that I'm supposed to protect. When somebody forces entry into my home they are assumed to be there to do them harm. I don't have the luxury of giving the criminal the benefit of the doubt. He lost that when he forced entry. The locked door was his warning.

No lawsuit, fear of conviction or any other superfluous reason will trump my duty to protect my family. I won't gamble on their lives by giving an intruder the opportunity to disable or kill me, thus leaving them unprotected and at the mercy of a sociopath. If other folks are cool with that, then by all means, worry about civil suits. I'll worry about keeping my family alive.
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I truly hope that day never comes....If it does, i may try to warn if time permits but I'm not sure i can talk that fast. These people are not gonna bust your door down and stand there. they're gonna be coming at you HARD & FAST. They're gonna be armed and the first person to shoot may be the last man standing. I want to be that guy...the life of my family would depend on that being the outcome.
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There is absolutely nothing that I value above the lives of my family that I'm supposed to protect. When somebody forces entry into my home they are assumed to be there to do them harm. I don't have the luxury of giving the criminal the benefit of the doubt. He lost that when he forced entry. The locked door was his warning.

No lawsuit, fear of conviction or any other superfluous reason will trump my duty to protect my family. I won't gamble on their lives by giving an intruder the opportunity to disable or kill me, thus leaving them unprotected and at the mercy of a sociopath. If other folks are cool with that, then by all means, worry about civil suits. I'll worry about keeping my family alive.


Of course. The discussion is about the best way to do so. It may be that encouraging the bad-guy to leave without a gunfight would be better than hoping that things will go well when the bullets start flying. There are so many factors that could play into this, including ones that wouldn't be evident until the event, that I'm not confident saying one-way or another.

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I have an easy solution for everyone that wants to give warnings and those that will not. Go to the range. Shoot a silhouette target performing the mozambique drill. Take the target and get it laminated with a sign saying "3 warning shots will be given, I cannot help if those shots land in the shown areas as I have never practiced "missing" a target." And hang it on the front door. I am sure this will also rid you of solicitors too :D The warning an intruder will hear after breaking into my home is the trigger breaking. For some reason I have never heard it when shooting but I know it's there from dry fire exercises :/ Like TMF said the locked door was a warning, the alarm going off is a second warning to how serious I am about protecting my family. Edited by sL1k
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I finally watched the video. I assume they have a national audience. In a state without castle or stand your ground laws, I think you would probably have to go through those steps to stay out of prison, even though you were in fear for your life as soon as they crashed the door.

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Not sure what I think about this Pincus video:...


I think for me it would be more like this:


1. If there is time, the family would barricade in the safe room without me

2. I would *positively identify the target as a BG (especially important at night) and then pull the trigger


I know it would likely not be that cut and dried as there could be other complexities, but I'm not sure I agree with his version, including the idea of verbally warning the BG that you have a gun.


*EDIT: By "positively identify the target", I mean visually (or otherwise) confirm that they are not a member of my household or an overnight guest. After that, and only after that, I will be firing upon them.

I would always "warn" if I have a safe opportunity to do so...why wouldn't I???

I not armed just so I can shoot someone, especially if it can be avoided; if the home invader (or the thug in any given situation) can be warned and he decides to make an intelligent decision to disengage then so much the better.

This is right in line with most every other training I've had including Massad Ayoob.

Edited by RobertNashville
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